
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

{Agave Syrup Glycemic Index 15}

For the longest time, since 2007, I am also using Agave Syrup with a Glycemic Index of only 15, compared to refined sugar that has a GI of 80. That does make a huge difference for the body.
At Costco Wholesale we always buy these twin-bottles of Agave Syrup.
Agave with a Glycemic Index: 15 just click on the link.
A Low-Glycemic sweetener bursting with flavor
For 7 years this fall, I have been eating sweeteners with a low Glycemic Index!
Very happy with a blood sugar level that has been in check.
Are you cutting down on your sugar intake as well?

Related links:
{Brown Rice Syrup Glycemic Index 25} | previous post by me
{Coconut Palm Sugar with Glycemic Index 35} | previous post by me with added video link to bottom
{CHIA for Iron Boost and Good for Blood Sugar Level} | previous post by me
{Tuscan Red Quinoa Salad - Whole Foods Sarasota FL}  | previous post by me
Sugar: The Bitter Truth | A very informative video with LOTS of information



  1. Good to know you care about your health, eating natural syrup. Yes,I have been cutting down my sugar to keep in good health!

    PS..You have a lovely house. Looks cozy.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    this is a good stuff! Yes, I try to use such sirup more and more instead of sugar! It is so good for our health!
    Wishing you a wonderful new week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht köstlich und einladend aus.
    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Good Morning Mariette, My daughter, Natasha, introduced me to agave syrup and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I now use it drizzled over Greek yoghurt instead of honey. I have not excluded all sugar from my diet, but I am getting much better.... this is a step in the right direction.
    Have a lovely day today.
    Best Wishes

  5. Ik had er nog nooit van gehoord-zal me er meer gaan in verdiepen .. Fijne dag ,Joan

  6. Hello Mariette.
    Thank you for your words and your visit! Very important.
    This entry where we give inf. this syrup, I find it useful. So I will read other entries on this topic, diabetes etc. Surely I will be very useful. Really thanks! Hugs!

  7. I've been using coconut sugar for my coffee for a while but have been thinking about trying agave syrup as well. Thank you for always sharing healthy food with us :-)

  8. The only time I ever use sugar is if I am baking something and then I do use an alternative such as coconut or date sugar or maple syrup. Haven't used agave in a while. Have a good week.

  9. Telling us about health is fantastic. Agave has a lot of properties. Have no use agave in syrup, but I´ll try it.
    Blessings and hugs Mariette.

  10. We always buy these twin-bottles of Agave syrop and Tea Coffee & Ice cream Thank you for our health food has our body been in your check as well.
    Hugs and love both of you!

  11. Goed om dit te gebruiken voor diabetici. Gelukkig dat je dat gevonden hebt als vervanging voor suiker.

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    Agaven-Sirup gibts auch bei uns. Ebenso wie Ahornsirup. Ich vermisse einen Home-Button in Deinem Blog. Auch wenn ich auf Deinen Header klicke, gelange ich nicht mehr zur Startsite. Oder habe ich etwas übersehen?

    Viele liebe Grüße

  13. liebe Mariette,
    ich gestehe, ich hab von Agaven-Sirup noch nie gehört - schön, wenn man
    ganz natürlich den Blutzuckerspiegel senken kann - schmeckt er?

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  14. We are very careful about our sugar intake lately, but Agave syrup looks very interesting! I will try to find it!
    Thank you dear Mariette!!!!
    I wish you a lovely new week! We have had heavy rain since yesterday all over Greece!!!!

  15. Dear Mariette,
    I have not tried Agave syrup yet, although I have cut down on my sugar and only have the occasional treat these days. Diabetes runs in my family, so I am always very careful. I am excited to learn about this and will buy some next time I go shopping! Thank you for sharing this information with us. Hope you are having a lovely week and last days of summer.
    A hug for you
    xo Karen


Thanks for your visit and comment.
