
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

{Belgian Endive Salad with Chia Seeds}

Another recipe for those that like to know the SECRET FOR MY SIZE AND WEIGHT... Belgian Endive Salad with Chia Seeds, the Antioxidant SuperFoods item that is good for Iron Boost and Good for Blood Sugar Level. 
We both LOVE any type of salad...
Trader Joe's did sell these 2-colored Belgian Endive as a pack of 3.
My Dad as well as husband Pieter's Dad used to grow Belgian Endive during the winter season but at that time there only was one color, no red ones yet. They look a lot like Radicchio.
Important to remove the often bitter end part, with a pointed knife...
A very quick and easy dressing with Reduced Fat Mayonaise from Trader Joe's and I added some brown rice vinegar but you can use any type you like!
With Chia seeds being added you have to keep in mind that they work gelatinous. Best to make this dressing right before serving!
Sorry for the poor photos, made them real quick with my iPad (still not having a new camera at the time...)
But here you can see how I kind of hollowed out the often bitter end part of the Belgian Endive.
Cutting them first length wise... than slicing them up.
Those ends will brown easily so also here it's best to go ahead and add them to the dressing at once.
And voilà: a very healthy and tasty Belgian Endive Salad with Chia Seeds!
Have you ever made Belgian Endive Salad before?

Related links:
{Healthy & Quick Vegetarian Supper} | previous post by me showing you the reduced fat mayo from Trader Joe's


  1. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Funny... guess we because of our Dads' did grow them we are very familiar with them...

  2. Oh that looks yummy! I do like Belgian Endive (didn't know the name until reading this post!) and I often eat it with mayonnaise. Great idea to add some vinegar and chia seeds. Gotta try!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      They really make a yummy salad and you also can add rice vinegar, whatever you prefer.
      Enjoy them too.

  3. Dearest MAriette,
    we call this kind of Salad Chicory, and to get the bitterness of, just put it in handwarm water for about 20 Minutes, after you have cut the leaves and before you add the dressing. This helps so good!
    Happy new week,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yes, like radicchio, also Belgian endive is a family member of the leaf chicory! Thanks for your tip to put it in water for 20 minutes.
      Enjoy your new week as well.

  4. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

  5. Oh, as you may guess, I've never seen Endive before. Seems REALLY healthy food☆☆☆ It seems only need to be careful for the bitter part. Always admire your attitude for good health, Mariette.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Funny that you never have seen this leaf chicory or Belgian endive... You even have in Japan Chicori Mura or Chicory Village.
      Oh as long as our brains are functioning we ought to eat as healthy as possible and prepare good food. If we depend on others... well that will be a different story.
      Sending you hugs,

  6. Dear Mariette,i have never taste this salad before but i think its very healthy and yummy indeed!!
    Thank you for sharing your recipe!!Wishing you a lovely week!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Like the Italian Raddicchio, it is a lovely veggy for salads and yes, healthy and tasty.
      Enjoy the remainder of your summer week.

  7. Hej Marriette, witlof ken ik natuurlijk wel, maar het chia zaad nog niet. Ik ga het eens in huis halen, kan ook in de yoghurt las ik. Fijne week, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, Nederland heeft altijd wel witlof... en jazeker die Chia zaadjes kunnen heel goed in d yoghurt; dat eten wij bijna dagelijks met vers fruit er door.

  8. Un piatto saporito, leggero, salutare....perfetto per la stagione estiva. Grazie per la ricetta Mariette!!! Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Hai raggione e c'è molto bene per estiva perché è leggero...

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    ich esse sehr häufig Endiviensalat - allerdings mit Äpfeln und
    nur mit Zitronensaft, Pfeffer und Salz und etwas Walnussöl angemacht.
    Schmeckt auch gut.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja dass ist auch sehr lecker und wenn man Wallnüsse zufügt mit Äpfel ist auch sehr lecker!
      Geniesse deinen Abend und lieber Gruss,

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Belgian endive the salad the seered for your size and weight Belgian Enduve salad with chia seeds Antioxidant super foods.
    Your Dad as well as husband Pieter's to grow Belgian Endice in the winter season but there was one calor no red lot of they look of Redchio.
    Your healthy Belgian Endive salad was very tasty salad with chia seeds!
    I will eat as much I love very much Thank you Mariette san!
    Hugs to you always!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      This is such a good salad for all of us.
      Sending you warm hugs and admiration.

  11. Cara Mariette,anche da me si fa tanta insalata..mio marito la adora..l'indivia poi è buonissima quindi grazie per questa deliziosa ricetta da provare assolutamente!
    Un grande abbraccio dall'Italia..con tantissimo affetto♥

    1. Cara Anna,
      In estate troppo potremmo vivere su insalate. Fa tutta la differenza invece di una cena caldo e pesante... Godetevi!

  12. I have had this kind of salad before, but not with the chia seeds. It takes a while for my husband to try new "foods", so I am always looking for ways to mix it in.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      They are so healthy and I use them frequently, in the yogurt with fresh fruits and in sauces I use them a lot; hot and cold.
      Hugs to you,

  13. Belgian endives are not very popular in Greece (as far as I know). You will not find them easisly, except in some up-market super-markets and in classy restaurants. Greeks are therefore not used to eat them in salads at home. I have of course tasted them while abroad (in France and Belgium). Your chia seeds sauce is very tempting and I could use it in other salads, I guess.
    Many hugs to you, dear Mariette!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      One would guess that like the Italian radicchio they would be used in Greece as well. But of course it after all is a different food culture. Each region has its own favorite veggies, fruits, meats etc. Chia seeds are a healthy way of living; powerful superfoods.
      Hugs to you dear friend - every now and than I admire the lovely heart you created for me.

  14. Nou....dit snap ik niet...ik eet al een maand of 6 bijna alleen maar ' gezond'. Ook die CIA zaden, noem maar op, er is geen ' superfood' wat ik niet in huis heb, voor de afwisseling, eet veel salades, goede vetten, zo weinig mogelijk koolhydraten, geen suikers enz ..enz...en er gaat bij mij niets aan gewicht af...niks nada noppes...bij iedereen wel, maar bij mij niet....nog tips?

  15. Beste Marian,
    Moest wel lachen met je 'CIA' (Central Intelligence Agency in de USA...) zaden! De 'h' vergeten.
    Ja, het is een heuse studie om de balans van echt gezond eten te vinden. Wij eten veel vegetarisch, gebruiken enkel olijf olie (zelden iets met roomboter) en we drinken soya melk met een laag suiker gehalte. Zelf drink ik véél water en niks anders. Koffie voor ontbijt, met wat cacao erdoor en verder thee en bij de lunch, net als bij het ontbijt ook al, soyamelk. Citroensap (van één citroen) uitgeperst in een groot glas water is ook erg goed; hoog vitamine C gehalte ook.
    We eten bewust veel verse groenten en vers fruit en elke ochtend bij het ontijt lepelen we een halve avocado uit. Ons brood is multi graan en om te bakken gebruik ik ook whole wheat pastry flour dus géén 'refined' witte bloem, ook niet in de pasta. Daarvoor neem ik ook whole wheat of quinoa.
    Volgens mij ben je ook echt wel aktief en dus gewoon door gaan met je regime. Afvallen heb ik eigenlijk nooit willen bereiken maar wel het gewicht op peil houden en me gezond en fit voelen.
    Lieve groetjes,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
