
Monday, September 28, 2015

{Light Mauve Double Rose of Sharon Hibiscus in our Wood Garden}

In our Wood Garden, Pieter did plant several of the young Rose of Sharon Hibiscus plants that we'd ordered, as a hedge on the border with our neighbors.
But only ONE did show blossoms, this was a light mauve color.
Quite a beauty and some critter has been snacking on its leaves!
We look forward to next year as the others will show some blossoms as well.


  1. What a beautiful and unique looking Rose of Sharon. Thank you for sharing such loveliness with us, dear friend. Hugs!

  2. Such a beauty! Whatever snacked on its leaves must have enjoyed yummy meal as well as a lovely view of the blossom :-)
    I look forward to seeing more blossoms in the coming years, too!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    sehr ausdrucksvoll und eindrucksvoll.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  4. Only one that is a disappointment, but it is a beauty.

  5. Lovely hibiscus flower. We also have a lot of snails and other bugs snacking on our flowers and vegetables!

  6. Love to see such a pretty flower and leaves with a hole. Do you see me smiling to your hibiscus, Mariette ?
    Have a happy day!

  7. Ja mooi en nu weer wachten tot volgend jaar ..

  8. Bonsoir Mariette.
    Une merveille cette couleur de fleurs. Grosses bises Mariette et bonne soirée

  9. Cara Mariette,dolce amica, grazie per avere condiviso la mia tristezza con tanta sensibilità. Non tutti possono capire quanto dolore puoi provare per la perdita di un cane.La Marta era la mia compagnia per me che sono tanto spesso sola ed ora mi sento smarrita e infelice.
    Grazie per avere compreso. Un bacio grande grande grande. E abbi cura di te.

  10. Een bloemetje maar...maar dat is altijd nog beter dan geen....
    Je hebt nu wél de kleur kunnen zien, het is wel een mooie bloem, en de buren zullen volgend jaar ook blij zijn als ze beter gaan bloeien...

  11. I already have my hibiscus Mariette. I´ll tell you ...Yours are fantastic. The colour is wonderfull.
    Have a nice Sunday afternoon.

  12. Dear Mariette,
    Your hedge is going to be wonderful when they are all blooming in the coming years! Hibiscus is such a beautiful flower. I have seen them growing in New Hampshire when we went to visit, but I have not seen them here in Washington, although, maybe I am not noticing.
    Hugs and a happy weekend! xo

  13. Beautiful Hibiscus Mariette, we are loosing our Pansies to the squirrels who are eating the flowers. I guess they must taste sweet! 😕

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    this is a wonderful hibiscus!
    Love and hugs and a wonderful new week,
    Claudia xo

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Your beautiful Roses Piters had sharon Hibiscus the border with your neighbors a light mauve color, I look foward it's leavest next year are blossmswell!
    Thank you so much for visit my place so many yours.
    Hugs and love both of you!

  16. Glorious colour isn't it? We have planted a native Hibiscus and it will be that colour. I hope we get lots of blooms too as it's its second year. I'd love to see all of yours blooming together.

  17. Such a pretty color. Wishing you a lovely week. :)

  18. Rose of Sharon seems to be a little temperamental. We have three bushes in our garden. One flowers really well, another flowers not so well and the third has never had a flower on it. The flowers seem to form but never open. It's a lovely bush anyway so we just leave it there.

  19. meravigliosa!!!!!! un abbraccio immenso e buona settimana carissima Mariette!

  20. Oh, one of my favourite colours - and how amazing it shows on the flower. beautiful dear Mariette:-) Hugs to you


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