
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

{Ristorante da Maria - Best Italian Food in Central Georgia!}

Last year we did start already the tradition of having a delicious Italian Christmas Eve Dinner at Ristorante da Maria. Since our family on this side of the ocean consists of only the two of us, that's the very best we can do. It was again a great evening. We enjoyed for about three hours the five-course, elegant Christmas Eve Dinner, cooked by Lady Chef Maria Runggaldier. Next we went to Church for great organ music with caroling before the actual Midnight Mass. A perfect Christmas Eve for us. Pieter got sick the next day with the flu but right now he's doing much better. For all those living near Macon, Georgia or anywhere near Central Georgia, there is still the option for New Year's Eve to have such delicious five-course dinner. What better ending of the year 2011?! Just to show you how the menu for Christmas Eve looked like, for making you mouth water... Everything on the menu is made from scratch; using the best quality fresh ingredients!
Sure, for both of us having lived and worked near Venice, this is HEAVEN! Maria is from the city of Bolzano, the northern part of Italy and she is quite a Lady Chef!
Guess my readers from Italy will recognize these yummy dishes!
It makes us quite happy and that's why I want to mention Lady Chef Maria here.
By the way, it is her husband Heinz who helps serve her delicious food... Heinz is from Innsbruck, Austria.
Do you also have such a great favorite restaurant nearby?

Related article:

Buon Natale - Our Christmas Eve Dinner at Ristorante da Maria | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this sounds like a very delicious Dinner night!
    You are lu´cky to have such a great Restaurant close to you!
    We don's have such a lovely restaurant here :O(

    Have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Lieve Mariëtte,
    Dat klinkt wel heel erg lekker! Fijn dat jullie genoten hebben op Christmas Eve! En gelukkig dat Pieter zich alweer beter voelt!
    Ik wens jullie een gezellige jaarwisseling & een heel mooi en vooral gezond 2012!

  3. Cara Mariette, il risotto pere e radicchio lo faccio anch'io....che bel menù hai trovato in questo ristorante, un pezzo d'Italia eh? Auguri a Pieter per l'influenza, spero guarisca presto! Un abbraccio, Anna

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    jeden Tag freue ich mich, dich hier zu besuchen. Es ist immer ein Geschenk.

    In Liebe

  5. buona guarigione a Peter!!!!!!!!! La cucina italiana è la più amata nel mondo.....un abbraccio grande Lory

  6. Non per vanto,ma in Italia si cucina bene in ogni regione e sicuramente pure Maria porta un pezzetto d'Italia lì!Saluti a Maria,auguri di guarigione a Peter e un grande abbraccio a te"SEI TROPPO CARA"Rosetta

  7. Hmmm ziet er goed uit!
    Hier zijn wel genoeg restaurants, maar wij gaan niet zo vaak uiteten.
    Wens je alvast alle goeds voor 2012...just in case...
    Lieve groeten,

  8. Sounds like a lovely place, and the selection of food mouth watering delicious! Italian food is a staple in our home, since Mr. G. is Italian and does most of the cooking... I think we are going to settle in for a cozy New Year celebration for duex and furbabies, at home. Happy Holidays, xo HHL

  9. Liebe Mariette ,das hört sich so gut an .Ist doch auch mal schön wenn man sich so verwöhnen lässt .ich wünsche euch noch ne schöne Restwoche im alten Jahr ,einen guten Rutsch und alles Gute im neuen Jahr .Liebe Grüße von Ina

  10. che posto fantastico un abbraccio buon anno

  11. That sounds delish!... Happy New Year to you my friend, xoxo Julie Marie

  12. WHAT A GLORIOUS MENU, Mariette!!!

    This HAS been an exquisite year of making new friends, gaining new insight, and also the courage, IN NUMBERS, to follow our dreams. May your 2012 be one of NEW OPPORTUNITIES DEAREST!!! BE WELL, Anita

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    es freut mich für Dich/Euch, daß ihr einen schönen Weihnachtsabend hattet und ich wünsche Dir und Deinem Mann schon mal einen guten vor allem gesunden Rutsch in das Neue Jahr 2012!

    Viele liebe Grüße

  14. Hi Mariette,

    The menu sounds wonderful! I love Italian food and make it quite often.
    Venice is a beautiful place. How lucky for you to have lived near there.


  15. Sounds like a lovely place! If you are ever in Florida, be sure to visit Palm Beach. Very nice restraunts and shoppes with European touch.

    Have a nice weekend :)



Thanks for your visit and comment.
