
Saturday, September 26, 2015

{The Kiss of the Sun for Pardon}

While at the Bok Tower in Lake Wales, Florida, we did buy another sweet gift at the giftshop.
This also resides in our veranda...

 Such a lovely quote by Dorothy Frances Gurney 1858 - 1932

The kiss of the sun
for pardon,
The song of the birds
for mirth,
One is nearer God's 
heart in a garden
Than anywhere else 
on earth.

Related link:
{Edward Bok Quote} | previous post by me
{Bok Tower in Lake Wales, Florida} | previous post by me
{1903 Ladies Home Journal by Edward Bok - The Mother of America & Dutch American Heritage Day} | previous post by me with more information about Edward Bok


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this is a wonderful Gift and a wonderful saying!
    Happy weekend to you!
    Love an dhugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. This is very pretty, Dear Mariette, and the quote is wonderful! Wishing you sun's kisses this weekend, my Dear.
    A hug xo Karen

  3. ¡What a beautifull words!. I like the gift so much. Really fantastic, honey.
    Have a nice week end.

  4. P.S.
    I already have my hibiscus. I`ll tell you.

  5. meraviglioso!!!!!!! un grande abbraccio e buon fine settimana dolce Mariette!

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    ich unterschreibe die guten Kommentare hier.
    Sonnige Grüße

  7. Wunderschön! Erinnert mich an früher, als meine Schwester Angie noch Glas bemalte, auch in Tiffany-Technik.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier

  8. Übrigens gelange ich jetzt durch Klick auf Deinen Header auf Deine Startsite. Wirklich praktisch!

  9. En een prachtig beschilderde hanger.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  10. So true! Have a beautiful weekend, Mariette!

  11. Now I have re-found where to look to come to your sweet blogs. I welcome myself back! :-)

  12. Oh that is beautiful! Love those pretty birds...and I love the quote, too.
    P.S. I finally got agave syrup. I got "light" this time and it tastes really good! This is gonna be my regular sweetener :-)
    Happy weekend, Mariette!

  13. lieve Mariette ,
    Mijn gedachten gaan meteen na ons oud huis (in nederland )
    mijn moeder had ook een glasplaat in het achterraam hangen ...
    maar deze is een heel stuk mooier ..hoor ..en de text ook ...want die van ons had geen text ..
    heel veel liefs en een heel fijn weekend

  14. hola amiga querida !!! espero que tengas un lindo fin de semana junto a los tuyos

  15. So beautiful gift for your home and real words . Have a nice weekend !

  16. I'am very interessant lovely song Gods of birds in nearer in a garden sweet of gift formosts wonderful words.
    Having a nice day, hugs an love to both of you!

  17. So very pretty. I do enjoy spending time on my balcony gardens. Am happy for the space to add a bit of green to our lives in this desert country and Jingles is very happy there is grass for her to eat that appears on its own. :)

  18. Dearest Mariette; What BEAUTIFUL and sweet gift you bought♪ At first, I wondered about the title of this post but how special and great quote on the magnificent work! I can see your veranda must be looking wonderful ♡♡♡
    ps. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments, Dear friend. Yes, I 'll try to be more easy for y eyes :-) It won't be soon to have full recovery but I'll be patient :-) I wish I could visit your former posts... I'll try hard to visit other friends as well.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
