
Saturday, January 28, 2012

{Our 1939 Sweetness Daffodils}

  • Yesterday we had two big nosegays of fragrant 1939 Sweetness Daffodils. One for a dear friend and one for us to fill a white ceramic vase. What a bliss for having those in January. That is extremely early. Do any of you have bulbs blooming right now? 

  • Fragrant Sweetness Daffodils; Sunshine and Tea...

  • Dark chocolate Pomegranate from Costco.
  • Amaretti cookie hearts from Mariette's Kitchen...

  • Teapot is a French Pillivuyt

  • The ceramic spoon to the right is an American Favorites Porcelain Spoon from Avon. It is the 1988 pattern with Daffodils.

  • The sterling bon bon or nut spoon is a H44 H J Howe with daffodils.

  • 1988 Avon Daffodils spoon

  • Matching cocktail napkin with daffodil embroidery.

Sorry that you cannot smell their fragrance...

Related links:


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    der Frühling kann kommen.

    Herzliche Grüße


  2. Wat mooi zo bij elkaar !!...prachtig...fijn weekend....liefs van

  3. zo mooi weer bij jullie?we moeten nog wachten,groetjes uit Limburg irena

  4. Mooie site :) Ik wist tot voor kort niet dat narcissen een geur hadden, maar onze paperwhites ruiken ook. Niet erg lekker, maar toch :)

  5. What a lovely tea table!

    The daffodils let me feel springtime!

    Today we have snow in Germany!

    ♥ Franka

  6. Che bello servizio con narcisi bella!
    Buona giornata cara Marietta:)

  7. Oh, blühen bei Euch die Osterglocken schon, liebe Mariette?
    Bei uns dauert das noch ein bißchen!
    Die Herz-Kekse sind auch sehr schön! Hast Du die selbst gebacken oder gibts die bei Euch zu kaufen?

    Liebe Wochenendgrüße

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    da hast du ja alle Kostbarkeiten vereint, die es mit Narzissen gibt. Das schöne Porzellan und die wunderbare Stickerei sind schon wirklich eine Pracht. Aber der silberne kleine Kuchenheber ist unglaublich schön. Und der Teelöffel sieht aus wie Porzellan? Alles zusammen ergibt eine wunderbares Tee-Ensemble. Und den Duft der frischen Osterglocken kann ich schon gar nicht mehr erinnern. Hier blühen nur Schneeglöckchen und Eranthis. Und es ist wieder kalt geworden.
    Schöne Grüße in eure frühlingshafte Gegend sendet,

  9. I adore daffodils!!! Are they really blooming in Georgia????
    Here in New York I don't expect to see them until April.

  10. Beautiful pictures. I love daffodils. But they bloom in March, I think...:)

  11. Wat een vrolijke foto's Mariette! De narcissen zien er prachtig uit. Is het bij jullie al zo warm dat jullie buiten thee kunnen drinken?! Lijkt mij heerlijk. Ik verlang ook weer naar de zon.

    Bij ons helaas nog geen narcissen, maar wel heleborussen, sneeuwklokjes en crocusjes.

    Een fijn weekend!

    Madelief x

  12. Oh how I wish I was sitting beside you and Pieter enjoying the beautiful setting you have created. Mr. G and I have been enjoying the Amaretti hearts with our coffee and tea and it's a little like you are here. Wishing you a beautiful and blessed day! xo HHL

  13. Mariette, hai fatto un post meraviglioso...che belli questi oggetti con i narcisi...fantastici!!!!! Io ancora non ho bulbi fioriti, c'è troppo freddo...l'unico in fiore è l'Elleborus, ma è un fiore invernale! Un forte abbraccio, Anna

  14. Ik krijg zin in de lente Mariette. Wat een mooie plaatjes.Bij mij staabn ze nu ook op tafel. Maar niet in de tuin, waar het nu vriest. Heb je mijn antw. ontvangen? Ik zag nl ineens iets in een flits van no reply op je emailadres staan. Ik had op beantwoorden gedrukt.Ik heb momenteel een febr. kortingsactie op mijn blog gezet.
    Hart. groeten

  15. Jealous? Not a bit.. well actually yes I am!!!!!Hahaha.I have some tiny grape hyacinths coming out ( blauwe druifjes) and the start of some crocusses, but it will take a few months till I can breathe in the scent of my daffodils!! You lucky woman!!!XXX Bea

  16. Hi Mariette,

    How lucky you are to have daffodils! Everything looks so lovely. I haven't been blogging much lately or visiting, just taking a little rest. But I am starting to catch up again now and glad to know you are enjoying beautiful days. We had a snowstorm today! Lol

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  17. Your daffodil themed tea setting looks lovely. Love the ducks in your pond too!

  18. Dearest Mariette:
    What a lovely and beautiful table you created, everything is just perfect. Here nothing is blooming yet =( and I look forward for that so much, I can't wait for the spring! But just to see your lovely daffodils, makes me feel less impatient and I enjoy so much seeing them in your nice blog.
    Enjoy your beautiful flowers my sweet friend.
    Love to you
    Laura =)

  19. So lovely! Yes, it has been so warm we have daffodils blooming too! I just hope we don't have extreme weather in April!! Enjoy!

  20. Oh... wow... this tea setting is so lovely and unique, only you, my dear Mariette, can match everything so perfectly. Your hands and taste have magic, and so your garden!

    Have a blessed week!



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