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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, May 31, 2012

{SUGAR is your #1 enemy!}

  • Since some of you have asked me what my secret is for maintaining the same size and weight since I was 15, here is an interesting story about sugar. 
  • In 2007 I learned that I had high blood sugar levels, diabetes type 2 or diabetes mellitus as they call it. Since than I have removed most sweet foods from my daily diet. 
  • I never drank coke or any soft drinks, just plain water. 
  • From childhood on I always have had a fondness of fruits and vegetables, of course being the daughter of a market gardener I was born into them. 
  • That is a good and healthy habit. 
  • In a later post I will show you some fruits that are natural diuretics, that also helps you for looking slim(mer). Below this post you find some helpful links to my previous posts!
  • Now about this fun way of expressing the effect of sugar intake. I received it in an email and below the post I can give you a link of info I found on the Internet. 
  • Guess the sugar consumption world wide is very, very high and we can tell! Be aware...

  • A Unique Way To Present This...
  • 4.2 grams = 1 teaspoon of sugar, so this looks like 1 cube is about the same!
  • Someone ought to get an award for this. 
  • We know the facts, but this brings it into perspective quickly, doesn’t it? 
  • Each cube is a teaspoonful (American teaspoon sizing is larger than elsewhere).
  • The fresh fruit sugar, called glucose, is not as bad as processed sugar. It will be broken down by our body slowly and is converted into sucrose and glycogen. Versus processed sugar that will be absorbed very fast into the bloodstream. Therefore fruits are always recommended for Diabetes type 2 patients.

  • Now someone needs to do this with salt!

'When someone shares something of value
with you and you benefit from it, you have
a moral obligation to share it with others.'

Related link:
Just a spoonful of sugar helps...
Flat Belly Diet Foods - Meet the MUFAs! | previous post by me
Foods that Support the Skin | previous post by me
Natural Healing Chart for almost all Sickness | previous post by me with a wealth of information!
{9 'Harmless' Habits That Age You} | previous post by me with great tips
Sugar: The Bitter Truth | A very informative video with LOTS of information


  1. It is very easy to see what I should, and should not, be consuming! Thank you for sharing .........

  2. Mariette. Bonjour to you and thank you for stopping by chez French Girl today. What a great post. Very informative (and scary.) I am forwarding to all my friends! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Dear Mariette,

    Great information here and thanks for sharing. The same posters are on the walls of our Doctors waiting room.
    It is staggering and good to be aware of how much sugar goes into the food we eat.

    Happy day

  4. thank you for that information - I am also type2 and struggle with my weight. I look forward to more information.

  5. Some of these piles of sugar are striking. I'm glad I like the fruit with less sugar, some of these totals are amazingly high. Cinnabon lovers, beware (not me.) Thank you for sharing and congrats on keeping sugar out of your diet.

  6. Ik drink altijd water lust geen limonade...neem nooit suiker in koffie of thee..nooit gedaan ook....eet fruit ed....groentes.....snoep heel weinig !!..en toch ben ik dik geworden...het ligt ook gewoon aan je genen hoor daar ben ik van overtuigd...eet minder dan hemmes...dus......sommige worden echt van water dik....maar.....let op...ben nu maar weer gaan sporten......dus wieweet word ik ooit zo slank als jij.....hahaahahahahaha...proest !!!...liefs van mij...xxx..

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Your information for fresh from sugar
    glucose, I loved everything about it.

    Thank you for actually enjoy doing at it makes everything easier for us.

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist eine Freude, bei dir zu sein.

    Sonnige Grüße

  9. Ben het met je eens,suiker is een boosdoener. Maar eet je ook niet af en toe een stuk chocola?

    Groeten Janny

  10. oh je - nun weiß ich, warum ich mein Gewicht nie halten kann - Zucker in allerlei Süßigkeiten begleitet mich schon mein ganzes Leben - kann mir auf Dauer nicht vorstellen, ohne auszukommen - aber... bin grade dabei zu reduzieren - fällt es dir nicht schwer?


  11. Good Morning my dear friend; You are a wealth of knowledge and I am so happy that you share it with us. This is certainly an eye opener on sugar (and what quantity) we are actually consuming. I've been realizing that portion sizes are way out of wack (and will be sharing in a future post)from what are bodies need and what we actually consume.

    I have so missed reading your posts during my absence from blogland ..and am looking forward to catching up and getting back on track.

    I was swooning over your gorgeous vest and your skirt is so lovely. You have been blessed with a wonderful skill of sewing.

    Thank you for your on-going support, encouragement, friendship and the wisdom you share.

    much love to you both, C. (HHL)

  12. I rarely eat sweets now and if I do it is measured to one serving. I have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension) and have to keep my sodium level at 2000 mg or lower. I am holding my calorie intake to 1500 per day to lose weight too. It is very difficult but I am finally getting use to it.

    Sodium is as bad as sugar...2/3 cups of frozen peas have 200 mg of sodium. ( I couldn't believe it!) You would be surprised how much sodium is in the foods we eat everyday.

  13. Dear Mariette
    It's very useful to see how many lumps of sugar common foods contain.
    I know that, my profession is dental assistant ...

  14. It is so much easier to get the message when you put it like this Mariette. I'm afraid, however, that I have a terrible weakness for chocolate.


  15. Thank you for sharing this information Mariette and letting us in the secret to your fabulous figure! I don't care for sugary foods at all, I can pass up dessert any time. And I hate soda, I'm a water drinker. But, I'm noticing, since we got to Florida I'm retaining a lot of water so I look forward to what you have in store as far as natural diuretics! I really hate feeling so puffy.

  16. Yea for Special K and Cheerios. Those are my favorite cereals. I've gained a few kilos because of not walking but I must make myself start again once school is over. I'll walk once in the morning and again in the evening. Interesting about the fruit -- I always thought if you had type 2 that you couldn't eat it because of the sugar. So much misinformation out there for sure. Best wishes to you, Tammy

  17. Ik drink ook nooit limonade,koffie/thee zonder suiker, en snoep ook niet zoveel, hooguit eens een stukje chocola, ijs eet ik ook niet veel, en toch ben ik 2 maatjes gegroeid sinds mijn 15e...
    Maar ben het met je eens, ik heb al gehoord dat ze suiker willen gaan verbieden, Stevia is al in opmars..heb zelf nu voor het eerst een paar plantjes in mijn kas staan, die blaadjes,,,daar kan geen suikerklontje tegenop.

  18. Dear Mariette,
    Wow, these photos certainly put things in perspective... no more soft drinks especially (my weakness)! I've missed coming by, your blog looks lovely.
    Thanks for your help too!
    Talk soon,

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    I remember you mentioned that you have this illness and try to control how much sugar you take. I respect your attitude of self-regulation, my friend. 
    Oh, these are very good information. I am happy that the fruits I love doesn't have much suger rate and your explanation about glucose. hehe, I bought first red-melon this year the other day; surprised hubby with the bit expensive price, just couldn't help it p;)
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  20. Passo per un saluto e per ringraziarti dei commenti che lasci sempre ai miei post!
    Un abbraccio grande dall'Italia!

  21. Dear Mariette,
    Thank You for Sharing the Information and nice post.

  22. Nou geweldig dat je dit volhoud Mariette,ikzelf drink graag frisdrank, en weet dat het niet goed is, maar sommige andere dingen denk ik wel eens waarom in god´s naam stoppen ze daar zoveel suiker in...zelfs bij het kattenvoer let ik erop, waarom doen ze toch in sommige soorten suiker, daar snap ik niks van...om de dierenarts ook wat te laten verdienen misschien....
    Fijne dag!

  23. Oh, liebe Mariette,
    wenn ich Softdrinks, Cola, Brause tirnken würde und täglich Süßigkeiten oder Kuchen essen würde, sähe ich bald wie eine Tonne aus!
    Ich glaube, daß man durchaus auf sich achten kann, wenn man es wirklich will!

    Ich mag es auch nicht, unnötig Übergewicht anzusammeln. Es kann manchmal krankheits- oder medikamentenbedingt sein, jedoch ist es oft aus Nachlässigkeit und Disziplinlosigkeit.

    Ich glaube aber, es gibt heute sehr viele unglückliche, einsame Menschen, die sich entweder entspannt futtern oder aber das Gegenteil, essen und brechen.

    Wirklich schlimm, daß der Zuckerkonsum weltweit noch zugenommen statt abgenommen hat. Aber in all den Blogs schon wird Zucker hochgelobt, alles was daraus hergestellt wird, häufig gezeigt, als sei das die beste und erstrebenswerteste Ernährung der Welt! Ich finde diesen Trend sehr sehr bedenklich!
    In spätestens 10, 20 Jahren werden alle die die Folgen zu spüren bekommen!

    Und die Zähne ... der Mensch weiß nicht, was er sich da antut!

    Die Zuckerwürfel-Pyramiden könnten von meinem Zahnarzt stammen, da stehn sie so ähnlich auch.
    Ja, einige verdrängen das ganz bewusst, wie sie sagen ... aber das "dicke Ende" kommt nach, wie meine Mutti sagen würde ...

    Ich hab' es allerdings so gelernt, daß der Fruchtzucker auch Chemie-Zucker ist - ein reines Präparat - siehe diese Tabelle


    Und Präparate sollte man möglichst ganz meiden. Seltene Ausnahmens sind jedoch gestattet. Zu Feiern oder ähnlichem.

    Danke für diesen wertvollen Post! Darüber kann man gar nicht oft genug schreiben!
    Und Du bist bewundernswert schlank!
    So ganz schaffe ich das (noch) nicht, auch wenn ich auch noch schlank bin.

    Liebe Grüße

  24. WOW what an eye opener- if I did not eat many of these foods before, I will certainly think twice before tucking into them now !!

  25. Hi Mariette,

    Yes, sugar is doing a lot of damage, more than we might think. Trying to stay out of it, not taking any sodas. I changed my diet a few years ago and got back to my normal weight again, and of course in combination with exercise. I vote for healthy eating these days :)

  26. Dearest Mariette,

    :))...I don't like sugary drink too...but I am addicted to chocolate!!!..It's bad I know but now I will remember this-Sugar is MY # 1 ENERMY!!!!....:P


  27. Mariette, this is a great post. I've cut out most sugar from my diet this summer, eating fresh berries, cherries, peaches, etc. instead. I've lost weight! Feel much better too. If I don't consume sweets, I find that I don't crave them anymore. Yea, to fresh fruits and vegetables.

  28. It is amazing how much sugar is in everything. And it is everywhere!! Thanks for sharing this Mariette.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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