
Friday, October 2, 2015

{Hibiscus Blue Chiffon on Patio}

Our Blue Hibiscus on the Patio has been performing very well this summer.
Such a lovely color this Blue Chiffon Hibiscus and it is in its pot, right next to the kitchen bay window, within view!
Depending on the light, their color does change somewhat.
Also the time of the day makes a difference.
Hummingbirds frequently visit for the nectar.
One could just sit here and  admire their beauty!
Wish we could keep such blossoms year round!

Related links:
{Hibiscus Blue Chiffon} | previous post by me


  1. Another Beauty in your garden, wonderful , dearest Mariette!
    Yes, sometimes, I wish, I could keep blossoms also longer than a few weeks ....
    Happy October to you,
    Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. That is such a beautiful blossom! How nice you can enjoy them outside and also from the window!
    I enjoy all the colors in different lights and times of the day. I think the 3rd look is my favorite :-)

  3. Lovely colour, you have such great flowers Mariette!

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    was für eine wundervolle Blüte - ich sie in der einfachen Version -
    aber gefüllt ist sie traumhaft schön -
    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist wirklich eine tolle Blüte, ich mag sie auch so gerne, sie sind einfach prachtvoll.

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Beautiful, delicate hues. If I may be so bold may I point out that hummingbirds visit the flowers for the nectar not for the pollen; the dispersal of pollen is the benefit the flower receives in exchange for the food it provides for the bird.

    1. Dear David,
      Compliments for your keen eye in reading! Sure, the nectar is what the hummingbirds are after but since this variety is loaded with pollen, the also do digest some of that. It has been found that some hummingbird stomachs contained 10 to 15% of pollen. Researchers don't know if they intentionally ingested it or if it merely adheres to their tongue when reaching for the nectar.
      As you can read here:What do Hummingbirds Eat?
      Happy weekend!

    2. Actually my grandmother had a great expression. She used to say that we should learn something new on the day that we die.

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    du fotografierst wunderschön.
    Das schenkt Freude.

    Sonnige Grüße

  8. What a beautiful nd delicate flower, my friend. The center is just lovely! Happy October. Hugs!

  9. It's beautiful, Dear Mariette, and so nice that you can see it from your window, too! A lovely color blue - the petals look like crepe paper - so delicate. So nice that the hummingbirds are enjoying it, too. I hope you stay safe with the hurricane headed towards the east coast. I'll be thinking of you. Hugs xo Karen

  10. Dit is inderdaad een prachtige bloem Mariette! Ik begrijp precies wat je bedoelt, sommige bloemen mogen van mij ook het hele jaar door bloeien :-) Dank je wel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog. Ik wens jou en Pieter alvast een fijn weekend toe. Geniet ervan!

    Madelief x

  11. Non ho mai visto l'ibisco di questo colore!Bellissimo!Baci,Rosetta

  12. Ja jammer ,maar heb vandaag winterviooltjes gekocht die staan wel de hele winter nog ...

  13. Prachtig bloem Mariette.
    Lieve groet,

  14. Dearest Mariette; Wow, What GORGEOUS close-ups of 'Blue Chiffon Hibiscus' ♡♡♡ And how great you have this beauty "right next to the kitchen bay window, within view".

    We have a saying that try to remind us that our physical condition tend to be deteriorated at the time of change of season. Haha, I should be and please take care of yourself. My eye’s condition gets better except the distorted vision. Haha, Seems I need to get used to it.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Wish we could keep such blossoms year round of Blul chiffon Hibiscus in the kitchen bay window!
    We having hot weather stating today....just like with last years?
    Hugs Love and both of you!

  16. Hello,Mariette,
    Such lovely flower! I am sure the blue color gives you more pleasant time in your kitchen!
    Have a good weekend.

  17. wunder-wunderschön ist die blaue Blüte, liebe Mariette, sie trägt ihren Namen zu recht -Chiffon-Hibiscus-, so zart und filigran. Ich setze sie auf meine Garten-Wunschliste ;-))))

    Liebe Grüße schickt Dir Traudi


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