
Saturday, June 11, 2011

{Flat Belly Diet Foods - Meet the MUFAs!}

Summer is almost starting and that also means getting into shorts and bathing suits, e.g. bikinis. I just came across some very help full foods that I want to share with you! First of all; what are MUFAs? That are monounsaturated fatty acids, plant-based fats found in some of the world's most delicious foods; avocado, nuts and seeds, oils, olives and dark chocolate! Good for heart health too.
Already previously in my 6th blog award post, I did reveal some facts about me:
1) Dark chocolate is my favorite.
2) Avocado is yummy for breakfast (we eat a half one each day!) and great for skin.
It seems to be even better than just for your skin!
Nuts we do eat with a cup of hot tea in the afternoon, so we're living pretty healthy according to the MUFAs info above.
Contrary to the avocado's nickname 'butter pear' it proves to be a weight loss food. Huh, did you all know that?! It does decrease belly fat.
Pick your MUFA: Florida Avocado, Hass avocado. Personally I prefer the Florida avocado. Click Recipes for Avocado 

AMEN to dark chocolate! One of my favorites. For sure I inherited that from my Dad; he loves it too. Most people like the milk chocolate but THIS is the healthy one...

Related link:
{SUGAR is your #1 enemy!} | previous post by me
{Foods that Support the Skin} | previous post by me
{Natural Healing Chart for almost all Sickness} | previous post by me with a wealth of information!
{9 'Harmless' Habits That Age You} | previous post by me with great tips


  1. Hello Mariette,
    to flat the belly with yummy food - that sounds tempting. And I really love the food, you introduced us. Avocado is one of my favour, but you are right, I could eat much more of them. What a nice idea to have a flat belly. And always when I see photos of you I am thrilled about your shape!
    Thank you for sharing all this helpful informations.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    herzliche Grüße und schöne

    Angela und Elisabeth

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    wenn das nur so leicht ginge mit der Abnehmerei. Ich kämpfe seit Jahrzehnten mit meinem Gewicht. Seit ich aber Insulin spritzen muss, ist es ganz vorbei. Ich glaube, ich muss mich endlich damit abfinden, nie mehr schlank wie eine Tanne zu werden.
    Trotzdem danke für Deine Tips
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Pfingstfest

  4. wat een strafffffffffffff!!!!!;)......plattebuikeneten is zo verkeerd nog niet!!!!;)


  5. Definitely, my husband need this "flat belly diet". He was SO skinny when we married. Totally, he gained 25㎏ since then^^;)
    It sure is my fault. Haha, I think it is a crucial issue, as we are facing our senior age....

    Thank you for the important information, which is a huge reminder for us, Orchid.

  6. 。˚✿•
    Boas dicas para esperar o verão.
    Bom fim de semana!
    。˚ ˚ ˛✿

  7. These are the exact same things I eat just about every day. It was 6years ago that I changed my eating completely and lost nearly 30 lbs. It is easy to maintain, even when I stray a bit, because I always go back to the healthy way. Hope your day is beautiful. Tammy

  8. I'm naturally a healthy eater, I hate fast food and I hate soda. But I do love butter which I've cut back on lately!

    I love avocado's, my mom's neighbors tree had the best...they had the smooth skin and tasted like cream! The one's I buy in the grocery store just don't taste as good but I still enjoy them:)

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    ich esse auch am liebsten roh und all diese gesunden Sachen. Ein Kuchen-Freak bin ich gar nicht und dazu Vegetarier. Meine Männer essen noch ein wenig anders, aber überwiegend sind sie auch Vegetarier. Vor allem essen sie mehr und sind "süßer" *lach*

    Ein frohes Pfingstfest wünsche ich Dir und Deinem Mann und alles Liebe

  10. Hi Mariette! I love avocado and I can eat it every day! But I did not know it was a weight loss food. Yes, because of the nickname, I thought it was a kind of high calorie food. It's good to know avocado actually works to decrease belly fat!

  11. Thanks for that interesting information.

  12. Hi There, This is looking Gorgeous. A very well made post with beautiful pictures. Loved the new combo of ingredients and the recipe is so nicely made and presented. Its always fun to see ur appetizing recipes.Saving this recipe of urs and wud love to give ur version a try on the coming weekend. Have a great day….Sonia !!!

  13. I really enjoyed reading all these great tips!


  14. I wish I could eat avocados. For some reason bananas and avocados upset my stomach. But I love all the other foods mentioned, and good to know they're so good for you. You are an inspiration Mariette, with your healthy eating habits, and staying at the same weight over a lifetime.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
