
Sunday, September 18, 2011

{Visiting Ria from IT'S ME}

On August 31 we landed in Amsterdam at 5:25 AM after a 7½ hour flight from Atlanta. Ria from the lovely blog IT'S ME, did order something from Mariette's Back to Basics Boutique, she was very happy to get her goods hand delivered. So off we went after picking up our luggage from the carousel and installing our Magellan GPS with the Europe map in our BB&L rental car. That is always a luxury to have a car waiting for you at the curb, just across from the departure hall. We only need to get up the escalators to exit from the higher level. We drove along the romantic Vecht river and passed Nyenrode Business University on our way to Maarssen where Ria and Rein have their Bonhof Bloemen store. Her mother-in-law made us some coffee while Ria got on her way to the store. She arrived with a tote full of lovely gifts for us. Only now I unpacked them, as I intended to show them on my blog. Found some fragrant gardenias from our garden, to put in a French Baccarat vase. Next I put it all in the sunshine on the balcony after we had our afternoon tea...
All spread out on the teak table of our balcony...
Some cards from Bonhof bloemen as well as a Jeanne d'Arc Living Luxe Lifestyle magazine.
Voor Jou! -  For You!
Love the way her gifts are wrapped with their own signature Bon Nature band around it.
You ought to visit their web site. Just click on the highlighted words above.
LOVE the twine with the snippets of ribbon; it adds such a special touch!
Ria had used it also on the tote that held the gifts.
Very pure and natural looking...
That will be a treat with our morning coffee when the mail arrives. We always sit together and sip a cup. Ria is selling all those special gifts along with fresh flowers and plants!
Once I've caught up again, this will make a good read...
Sweet note with heart...
Thanks a lot Ria and Rein!
Cute bird house came out of the yellow parcel!
Romantic card with key charm on a ribbon, that she's selling also.
Touched by Love
Again a romantic card with a charm on a ribbon.
Friends are flowers that never fade...
Thanks again Ria and Rein and I am glad that we went the extra mile for you!
Despite of the heat and drought we got some fragrant Gardenias in a French Baccarat vase!
We lost a lot of trees, shrubs and plants but I'm grateful for these lovely flowers!
May the rain soon come to the south of the USA and relieve the wild fires in Texas.


  1. Wow, wat ben je verwend door Ria!!
    Leuk dat je weer eens in Nederland was, er kwam ook het woord Atlanta voorbij op je blog, op de cruise hadden we 2 tafelgenotes uit Atlanta, Karen en Trish..
    En tjsa,hier gaat geen dag voorbij of het regent en bij jullie daar, verdroogd het...waar moet dat toch naar toe.

  2. Cara Mariette, che bello poter conoscere Ria, è una persona speciale!!!...e che doni stupendi!!! Speriamo piova presto, anche da noi c'è rischio incendi!! Buona Domenica, Anna.

  3. Cara Mariette,tu meriti queste belle emozioni,perchè sei tanto cara e attenta al prossimo!Sono felice che hai potuto godere di questa vacanza,ti invio un grande abbraccio,Rosetta

  4. Hoi hoi...het was erg leuk en bijzonder dat jullie in de winkel voel ik me nog wel schuldig over dat ik zo laat was......oeps !! leest iedereen het ...en kan ik het eindelijk los laten.....hahahahhahah!!...liefs van hemmes natuurlijk...oja mag ik morgen deze post linken???...zo leuk gemaakt???...

  5. Thank you so much for the links to Rita's blogg and her gorgeous store.

    What pretty gifts and such beautiful packaging.

    I love the tulip chocolates


  6. Hallo Mariette,
    das war sicher ein schönes Zusammentreffen. All die schönen Sachen, die da neue Besitzer bekommen haben. Wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  7. welcome back home Mariette, and what a darling of a woman this Ria must be nice you had the opportunity to visit Holland.. I feel very guilty for not visiting often enough...and then I am so much nearer as it is only an hour's flight form here!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. I am so jealous, you get to hop around Europe! I love Europe and I do want to go there, but I don't fly so I am afraid that day will never come :(

    Those gardenias look so pretty and bet they smelled sooo good!

    Have a blessed week my sweet friend!


  9. Dearest Mariette,

    I'm so happy you had such a fun time with Ria and her family. The gifts are marvelous! The gardenias are gorgeous, I almost can smell their fragrances.

    ((( hugs to you and Pieter)))


  10. Hi Mariette, thanks for your visits. I loved how they look your magnolias, is certainly a detail in any table that I would enjoy to the fullest, is a beautiful flower, and smell. It is good that personally visit and deliver your purchase to Ria, what you received is beautiful! every detail! magazine, and cards with the faces of older girls is a very delicate detail. thanks for sharing, hugs. Rose Marie

  11. Dearest Mariette
    What gorgeous goodness - how lovely to have friends like that (I love that magazine btw). Your gardenias are awesome - the scent is almost coming across! Sounds like you had a lovely time.
    Much love
    from Joan

  12. Wat leuk Mariette, dat jullie in Nederland waren, en ook nog bij Ria langs zijn gegaan. Wat n mooie kado's heb je gekregen, ze is ook zo'n lieverd!
    Fijne dag wenst je,

  13. Thank you so much for the link to Rita's place Mariette. I can't wait to visit!

    I can just tell what a fabulous time you had! Sounds wonderful!


  14. Leuke blog Mariette! Woensdag zie ik een blogster irl ... zo fijn toch, dat bloggen!

  15. liebe Mariette,
    es war sicherlich eine sehr schöne Reise, vor allem alleine schon deshalb, endlich die Familie wiedersehen zu können ... ich stelle mir aber vor, dass dies auch sicherlich sehr emotional war, vor allem der Abschied, denn wie Du schon selber geschrieben hast, keiner weiß, ob man sich nochmal wiedersieht ... ja, das ist das Leben, und die Zeit kann man nicht aufhalten, auch wenn man das gerne manchmal möchte ... ich wünsche Dir alles Liebe und bedanke mich herzlich für alle Deine netten Kommentare, die Du in letzter Zeit bei mir im Blog hinterlassen hast! DANKE ... gute Nacht wünscht die Rosabella ♥

  16. My, such beautiful gifts. I sounds as if two very nice people made acquaintance. I am happy you had such a pleasant experience. You will enjoy those great treats.
    Love to you, Ginger

  17. Nou ja, wat ONTZETTEND LEUK dit! Dat zijn toch wel heel speciale momenten. Straks weer iedereen thuis in zijn eigen huis, bloggen en dan te bedenken dat je elkaar echt hebt ontmoet. Ik geniet mee!!!
    En Ria, wat heb je Mariette verwend met prachtige, sfeervolle, gezellige dingetjes.
    De witte rozen zijn ook al zo prachtig.
    Mooie post, Mariette.
    A happy new week, hoie-he ;)

    Liefs xxx

  18. Hi!
    I found my way here by Ria and her blogg It`s Me, and i´m glad i visit you i really like your blogg.
    Hug Anna

  19. Wat ben je verwend door Ria, ze laat altijd weer mooie foto's en sfeerplaatjes op haar blog zien. Ik heb een prachtig boek bij haar gekocht van mijn verjaardagcentjes... Dat was genieten!!

    Wat een mooie foto's heb je gemaakt. De kaartjes zijn heel mooi. Ook dat schattige vogelhuisje en die prachtig tere roosjes.

    Groetjes, Collie

  20. Wat ben jij verwend door een blogster! Het is toch fijn om zo met elkaar contact te hebben.

    Groetjes Sandy

  21. Wat ben jij verwend door een blogster! Het is toch fijn om zo met elkaar contact te hebben.

    Groetjes Sandy

  22. Dear Mariette,

    How wonderful that you got to meet up with Ria and bring back all the gorgeous gifts.
    Isn't it lovely when you are able to meet up with friends.
    The gardenia's are beautiful and know how heavenly they smell.

    Happy Thursday


Thanks for your visit and comment.
