
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

{Our Living Room}

In previous posts I have shown you several other rooms already, so today I take you inside our Living Room. For links to the other rooms, you can check below this post.
You come inside the living room from the entrance hall and there is another door into the kitchen on the right side (for the viewer).
Like our bedrooms and dining room we do have here also solid red oak Liberty Plains natural 5" planks.
We have many things from exotic places where we worked and/or lived.
The wooden chess set and the two wall plaques are from Bali, Indonesia.
Later I will show you certain things again with more detail.
The furniture is all solid French oak and we did bring it over from The Netherlands, it crossed the Atlantic Ocean three times.
You see the door to our veranda here.
The arched window is looking out onto the garden, backside of the house with our huge live oak tree.
The arched window also has solid oak (painted white) indoor shutters for saving energy and being Eco friendly.
A collection of Baccarat crystal.
Also our Russian Icon as you can find at Christie's.
On our travels to Eastern Europe we admired many in their beautiful Churches.
Stepping back it looks like this. A large solid oak rectangular coffee table and a 3-seat leather sofa; a love seat; a chair and an ottoman.
Tomorrow I will show you the Italian and German wood carved angels - cherubs - putties on the mantle shelf and chimney wall.
A double window looking out onto the balcony.
Full view of the double window, with the solid oak indoor shutters. Very hard to capture against the light.
The Energy Star ceiling fan has been hung by Pieter earlier this year, see link below. What a perfect timing for this record hot summer!
The 42-color 19th century Danish cross stitch embroidered roses on the wall I've shown before in a post, you can find the link also below this post.
We have lots of books in our home... This is the secretaire and its leather chair, Pieter's writing area.
Stepping back a little bit to see the love seat and the rest.
That completes our circle, almost back at the hallway door...
That's it!
A classic interior, as we don't change much.
We've been now 63 times to The Netherlands to see mainly my Parents and Pieter's elder brother, he lost the middle brother and his sisters-in-law already. When we lived in Italy, Pieter's Mom died, so we actually drove to her funeral in 12 hours time.
 Visiting family and dear friends has more value to us than replacing furniture...
Peace of mind is important for being able to grow old gracefully with a smile on your face instead of bitterness.
There will always be new furniture, but one's life can be lived ONLY once.
Loved ones and the TRUE LOVE of your life are worth much more for investing in... keeping a blissful relationship!

Tomorrow you will meet the Angels - Cherubs - Putti!

Related links:
{BOOKS in Our Living Room} | previous post by me
{Our 'GREEN' Bedroom} | previous post by me
{Our Kitchen Improvements} | previous post by me
{Our White Ceramic Chandeliers from Italy} | previous post by me
{More of Our Kitchen} | previous post by me
{Our Dining Room} | previous post by me
{My Embroidered Roses in 19th Century Danish Pattern} | previous post by me


  1. Goede Morgen Mariette
    Wat ziet het er gezellig uit bij jullie,dat zou ik ook eens moeten doen wat foto's van ons huisje moeten delen,het is wel maar een klein rijhuisje zoals in nederland en veel decoratie.Voorbijgangers zeggen dan ook dikwijls oh zie een hollands huisje.Maar het moet niet groot zijn om een echte thuis te zijn hé en onze meubels hebben we ook al heeeel lang maar kan er geen afstand van doen.
    Nog een leuke dag vandaag.
    Lieve groetjes Carine

  2. Wow, Euer Wohnzimmer ist ja riesig.
    Und so gemütlich eingerichtet.
    Besonders schön finde ich Euren Kamin. So einen hätte mein Mann auch sehr gerne.
    GGGGLG Tanja

  3. Cara Mariette,la tua casa,il tuo salotto racconta di te,la tua vita ,i tuoi viaggi,i tuoi ricordi!Per me,questo una casa deve contenere:la vita!Baci,Rosetta

  4. Very lovely room with so many interesting treasures!

  5. I really love what you did with this room, it looks so cozy but at the same time so elegant, the color combination I really nice! Your blog is awesome by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, thank you very much for inviting us to your lovely living room. As I thought, you have an excellent taste. The most impressive thing was that you have many pictures of your families besides the varieties of exotic treasures. It shows how much you love your families.
    Really cozy and relaxing looking room you have!!!
    Love and Lots of Hugs from Japan, Orchid*

    PS> Thank you very much for the sweet words and your advice. I'll definitely check the site of "Costco". Wish me luck.

  7. la tua casa è bella, importante, piena di ricordi di vita e di viaggi.....complimenti e un abbraccio lory

  8. Heerlijk die Hollandse gezelligheid........dat jij nog tijd hebt om te staat zoveel wat je schoon moet houden ...hihihi!!....liefs van

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    vielen Dank, dass wir dich besuchen durften. Es sieht sehr gemütlich und heimelig bei euch aus. Stimmt, neue Möbels sind nicht so wichtig. Wichtig ist, dass man sich zu Hause wohl fühlt. Und dass ihr euch wohl fühlt, das sieht man an den vielen kleinen Dingen in eurem Wohnzimmer - alles Stücke mit Erinnerungen, an denen ihr hängt.

    Liebe Grüße schickt dir Elvira

  10. Hi Mariette!
    You are so right, we do only live one time and family is teh most important!
    But you do have a lovely livingroom!
    Hug Anna

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    Das Wohnzimmer ist schon beeindruckend. Ich habe auch nur klassissche Möbel. Die geben Wärme und Gemütlichkeit. Die bust wundervoll eingerichtet.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt dir

  12. Hallo liebe Mariette!!!

    Ganz lieben Dank fuer den tollen link - Rezept ist ausgedruck und da Du die erste warst, wird Dein Kuchen auch zuerst gebacken...:) MHHH!! Werde Dich wissen lasse, wie er schmeckte!!!!

    Und habe mir gerade Deine grand-mother angeschaut - was sie wohl dazu sagen wuerde, dass sie nun ueberall auf der Welt angesehen werden kann :). GANZ ganz schoens Foto!

    Und dann Euer Wohnzimmer - viel zu sehen und alles hat sicherlich eine Geschichte!! Ich finde es toll, wenn ZImmer mit einem wachsen - ich kann das leider nicht und das stoert mich manchmal...ich aendere oft und freu mich schon jetzt daruf, wenn das - hoffentlich - aufhoert!!

    Lieben Dank nochmal und VIELE Gruesse!!!

    Nicola x

  13. Hello Mariette! It was so nice to see your little face in my comments:) I haven't been on my blog too much lately, been stitching and crafting a lot.

    What a beautiful and warm living room you and your husband have created! I just love the collection of black and white photo's, they look lovely grouped together like that:) It looks like a nice room to curl up and read in on a rainy day too!

  14. Muito, muito lindo!!!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  15. Che bella casa Mariette, una casa da vivere e molto accogliente! Un bacione, Anna

  16. Wowee Dear Mariette, your living room is just gorgeous, oh my and all that beautiful wood its sooooo yummo :) love it!!!!


  17. My dearest and sweet friend Mariette:
    Thank you so much for let us see your home, certainly it feels a warm welcoming, very nice, neat and charming.

    And I definitely agreed when you say that "Loved ones and the TRUE LOVE of your life are worth much more for investing in"
    In Mexico we have a saying: "De que le sirve al hombre ganarse al mundo entero, si se pierde a si mismo"
    The translation would be something like this: "What is the purpose of a man to have the whole world, if he loses himself?"
    To invest in your love ones worth more than all the gold in the whole world.
    It is a pity some people I know very well, don't think like that.

    Thanks for visiting me, and I didn't get any email from you, sorry for that, this is my email: feel free to drop some lines that would make me feel so happy.

    Have a wonderful day,

    lots of love,

    Laura =)

  18. wonderful, wonderful room! I agree with the other individual who said it is cozy as well as stylish!

  19. You have so many pretty windows letting in lovely sunshine Mariette! So bright and cheery! And such lovely wood floors too. Pretty pretty!

    Wishing you a terrific week dear Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  20. OMG ..but I enjoyed my living room visit with you ...There are so many warm and exciting memorabilia memories to take in and savour..each with a grand story( I'm sure)...and What a nice cosy feeling you've created...This was fun !!! ..HUGS

  21. My dearest Mariette , you have a lovely and welcoming living room. I hope you will include the Angel lamp above the sofa (in 4th photo) in your next post ~ my eye went straight to it!!

    It's interesting that you mentioned visiting family and friends over new furniture .. I have been travelling that same mind set lately. We have become a disposable society .. replacing things before they are needing replacement.. and not taking the time to see if it can be repaired.

    Your home is filled with love, and beautiful treasured items that have history behind each piece. May we all be as fortunate to recognize what really is important in life.

    Thanks for always inspiring me to think outside the box and step closer to living and enjoying!!

    Many blessings to you and Pieter for all that you bring to the life of your readers!! hugs , xo HHL

  22. Thank you for letting us come in your living room. It is beautiful and warm and cozy. We also have a lot of books but your shelves are really nice. Great Post:)

  23. Your home is so warm and inviting. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  24. Dearest Mariette, your livingroom looks so big and very comfortable and warm! I like thos old style furnitures and lots of pictures at the walls!

    Have a lovely week,
    sending love and hugs

  25. Dear Mariette,

    Your living room is wonderful and so inviting, and many thanks for showing us around.
    Everything looks so comfortable and lovely.
    With all your beautiful furniture and treasured items from around the world, must remind you of the other places you lived in.
    I really love the arched window with the wooden shutter.

    Happy week

  26. Dearest Mariette, Your room is beautiful. Warm and friendly. I love the oak and it has staying power, so sturdy. I love the rich color of oak. I love all your book storage, that is a treasure.
    Have a great week, Ginger


Thanks for your visit and comment.
