
Sunday, July 17, 2011

{Goodbye Gibson...}

This photo is taken ten hours before another beloved feline, Gibson, left this world. Got a comment from Bea from Modern Country Lady, who is the human parent of Gibson, a 16 year old feline, that had to be put to sleep earlier on Saturday morning. You can read about it here: Goodbye to an old friend.
Barty is sitting here and he is kind of musing about life. Can felines sense things? I guess they know a lot... But from across the Ocean we want to send our sympathy and hope you will manage this loss. Living with a fur baby for that long, makes it awfully hard for letting go. The good thing is, that there are still other fur babies in your household, for distracting a little bit from the tears and beautiful monogrammed linen handkerchiefs...
Barty is 7 and he's hoping to live as long as Gibson did...
There are moments that you can feel down but you have to look up again...
As Tammy from T's Daily Treasures had written in her header: Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) quote
Bye Gibson...

Barty's dream did come true, he too lived to be 16+ years... R.I.P. Sweet Barty Boy


  1. You know what a hard time I had when I had to put Sweet Kitty to sleep.

    Jingles was 7 in April so she and Barty are the same age. He is certainly a beautiful cat. Jingles has never been able to enjoy the great outdoors; only the safety of our balconies but she does love being out there when the weather is nice.

    Have a lovely day. Tammy (Thanks for the mention)

  2. Dear Mariette,

    So sad when we have to say goodbye to our beloved members of our family.
    Sending lots of love to you, sorry about dear Gibson.
    I loved seeing the photos of adorable Barty.

    Enjoy your Sunday and wishing a great week ahead.


  3. Dearest Mariette, thank you for this lovely tribute to my lovely Gibson.
    I was just holding my cats Tilda and Thomasina and they seem quite bereft that their big friend Gibson is gone, and keep on coming over for cuddles- so yes, cats definitely can figure out what's going on.. and Maud and Millie are two mourning little figures spread on the bed.. poor little things.Either they pick up our feeling or they really know what't going on.I am grateful for all the love and support yopu have sent me..thank you, dearest Mariette.
    Bea ( Gibson's mum ).

  4. It is so sad when our four legged friends leave us. But you are right. We have to keep moving ahead and remember all the wonder things about them.

    Beautiful post Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    wir freuen uns über das niedliche

    Sonnige Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  6. That is so sad - and the sting of the grief so painful. But naturally it helps to have so many beautiful memories.
    Barty is very handsome and I hope he lives a long healthy life.
    This is always a difficult one...
    Much love
    from Joan

  7. Barty is prachtig!
    Ja, triest als je 'n kat moet laten inslapen ... Helaas nog maar kort geleden dat onze Mupke te ziek werd voor deze wereld.
    Groetjes, en een fijne zondag,

  8. I am so sorry to hear a sad news about your friend. Gibson must have had a very happy life with lots of love from his family. I hope the hears of his family will heal soon.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    er ist über den Regenbogen gegangen und lebt jetzt in einer schönen Welt.
    Es sit immer schwer, wenn ein lieber Hausgenosse von uns geht.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht Dir

  10. It is so sad to read that your friend
    Gibson has passed away these things are never get used to that remind my dog has lost more then ten years ago
    and I still clearly remember that how much we are enjoyed with him.
    Wish Gibson family to remember a beautiful memorial of Gibson.

  11. Dear Mariette,
    So sad to read about Gibson. Cats are so special! Your Barty is very cute!

  12. Mariette,
    I'm sorry about Gibson. A four-legged friend can bring so much happiness to our lives, and it's always hard when we lose that friend.
    The pictures of Barty are so cute. What a darling!

  13. Hei Mariette,

    Wat erg van Gibson en dat Barty hem mist is vanzelfsprekend.
    Ook Silver mist Joep, hij is nu heel aanhankelijk geworden en volgt ons de hele tijd.

    Wij wensen jullie veel sterkte, geniet van de mooie herinneringen die jullie aan Gibson hebben.

    Sandy en Silver

  14. Hei Mariette,

    Wat erg van Gibson en dat Barty hem mist is vanzelfsprekend.
    Ook Silver mist Joep, hij is nu heel aanhankelijk geworden en volgt ons de hele tijd.

    Wij wensen jullie veel sterkte, geniet van de mooie herinneringen die jullie aan Gibson hebben.

    Sandy en Silver


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