
Friday, September 23, 2011

{9 'Harmless' Habits That Age You}

On July 27, I did watch this interesting video about Aging Well and the 9 'Harmless' Habits That Age You.
See also below this video, the 9 points being explained.


Smoking cigarettes and frying in the sun make you older
1. You keep your college bedtime

2. You have a soft spot for sweets
3. You''re stressed more often than not
4. You only exercise when trying to lose weight
5. You blast your iPod
6. You never see your friends
7. You eat fruits and veggies—but not every day
8. You've shunned all fat
 9. You can't remember when the last time you had sex...

Related links:
{Foods that Support the Skin} | previous post by me
{Natural Healing Chart for almost all Sickness} | previous post by me with a wealth of information!
{SUGAR is your #1 enemy!} | previous post by me


  1. Hi Mariette,
    thank you for this helpfull tipps. And thank you for the photos, as I don't get the voice in such videos on my computer. Not easy to combine all this nice tipps with the true life. But I am working on it.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. Oh no, I'm going to be in huge trouble—so many of these are true for me... and all are true! For one thing, I've been trying to exercise more, not just to keep my figure but for my overall health. Interesting enough, I've had issues with my back over the years, but upon cycling more, the pain is significantly less. As far as sweets go though, I might be at a loss :)

    Hope you are having a wonderful day, Mariette!
    xx, Sarah

  3. Stare attenti è meglio,a volte però i mali vengono lo stesso e ti chiedi perchè nonostante hai eseguite delle regole.Però se non l'avresti eseguite saresti stato ancora peggio!Baci,Rosetta

  4. Volgens dit 'aging well' word ik oud ;-) nu nog hopen dat dit niet alleen op lichamelijk maar ook op geestelijk vlak geldt ....

  5. Ha Mariette,

    Ik denk dat je mijn roos niet mooi vond,ik zelf vond hem wat stijf, maar dat komt omdat wit eigenlijk niet bewerkt hoeft te worden en het papier dus wat stug lijkt.Bij gekleurde rozen bewerk ik het papier wel en wordt het zachter zodat ik ze eigenlijk natuurlijker eruit vind zien. Evengoed veel plezier ervan.

    Ook fijn weekend, bij jullei ook nog zomer?

    Liefs Janny.

  6. Bij de oudere post zag ik de rose steppingstones! Wat leuk! Nooit eerder gezien, jij gaat dus over rozen!

    Groetjes Janny.

  7. Hi!
    It all seems to be thrue when i read it, yet its hard to not eat sweets...
    Have a nice weekend!
    Hug Anna

  8. oh - a wonderful post, after I am 38 now ;-) !!

    Thank you for your birthday wishes, dear mariette!!



  9. Ja, da gibt es so manches und ich sollte jetzt auch längst im Bett liegen, denn der beste Schlaf - besonders der für die Schönheit - ist der vor Mitternacht! Sagte schon Sophia Loren!

    Danke für Deine lieben Worte von vor kurzem und liebe Grüße, gute Nacht

  10. It all makes sense doesn't it? The staying away from sweets is a little hard.... ;)

    Happy Weekend to you Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  11. Liebe Mariette,

    ein lieber Gruß und einen guten Tag

    Angela und Elisabeth

  12. Dear Mariette!
    This is very interesting, thanks so much for sharing it with us.
    I have a nice little surprise for you in my blog, come and visit me and you'll see.
    Laura =)

  13. Mariette, Thanks for posting these tips. I guess I need to go to bed now. Hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
