
Friday, January 27, 2012

{Ducks in Our Pond}

Already in December, the wild ducks were coming to our pond for mating. We had a neighbor that raised a couple of dozen white ducks. They did mingle with the wild ducks and together they were on our pond, playing around on December 30. Still they are coming daily to our pond and having a blast! Spring must be in the air... It is fun watching all our garden critters exist on our estate.
Our semi-evergreen oak near the pond; it is so lovely for having still some 'green' in winter...
Grooming on the ledge of the wooden island we used to have.
Once we had the fountain on top of it... 
They certainly are making some waves!
Are you having any ducks or other water birds near home?


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely place...the pond with the ducks..... you must be very happy to have such a wonderful places arround!
    Have a happy weekend,
    sending love and hugs,

  2. Dearest Mariette
    What a beautiful tranquil scene. I miss that so much. We used to live just next to the royal castle (the queens summer residence) in Denmark, and the woods there had beautiful scenes of ducks dwelling in the different little ponds around (I of course loved to go for walks there). Nature and the scenery is so very different here - very beautiful too but sometimes I miss that tranquil and more fairy-like scenery. Ducks are so sweet - aren't you lucky to have them in your garden!!
    With much love
    and wishing you a delightful weekend,

  3. Heerlijk dat eenden gesnater! Jullie hebben wel een erg grote tuin zeg!!
    Ruimte genoeg zo te zien.

    We hebben voor Nederlandse begrippen best een redelijke tuin.Maar geen vijver. Ik hou helemaal niet van kikkers. Toch komen die wel op onze waterspuwer af!!

    Fijne dag, groetjes van je nichtje Thea ♥

  4. In che bel posto vivi!!!Tra piante,stagno e pure le dolci paperelle!Vicino casa mia c'è un piccolo fiume e volano i gabbiani!Baci,Rosetta

  5. Unas imagenes preciosas, que maravilla!!

  6. Our ducks won't be home until our spring which won't be for a few more months yet. It's still too cold for our fine feathered friends. ;)
    Wishing you a happy weekend dear Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  7. how wonderful to have them already there ... we have geese that come in the spring - still some time away .. before we get to see them again. Today we are getting a snowfall winter is just starting :( ... blessings, xo HHL

  8. Hi Mariette,

    I have some of those beautiful ducks in my backyard. They are our pets.

  9. Hi Marietta, your pond is lovely.
    There are some ponds close to where I live, like 10 minutes walk away, and I love to go there and watch the birds. there are mallards, canada goose, Nile goose, swans, cormorans, little water chickens (Blässhühner and Teichhühner in German), Haubentaucher... In fall and springtime even wild goose come and rest on their long journey...

  10. Heerlijk zo'n stuk natuur vlakbij! Wij wonen op het platteland tussen de velden en gister zag ik een reiger.
    Zomers ook veel weidevogeltjes en nachtegaaltjes!En kikkertjes hoor je dan ook, dat vind ik ook zo leuk!

    Fijn weekend,


  11. Liebe Mariette,
    Enten sind immer schön anzusehen. Unser Teich ist so klein, dass ein paar Enten eine echte Katastrophe für ihn wären. Aber euer Teich ist groß genug, um ein bisschen als Entenurlaub zu dienen. Was für schöne Tiere.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  12. Dearest Mariette, Thank you for sharing the beautiful creatures. They are surely taking to the pond like to ducks to water.LOL
    I know you are surely enjoying their antics.

    Love to you, Ginger


Thanks for your visit and comment.
