
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

{What Greater Gift than the Love of a Cat ~Charles Dickens}

Thank you all for your sweet comments!
Today, Sunday the 31st of January was a lovely sunny day and we did go for a walk.
Yes, my back is a little better, only around 4:00 AM, I wake up because it hurts but let's hope that it will soon quit on me.
In Horst, The Netherlands there was a Mass for Mom's 1st Anniversary in heaven.
Can't believe it is already a year now since she passed away on the 27th.
January 31, was actually the day she got cremated...

For today just another quote with a photo of Mama cat, Spicy who disappeared.
Guess she got kidnapped... It caused me to grieve for her as we only had her for 9 months!
We still have four of her babies living with us, one of the girls got hit by a car and died of internal injuries.

Our Spicy sitting so regal in a chair in our veranda.
She sure was a beauty with silky fur and oh so svelte!
Perfect quote for her:
'What greater gift than the love of a cat.' ~Charles Dickens

Wishing you all a good start into February!


  1. Hey...the love of a cat is the greatest gift! I love that.

  2. Deaest mariette,
    this Saying is so true!
    Lovely catpicture!
    Wishing you a wonderful new week,
    take care, Love, husg and blessings to you!
    Claudia xo

  3. Wat een mooie kat, ze heeft inderdaad een zijdezachte vacht. Wat naar dat je niet weet wat er met haar gebeurd is. Ik heb diverse katten verloren, maar gelukkig wist ik wel dat ze verongelukt waren, anders blijf je maar zoeken.

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist eine sehr schöne Katze.
    Alles Gute

  5. Belle posture pour ce matou.
    Les chats sont des animaux fantastiques.
    Bonne journée MAriette

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Spicy was such a pretty girl. It's lovely that you have her babies to love!
    About ten years ago we began keeping our kitties inside. I used to let them roam (They excelled at keeping small animals out of the gardens.) As local building has increased more wild animals have moved into the state forest our land boarders on. Now I want to build some sort of catio for them.
    Take it easy; healing takes time.............*s*

  7. Dearest Mariette; What a lovely and beautiful Mom cat Spicy was and she had elegance as well! The quote seems like just the one for her; who can't love such an adorable girl♡♡♡
    Oh,I DO wish your physical condition get perfectly well soon; also hope the walk under the bit of warmer weather together with your husband made you feel better.
    Thank you SO much for remembering the birthday of my father. Yesterday, we went to the multiple grave of the temple to offer the player. Oh yes, we both share the feeling for Jan. This year, I'll hold memorial service for both mom and bro; time flies, isn't it...
    So sorry for my absence, I also was a bit out of shape and kind of busy dealing with my parents' empty house; we were out all day today. My thoughts for you, Dear friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  8. What a beautiful girl was Spicy!!!. I love cats aswell. They are so clever and pretties, that I need to embrace them all the time.
    TAKE CARE!!!!.Sending blessings and wishing to you a good week.

  9. Hello dear Mariette!
    Spicy was a preety cat!
    I love cats,i just now,have my little Grey cat!
    And when i'm in the Netherlands i miss him so much!
    Thank you for your lovely post!
    Have a happy week and a great new month!Hugs!

  10. Spicy was very elegant and indeed! I trust the angels are looking over her and that whom ever has her is taking excellent care of her. Life is filled with so many endings - thankfully our memories are there for to recall all the wonderful people and creatures that have touched our life and shaped the person we are today. Sending you healing energy that your back is feeling better and you are able to move about freely with no discomfort! Hugs and blessings to you both - XO

  11. Love the quote. I can't agree more :-)
    Spicy looks so beautiful. She got really silky fur! I hope she found a home somewhere else..and lived happily ever after.
    I'm glad your back is a little better. Have a happy new week!

  12. Beautiful black and white cat. Silky and shiny fur. Miau! >^.^<

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    I am so happy to hear that your back is feeling a bit better. Sometimes we just don't realize how much strain we are putting on ourselves when we are focused on entertaining. Your little Spicy Girl is a pretty little cat and I do hope she has found an angel to watch over her. It is hard when they go missing and you never know what happened.....Thinking of you on this tender anniversary of losing your Dear Mother. Mine is gone now, 5 years in March. I can hardly believe it, but she is always with me in my heart. I know it's been a difficult year for you, missing her. Sending you hugs xo

  14. Dearest Mariette ,i am glad that you are feel a little better . May be it takes time ,to feel as before ,but you must have patience and optimism . Your mama cut ,I hope that she will come back near her babies .Have a happy month !

  15. Hoi Mariette,

    Fijn om te horen dat het iets beter met je gaat! Zo vervelend om pijn aan je rug te hebben.

    Ik hoop dat de mis voor je moeder mooi is geweest.

    Beterschap en een fijne week verder toegewenst!

    Ik hoop dat jullie kat op een dag weer voor de deur staat.

    Liefs, Madelief x

  16. Have hope that your cute kitten there somewhere alive. Regards.

  17. It's very sad to lose a pet. I hope that one day the cat will return or be returned to you.

  18. I hope your back is much better now. I know how debilitating it can be. Take care of yourself.

  19. I remember that when Spicy went away. And the hope that she would be found. XXOO And she is another perfect illustration about the love of our fur babies.


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