
Monday, July 18, 2011

{Our Pink Hibiscus Syriacus 'Aphrodite' - Aphrodite Rose of Sharon}

Our Single Pink Hibiscus Syriacus 'Aphrodite' - Aphrodite Rose of Sharon is one of the many varieties we have in our garden. It is amazing that in the heat of summer, these do very well. They bloom the entire summer long!
Hibiscus Syriacus 'Aphrodite' - Aphrodite Rose of Sharon 
For the top photo I used the flash, so you would have a clear view of the center part.
That's where butterflies and hummingbirds feast, as well as bees.
The center one shows a bee inside, snacking on the pollen...

Related links:
{Our Hibiscus syriacus 'Blushing Bride' from Quero, Belluno in Italy} | previous post by me
{Our Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc & Our Life in Italy} | previous post by me
{3 Hibiscus Varieties 'KONA' - 'CONFEDERATE ROSE' and a RED variegated} | a previous post by me


  1. Dear Mariette,

    The pink Hibiscus is so pretty and yes, they do thrive in hot weather.
    So nice to have plants, so the bees and birds to can get nectar from.

    Happy new week

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    du bist ja eine ganz eifrige
    Bloggerin hier.
    Deine Fotos sind einmalig schön.

    Frohe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  3. ..le meraviglie della natura ci stupiscono sempre!!!! Baci,Anna.

  4. Hallo Mariette,
    ich liebe diese Hibiskus-Vertreter. Sie sind so ausdauernd und ertragen Hitze, Kälte und Trockenheit und blühen unermüdlich. Und wie du schon schreibst, sie sind eine richtige Bienen- und Hummelweide. Ich habe mir einen blaublühenden Strauch gekauft. Bei uns werden jetzt im Gartencenter großblühende Hibiscus moscheutos angeboten. Die sehen auch toll aus, aber ich weiß nicht, ob die für unser Klima günstig sind.
    Die H. syriakus-Vertreter sind es jedenfalls.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  5. meraviglioso!!!!!!!!!!! buona settimana e un abbraccio lory

  6. Hi marriette just caught up on all your glorious posta more wonderul jasmine mmmm and the hibiscus is SO delicate just done a post as I fly to Lonodn tomorrow on another uk tour so see you in 2 weeks enjoy the sun too
    love fay xxx

  7. It is a big, beautiful bloom. Not sure it could survive our heat. Temps are down a bit because dust in the sky but still around 110. No matter, I am inside enjoying down time. Back to school in 4 weeks. :/ Have a great day. Tammy

  8. Looks gorgeous- and looks like you have some gorgeous weather down where you,in the UK with all the rain and cold we are having, my Virginia Creeper has decided Autumn has arrived and started to colour itself red !!
    You can see the picture on the Modern Country Lady facebook page- very pretty but a bit too early to call an end to summer for me :-((

  9. Hello Mariette,
    Your pink hibiscus is very pretty. Its petals are so delicate. And what a beautiful name it has.
    Have a lovely week!

  10. Love your hibiscus dear Mariette. Sadly they don´t do well here at my garden.
    hugs dear

  11. The pink Hibiscus is soooooooo pretty and yes, they sure thrive in hot weather.

  12. Wat zijn ze mooi, he, en zo teder. Een mooie zomer, lieve Mariette. I cannot wait for Fall to arrive, to curle up in my chair and wander through blog land every day xxxoooxxx

  13. Your pink hibiscus is breath taking!!! Your photos of them are beautiful .... Happy Monday my friend.xo HHL

  14. Queasti fiori sono bellissimi!!!Sembrano di carta!Baci,Rosetta

  15. this is one of my favourite flowers. Do you know the Australian native hibiscus Alyongyne heugli? It's not in pink yet but in purple and white.

  16. Hi Mariette, what a pretty flower, I do love those colors! You are so sweet to stop by my blog to leave your sweet thoughts! Thank you! Christie

  17. Oh my goodness Mariette, that is just gorgeous!

  18. Hello my dear friend Mariette:
    Some weeks ago, I wanted to write you and ask you about a very nice flower that we have in our garden, nobody planted it, it just came by itself. Since nobody knows about it, I thought that maybe you could help me to find out to identify it. And turns out that this is it!!!!! Aphrodite Rose of Sharon !!!! I couldn't believe it!!! I'm so happy you posted this and now I know the name. Thank you very much!

    I send you a big hug my sweet friend

    Laura =)

  19. Hi Mariette,
    Your Hibiscus is stunning. I tell ya, you can just grow anything. You are blessed with a green thumb.
    So love seeing these gorgeous blooms and catching up on all I missesd here lately.
    You are amazing my friend.
    Thank you for stopping by to my studio post and your sweet words.
    Love from Texas,
    Celestina Marie

  20. Ciao dolce amica i tuoi fiori sono stupendi,la natura ci regala sempre qualcosa di prezioso!!
    Grazie per il tuo dolcissimo commento,siete tutte un tesoro per me e vi voglio bene,mi avete dato una grande forza!!
    Un abbraccio sincero a presto!!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
