
Monday, October 10, 2011

{Foods that Support the Skin}

Today I want to share with you some great tips on how to keep your skin beautiful.

Simply Beautiful Skin: Skin Care Science

Diet and Skin Health -- Foods That Support the Skin

A healthy diet provides the basic building blocks and nutrients to maintain healthy skin cells.

A well-balanced diet that nourishes the skin should include:

  • healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, salmon, and flaxseeds, for skin cell regeneration.

  • colorful fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and phytonutrients, to help give skin a healthy glow.

  • whole-grain breads and cereals that are rich in magnesium and B vitamins for regeneration of skin cells.

  • lots of water to help keep skin hydrated and plump.

In addition to eating the right foods, healthy skin requires limiting foods that can rob the skin of moisture, such as alcohol and caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and certain sodas.

Best of all, eating a healthy diet not only helps people look better, but it also helps people feel better.
Great article came from

Related links:
{SUGAR is your #1 enemy!} | previous post by me
Flat Belly Diet Foods - Meet the MUFAs! | previous post by me
Foods that Support the Skin | previous post by me
Natural Healing Chart for almost all Sickness | previous post by me with a wealth of information!
{9 'Harmless' Habits That Age You} | previous post by me with great tips


  1. Hi Mariette,
    no wonder, that you looks always fantastic with that knowledge about health and beauty. Very interesting post.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. 'n Mooie en gezonde huis is ook een kwestie van erfelijkheid, in combinatie met voldoende en gezond bewegen (ook in de buitenlucht), gezond eten èn niet roken. Verder laat ik me regelmatig verwennen bij een schoonheidsspecialiste, heerlijk! Fijne week, groetjes van Inge

  3. niet 'huis' maar 'huid' natuurlijk .... ;-)

  4. Excellent and useful post!

    I wish you a pleasant day and I send greetings:)

  5. I do try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables but I love the fact that chocolate does us good too.


  6. Dank je wel voor de tips Mariette. Het is goed om wat bewuster met eten om te gaan!

    Een fijne nieuwe week,

    Madelief x

  7. Great info, I try to eat a healthy diet but I do get off track. Thanks for the great info and thanks for visiting .

  8. Very interesting amaze me with how you always have something to post about...liked all your photos of the knives and loved the knife rests.

  9. Hi Mariette, very interesting and unusual in blogs unless a blog that addresses this topic useful inf. We have these fruits and elements within our reach but might not know its uses or properties, thanks. greetings. Rose Marie

  10. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you for sharing all this wonderful information ~ eating a healthy diet does make you look and feel better.
    Hope that you have a wonderful week



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