About Me

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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

{R.I.P. Dear Mom}

Dear, loyal readers... this is not a happy tiding but I want to share with you that I have lived through 17 days of guiding my dear Mom in The Netherlands on her final journey home. Guiding her from Georgia USA...
Home to heaven and home to the place where 7 of her 8 children were born. 
Being in an ambulance four times, and twice with my youngest brother at her side, she finally came home.

The last night in the hospital my dear youngest brother, together with my second brother sat at her side until 1:00 PM today, January 27, when she finally got to ride home...
I feel so blessed for having these two brothers that included me, on a distance of 8,436 km by doing FaceTime, so I could actually see my sweet and brave Mom. I could hear her and talk to her. Unforgettable experience and with that I can live till I die; feeling very fuzzy and warm.
When my youngest brother rode on the ambulance home with her, she died shortly upon arrival.

R.I.P. dear Mom!

 On March 22, 1996 when Mom stayed for 4 weeks with me, her eldest daughter, and Pieter, her son–in–law, I had professionally made a complete series of photographs of my Mom.
Those photos I treasure forever, with her soft and happy smile!
Here with us in Georgia, she could relax, feel pampered and loved and as a result of that, look beautiful.
Our dear friends invited us for dinner and she was the hit of the evening.
Everyone found her looking much younger than on her previous visit in 1987.

Mom did stay a total of 4 times with us and last time she stayed 6 weeks and thanked me over and over for all we did for her. Words cannot express what you did for me she said.

With that and such soft, happy photos, I can age happily as this is living proof that I managed to give her something back, after so many years of TLC (Tender Loving Care).

She's now with my Angel Sister in Heaven and never will have pain again, or lie lonely on her bed during dialysis...

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Those that attacked us for NOT showing up at Mom's funeral, due to Pieter's health issues, because of heart cramps, and me still going to rehab for my hand, we forgive their act of bitterness.

May they too find the Peace that is in our hearts!
Feeling humbled for the 2558 views of this post...

Related link:
{My Angel Sister & Mariette's Back to Basics Explained} | previous post by me
{ANGELS We Know By Name} | previous post by me
{My 6 Min Presentation The Truth About Leprosy for GPDLI, AtAmerica U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA} | next day presentation after seeing Mom for the FINAL TIME...
{Mom Did Wear Many Hats} | later post by me


  1. oh, bless you mariette, and pieter, too. and your siblings and their families as well. i know you loved her and respected her. i am glad she no longer has to worry about dialysis and ills. she is free. a sweet and loving post to send her on her way to heaven.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Thank you so much for your meaningful words of support!
      Yes, I sure loved and respected her and always will. She is free indeed and probably very close to me now as well as to my two brothers that sat with her through this final night.

  2. I am very sorry for your loss sweet friend. I know how hard it must be, but at least, thank to your brother you could actually be with her with all your heart and soul and thanks to technology even see her and say goodbye while she was ready to go into her new journey beside our Lord.
    Tomorrow I have my Rosary and we will say a special prayer for your beautiful mother's peaceful soul.
    My cordial condolences to you and Pieter. I will also pray for you sweetie.
    Warmest hugs,

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Your comment is giving so much support and prayers are always more than welcome.
      Indeed thanks to technology I could be there with my two brothers.
      Sending you hugs and blessings,

  3. My Dearest Mariette ..my eyes filled with tears as I saw the title of your post. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to you, Pieter and your family. I am at a loss for words ... but know that I'm thinking of you more than usual during this time. Happy that your brothers were able to FaceTime with you and include you during this heavy heart time. Your mom was an amazing woman who continues on in your thoughts, memories and with you. Sending you blessings across the miles. Love from us both .. Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you for your meaningful words here. My second brother went for 30 hours without sleep. Both he, my youngest brother and I did experience a very serene, respectful night and morning full of love and warmth. For sure Mom has been aware of it and peacefully could sleep in once she reached home. She has been an amazing woman and in my thoughts she's always with me until the end of my days; till we meet again!
      Pieter is also heart broken as he loved her so much and he has come to appreciate her more and more over the years.
      Hugs back to both of you,

  4. What a beautiful testimony! Every mother is special. Thanks for sharing your loving care with us!

    1. Dear Ron,
      Thank you and Mom did not deserve anything less...
      Kindest regards,

  5. Dearest Mariette, My deepest condolences to you and all of your family. Tears from eyes again thinking my mother; as I told you she wished to be home but couldn't, well your mother's wish came true, right?
    I'm happy you made her proud during her stays in America with you and her picture is GORGEOUS, my Dear friend. I'm SO impressed by your words 'I can age happily as this is living proof ~~~'. I firmly believe that she will always with you looking down on you from heaven with your Angel Sister.
    And glad she was with her sons and helped you could see her these days. As you might guess, I always wished my bro was with me when father passed away. Bless You!
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you for your words, it caused tears to run down my cheeks. Yes, my Mom's death certainly did make you relive some of your own pain. If a daughter truly loves her dear Mom; it is a tough thing to loose her. The pain feels so raw but yes, we know she will be looking down from heaven with a certain pride and I feel also very much protected by her and my Angel Sister! Thank you for your meaningful comment; you are such a loyal and dear friend.
      Together we travel through life and manage the rough pathways we at times stumble upon...
      Hugs and blessings,

  6. My dear friend Mariette:
    I'm so sorry for your loss, I know these are very hard times for you and your family. Thanks to your brother you were also able to see her and talk to her before she went home to our Lord. Now you have an Angel you can call by name, your mother will live on in you through your memories. You, Pieter and of you family will be in my prayers
    Send you a big hug

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Thank you so much for your soothing words and yes, I really owe it to my two brothers for having been there via FaceTime, together with them, in a very loving way!

  7. Dearst Mariette,
    I am so sorry about your loss, sending you and your fmaily my deepest sympathy. I can imagine, how it will be to loose your mother, but you have wrtieen so wonderful and I am glad, you could be with her through this way.
    I am with you in my heart and my prayers, my dear friend.
    Sending much Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia XO

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you so much for your warm comment and all this outpour of love and support does surely help! If we would not have the modern day technology it would be very hard.

  8. My condolences to you dear sweet Mariette and your family, I'm sorry for your lost...

    Blessing So~

    1. Dearest Mari,
      Thank you and indeed it is a loss but heaven gained an Angel.

  9. Es gibt nichts, was die Abwesenheit
    eines geliebten Menschen ersetzen kann.
    Je schöner und voller die Erinnerung,
    desto härter die Trennung,
    aber die Dankbarkeit schenkt
    in der Trauer eine stille Freude.
    Man trägt das vergangene Schöne
    wie ein kostbares Geschenk in sich.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Liebe Mariette,
    Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie Kraft und Hoffnung für diese Zeit.
    Alles Liebe. ♥

    Mitfühlende Grüsse

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Dietrich Bonhöffer hat es so treffend gesagt: Je schöner und voller die Erinnerung, desto härter die Trennung...
      Dankbar bin ich um so eine unglaublich liebe Mutter gehabt zu haben!
      Sie bleibt im Herzen bei mir bis wir uns wiedersehen.
      Vielen Dank für deine Liebe,

  10. Dearest friend,
    I'm so sorry to hear your sad news.My heart goes out to you and I send you my sincerest condolences. May the happy memories you shared help to ease the pain.I'm relieved you have a wonderful husband and family to support you.My thoughts and prayers come to you...
    Take care

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Thank you so much for your meaningful comment and yes, above all, together with my dear husband Pieter I can manage this and the warmth and love my two brothers gave my Mom during her final hours is something I will keep forever on my retina and in my heart!

  11. meine liebe Mariette, auch wenn es so sehr schmerzt, sie gehen lassen zu müssen, tröstet doch vielleicht ein ganz klein wenig der Gedanke daran, dass es ihr dort, wo sie nun ist, besser geht ... ohne Schmerzen, ohne die Strapazen der Dialyse ... die Erinnerung an Deine wunderbare Mama, die immer bleibt, wird Dir niemand nehmen, und das ist doch auch etwas sehr Schönes ... ich hoffe, dass dieser Gedanke Deine Trauer etwas mildert ... in Gedanken schicke ich Dir und Pieter viel Kraft ... es umarmt und hält Dich Deine Sabine

    "Horch, klopfte es nicht an die Pforte? Wer naht, von Himmelsduft umrauscht? Woher des Trostes süße Worte, auf die mein Herz voll Andacht lauscht? Wer neigt, wenn alle Sterne sanken, mit mildem Licht und stiller Huld sich zu dem Staub- und Erdenkranken? Es ist der Engel der Geduld. 'O laß den Gram nicht mächtig werden, Du tiefbetrübtes Menschenkind! Wiß', daß die Leiden dieser Erden des Himmels beste Gaben sind und daß, wenn Sorgen Dich umwogen und Dich umhüllt des Zweifels Nacht, dort an dem glanzumfloss'nen Bogen ein treues Vaterauge wacht!' 'O laß Dir nicht zu Herzen steigen die langverhaltne Thränenfluth! Wiß, daß grad in den schmerzensreichen Geschicken tiefe Weisheit ruht, und daß, wenn sonst Dir Nichts verbliebe, die Hoffnung doch Dir immer lacht, da über Dich in ew'ger Liebe ein treues Vaterauge wacht!' 'O wolle nie Dich einsam fühlen! Obgleich kein Aug' sie wandeln sah, die sorgenheiße Stirn zu kühlen sind Himmelsboten immer da. Wer gern dem eignen Herzen glaubte, der kennt des Pulses heilige Macht. Drum wiß, das über Deinem Haupte ein treues Vaterauge wacht!' 'Drum füge Dich in Gottes Walten und trag Dein Leid getrost und still. Es muß im Dunkel sich gestalten, was er zum Lichte führen will. Dann bringt der Glaube reichen Segen, ob ihn der Zweifler auch verlacht, daß über allen Deinen Wegen ein treues Vaterauge wacht!' ("Trost" von Karl May)

    1. Liebe Sabine,
      Danke recht herzlich für deine sehr lieben Wörter und du hast so Recht das sie jetzt ohne Schmerzen, ohne Strapazen der Dialyse ist! Wenn das erste Rohe Leid weg ist dann kommen wirklich nur noch die lieben Erinnerungen als Ersatz.
      Es hilft auch dass ich schon vierundsechzig Mal meine Mutter umarmt habe zum Abschied. Ja, jedes Abschied ist ein bisschen sterben...
      Alles Liebe,

  12. Dearest Mariette,

    My sincere condolences to you sweet friend and sending all my love to you at this time.
    Happy that you were able to see your Mother via Face time and your brothers were with her.
    Having my dear Mother pass away recently, know how hard it must be for you all.
    Your dear Mother is now at rest and peace and may you remember all the happy times you shared.

    Sending love and hugs to you and Pieter.
    Carolyn xo

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you so much and yes, you sure did recently live through all of this. It was a tremendous blessing for having the use of FaceTime and being there together with my two special brothers.
      Mom is at peace now and that soothes the feeling of sadness.

  13. Mom always lose, this is a horrible experience. I know I loved her very much. I am very, very sad that now suffer. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Indeed, losing ones Mother is the hardest thing to face.
      Thank you very much for your words.

  14. I am so sorry for your loss dear Mariette! Sending you much love and good thoughts during this time. Hold tight to your wonderful memories!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Thank you for your words of comfort and you bet that I will hold on to my wonderful memories! They are in my heart forever, in my treasure chest...

  15. Dear Mariette, my deepest condolences to you and all of your family.
    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Mom. Me and Flora will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Take care my friend.A BIG HUG.(Flora is arriving in a few ours from the Netherlands,for her job here in Athens)

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you very much and glad that Flora is back with you in Greece!
      Sending you hugs and love,

  16. Hello Mariette, I am very sorry to hear this sad news about your mother. I love the posts you have written about her; they have conveyed to us the lovely person she was and the special bond between you two. A lot of her love and personality clearly lives on in you and her other children. For you to continue being the way you are is the greatest tribute to her.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      There sure has been a very special bond between my Mom and me and those warm memories will forever reside inside my heart. She definitely has been my role model!
      Kindest regards,

  17. Liebe Mariette,

    wir trauern mit dir über diesen großen Verlust deiner Mutter.
    Kraft und Zuversicht wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Es ist warhaftig ein sehr grosser Verlust um meine Mutter zu verlieren aber sie ist im Himmel und ohne Schmerzen vom Leben.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  18. lieve Mariette ...
    Gecondeleerd met je moeder ...ik wens jou en je familie veel sterkte ...
    En ik hoop dat de mooie heriningen aan je moeder je met de verlies van haar helpen...
    Een hele mooie foto van je moeder ..ze was een mooie vrouw (ik heriner me ook andere foto's haar)
    veel liefs ..
    het gaat je goed

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Dank je wel en de vele mooie herinneringen en ook foto's van mooie momenten, die helpen ons om hier doorheen te komen. Ze was heel mooi op deze dag toen de foto serie gemaakt is. Blij dat het zo mooi is vastgelegd!

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist unsagbar traurig und sehr schmerzhaft, eine Mutter gehen lassen zu müssen. Ich fühle mit Dir und Deiner Familie und wünsche viel Kraft für die Zeit des Abschiednehmens.
    Und ich möchte Euch trösten, denn es wird dankbare Erinnerung da sein und leuchten wie ein heller Stern in der Nacht; bis weit in den Morgen hinein.

    Alles Liebe von Traudi aus dem Drosselgarten

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, die eigene Mutter gehen lassen ist sehr schwierig aber um sie leiden zu sehen geht auch so am Herzen! Es ist gut das sie friedsam ihren Weg zum Himmel geschafft hat am Ende.
      Ja, wenn es um dankbare und auch sehr schöne Erinnerungen geht, die habe ich Gott sei Dank sehr viele also meine Nächte haben so eine leuchtende Sterne!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse und Dank für dein Beileid.

  20. Dearest Mariette,
    Thanks to you we have all gotten to know and enjoy your beautiful mother.
    Losing a loved one is never easy.
    I carry you and your family in my heart,
    Love, Suzi

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      It has been with great pride that I could share my dear Mom with my readers world wide!
      Having such a tremendous outpour of love feels very warm and I also thank you for that.

  21. r.i.p.! una donna dagli occhi dolcissimi, sicuramente vi ha dato tanto amore così come ne ha ricevuto tanto! una preghiera per lei! Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Mamma aveva infatti occhi molto morbidi e dolci, che dice molto circa la sua natura amorevole. Siamo stati molto Beati per avere una mamma così, e lei ci ha insegnato anche come amarsi.
      Grazie mille per le tue parole dalla cuore.

  22. Ook van ons ..voor jullie en je familie, gecondoleerd met het verlies van deze mooie en vast ook heel lieve moeder... ze heeft gelukkig toch wel een respectabele leeftijd mogen bereiken (mijn moeder was 59 toen ze overleed) maar het is altijd 'te vroeg'....veel sterkte..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Dank je zeer voor je woorden en já hoor het was een heel lieve Moeder! Al met al heeft ze het erg lang volgehouden; een kranige en sterke vrouw.
      Ja, met 59 al de familie te moeten achterlaten is wreed. Moeder's zus is ook zo jong gestorven.

  23. Lieve Mariette en Pieter,

    Gecondoleerd met het verlies van je Moeder.
    Zij was een sterke en moedige vrouw die voor altijd in jullie dierbare herinnering voort zal leven.

    ♥Geen wegen zo ver
    Geen zeeën zo diep
    Geen bergen zo hoog
    Zelfs geen hemel en aarde zullen jullie
    van elkaar doen scheiden
    Alles wat je lief hebt, blijft bij je in je hart♥

    Wens jullie veel sterkte en ik ben in gedachte bij jullie.


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Heel hartelijk dank voor je woorden van steun.
      Zeer zeker blijft mijn Moeder in onze dierbare en ook mooie herinneringen voort leven in onze harten.
      Wat dat betreft maakte de grote afstand niet eens wat uit.
      Wat dat betreft

  24. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist so traurig, es tut mir so leid! Habe viel an Deine Mutti gedacht und für sie gebetet in der letzten Zeit, seit ich die Meldung las. Ganz unfaßbar, die Mutter zu verlieren ... ich wünsche Dir viel Kraft und Trost in diesen schweren Tagen.
    Von Herzen

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Danke für diesen Zeilen und Gebet und ja es steht uns alle mal zu erwarten aber es ist sicher ganz traurig. Die Wischenschaft das sie nicht mehr leidet macht viel gut.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  25. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist so traurig, dass mein erster Kontakt mit Dir so leidvoll ist. ich bin in Gedanken bei Dir und spreche dir mein tief empfundenes Mitgefühl aus.
    In inniger Verbundenheit
    Deine Irmi

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, leider ist es so... Bin aber froh dass du wieder anwesend bist! Herzlichen Dank für die lieben Zeilen hier.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse an dir!

  26. Oh Mariette, I am so sorry for loss of your dear mom. Glad she and you could see each other via Face Time. And that your brothers were with her. Such a blessing, but still, it's beyond my imagination how hard it is for you. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Please take good care of yourself. Hugs and Love, Tamago

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It is a rather rough road to travel, but the knowledge that my Mom is at peace and without pain is so very soothing. We have loved her and she loved all of us but there is an end to life.
      Having been so close together with my loving and caring brothers that night via FaceTime was such a comforting thing; for all three of us and for sure very much for Mom! She did respond to that warmth and love and such experiences are incredible and will forever remain inside our hearts and on our retina...

  27. Dearest Mariette,
    Please accept my condolences for the loss of your dear mother! You were lucky to be able to speak to her before she goes to Heaven where there is no pain for her anymore. Our sympathy and prayers to you, Pieter and your family in these difficult times.
    Many hugs, dear friend!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you so very much for your comforting words. Indeed, having talked to her several times and in a very deep and meaningful way, is a blessing. Also for being close to her via FaceTime in her last night and part of the new day, was such an experience of closeness and love!
      Hugs to you,

  28. Meus sentimentos pela perda de sua mãe. Desejo lhes a você e a seus irmãos muita luz.

    1. Querida Anajá,
      Obrigado por suas palavras de amorosas, é muito calmante e reconfortante!

  29. What a lovely tribute to your dear mother. I am so sorry for your great loss. What a blessing to have been able to use Face Time and be with her at the end, and to have all the beautiful memories you have. You will continue to be in my prayers Mariette, that you will be sustained during this time. xo Deborah

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Thank you so much, it really helps for focusing right away on some very special and fond memories... Can't get over that huge blessing for being able to see, hear and speak to her via FaceTime! It makes us feel connected and like being right there! Very dear memories of those final hours for the remainder of my life. With my two brothers we sent our dear Mother to lay down to sleep. We know she is BLESSED!
      Thanks for your prayers; they sure helped in making Mom reaching the home where most of us are born..

  30. Dearest Marietts,
    I'm very sorry for your losiing your lovely mother it was never easy for you I still having my dear mother passaway when I was younger age and I still never forgot in I'm nebievel you have a wonderful husband and family take care of yourself.
    sending you Hugs and blessing for good life!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      So sad that you experienced losing your dear Mother when you still were young. Never easy but yes, I certainly do have a wonderful husband and also some very supportive family members and lots of dear friends!

  31. Wat een verlies Mariette, gecondoleerd. Je weet dat het kan gebeuren maar het is toch een schok als het definitief is. Je hebt zo'n mooie foto geplaatst, ze ziet er geweldig uit en je kan zien dat ze een heel gelukkige tijd bij jou had toen.ik wens je heel veel sterkte de komende tijd en koester de mooie herinneringen die je aan haar hebt.
    Veel liefs, Marianne

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Jazeker, je wéét het maar de dood komt toch vaak als een dief in de nacht! De meesten zijn er dan ook níet op voorbereid. Ja, op deze foto is mijn Moeder twee jaar jonger nog dan ik nu ben... Maar het is een schat aan waarde om zoiets te hebben; vastgelegde geluksmomenten die nóóit meer weggaan.
      Heel hartelijk dank voor je lieve woorden!

  32. Dear Mariette, I am so glad your darling Mum got her wish and died at home. I know you were hoping that would happen. May love and Peace surround you, at this sad time. Just think no more pain. In time you will be able to recall and laugh about the wonderful memories you have as a family.
    Sending love and hugs to you.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Yes she sure did get her wish; barely but still! Lots of people were praying for it also.
      We already do treasure lots of such fond memories and also photos. They mean so much to us.
      Thanks for your kind words.

  33. Heel veel sterkte de komende tijd...tja zo moeilijk...ik hoop dat je het een plekje kunt geven het neem de tijd om het te verwerken .....liefs Ria ..xM

    1. Lieve Ria,
      Ja dank je, jij bent ons hierin al voor gegaan maar het is altijd moeilijk als het moment zich aandient. Je leeft zó in een roes en daar kom je dan heel abrupt weer uit; terug in de harde werkelijkheid. Maar wetende dat ze heel liefdevol omringd was door echte liefde in haar laatste uren is zo'n enorme steun; daar kunnen we mee verder!

  34. I am holding you close in my heart, dear one.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you so very much sweet friend!

  35. Such sad news, but good that you were able to see and speak to her before she passed, I cannot imagine losing my mum as we are really so close she is more then my mum she is my friend

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      It is never easy to lose your Mother but as we've practiced to say goodbye for 64 times, that did help. Each time a little piece of you does die when you say goodbye... But the final emotion is a raw one.
      Sending you hugs,

  36. My sincere condolences, Mariette. It is painful to say the final goodbye, especially to one's mother. My heart and thoughts are with you as you face this loss.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      Thank you very much, you know yourself as it is not that long ago you lost your Mom; even thought she outlived my Mom by some 8 years it always is painful.
      Sending you hugs,

  37. Nogmaals gecondoleerd Mariette.Wens je veel sterkte,
    Ga je nog naar de begrafenis?
    Groeten Janny

    1. Beste Janny,
      Hartelijk dank voor je medeleven vanuit Frankrijk!

  38. Liebe Mariette,
    das tut mir so leid.
    Vielleicht tröstet es dich ein bisschen, das du durch deine Brüder von deiner Mutter Abschied nehmen konntest.
    Ich denke an dich!

    1. Liebe Michaela,
      Danke sehr und ob es tröstet das ich durch meine Brúder so schön Abschied nehmen konnte!
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  39. Dearest Mariette,
    I am so sorry for your loss
    Sending hugs to you and husband Pieter!

    1. Dearest Astrid,
      Thank you very much and we are supported by so many sweet people; that helps us tremendously.

  40. Dearest Mariette,

    I feel your sorrow very keenly, as I, too, lost my Mother just over a year ago. My most heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family.

    What a beautiful woman she was; I'm sure her soul is even more beautiful.

    Whenever I am tempted to complain about "technology" and problems with the internet, I have your example to think of -- what a wonderful way to share the final moments of a cherished loved one.

    My thoughts and prayers are w/you and your lovely Mother.

    Warm hugs, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Yes, we both are not far apart in having to deal with this. Thank you ever so much for your kind words!
      Mom was a beautiful woman; provided she could find some leisure time...
      Indeed, the benefits of technology let me be there with my two brothers during that night and morning. At least three out of seven siblings were near Mom.
      Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.

  41. My Dear Mariette,
    My heart is with you and your sorrow having to say goodbye to your Dear Sweet Mother. Words cannot convey how sad I feel for you. She is with the Angels now and looking down with loving eyes upon her precious daughter and loved ones, alongside your sweet sister, always by your side. I express my heartfelt condolences to you and Pieter, and also to your family. If only I could give you a sweet hug...my thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Much love,

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you for your very warm and uplifting words; I needed that! Tomorrow morning the solemn holy Mass will get professionally taped for us, to watch later, so I too can witness this with Pieter. It will be at 4:30 AM our time.
      Hugs to you dear friend!

  42. Dear Mariette, again, I am very sorry for your loss. Your mom certainly lived a very long life despite the dialysis she had to endure. A lovely tribute to her. Hugs and blessings, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Mom certainly did live a very long life; she was quite a trooper! Thank you, this tribute is all I can give her and she knows, she will very fondly remember the good times she had with us here in Georgia and my photos are a living proof of that and for the raw emotions at present they resemble her being without pain now...

  43. Cara Mariette!ti abbraccio forte!la tua cara e bella mamma ora è un angelo che ti protegge!Ti sono vicina,un pensiero anche da parte di mio marito!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Grazie mille per le tue caolorose parole di conforto e ringrazio anche il tuo caro marito!

  44. Querida Mariette, siento muchísimo que estés pasando por estos ingratos momentos. La muerte de la madre es una de las peores cosas por las que tenemos que pasar, yo también me quedé sin madre. Recibe todo mi cariño y mi pesar. Mi pésame para ti y toda tu familia. Besos.

    1. Querida Enma,
      Gracias por sus condolencias y amor virtual. Sí, es algo muy duro perder unos Madre. El año pasado en febrero en nuestro viaje numero 64 me definitivamente despedí de mia Madre... Yo estaba con Mamá vía FaceTime en el iPhone de mi hermano menor. Eso significó mucho para mí. Él y mi hermano segundo estaban con mamá y yo podía ver, oír y hablar con ella, así. Ahora estoy viendo la Misa de Réquiem solemne que marido de mi querida ahijada profesionalmente grabado para nosotros.

  45. Cara Mariette, un forte abbraccio anche da parte mia e sono sicura che la tua mamma ti proteggerà sempre... Con il sorriso sulle labbra, come nella foto.

    1. Carissima V,
      Certo che è così vero, lei ora è il mio angelo speciale che conosco per nome e mi ha già lasciato dormire stanotte molto stretto. Oggi abbiamo potuto vedere l'intero requiem solenne di misa perché il marito della nostra dolce figlioccia fatto professionalmente video nastro per me... Io c'ero! Mamma e ho visto da lontano; Lei dal cielo ed io da 8.436 km di distanza. Lei ha volato 4 volte per gli USA ed io, 64 volte a lei per una visita e lei ora è per sempre al mio fianco!

  46. Mariette....ti abbraccio forte forte....e questo post altro non è che una meravigliosa, profonda, e splendida dichiarazione d'amore per la tua mamma ♥♥♥. Con affetto. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Grazie mille peril tuo abbraccio forte e parole dolce. Sì, ho amato molto la mia mamma ed io ho ammirato la sua tremendamente. Lei sarà per sempre il mio modello di ruolo, Dio piacendo voglio essere forte come lei è stata!

  47. Dearest Mariette,

    Just read your comment on my blog. So very sorry to hear of the death of your beloved mother. You told me she was seriously ill, but I did not realise it was that bad. It must be such a comfort that you spoke with her through face time. I hope that she is in a beautiful place with your sister.

    Wishing you, Pieter and the rest of your family much strength and lots of beautiful memories.

    A big hug from The Netherlands. Take care,

    Madelief xox

    You look a lot like her Mariette! What a beautiful lady she was!

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Yes, it was that serious, I never let it out to anyone, we just did keep it to ourselves but finally I had a prayer request and with all our friends here in Dublin, GA and even in a wider circle, that was done. I so wished she would not have to suffer.
      My youngest brother told me, that we all owe so much to Steve Jobs as otherwise I would have been left out totally. Flying over was out of question as we still are facing huge medical bills...
      Thanks for your love, for you yourself the loss of your dear husband seems still so raw but at least you went through it together; being present in person.
      We do have precious memories and those I will cherish for the remainder of my life!
      Guess I do look like my Mom and I'm proud of it; she was such a sweet lady with even more beauty inside.

  48. Lieve Mariette, bladerend door je blog zie ik het berichtje over het overlijden van je moeder. Via jouw blog hebben wij haar ook een beetje mogen leren kennen. Ik wens jou en je familie heel veel sterkte toe.
    Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Willy,
      Dank je wel meid, ja het is erg fijn zo via de blog om elkaar te leren kennen. Mijn Moeder genoot verleden jaar ook zó van al de lieve commentaren op haar 90ste verjaardag. Ze las ze samen met mij op de laptop terwijl ze dialyse had. Dat heeft haar enorm gestreeld en ik deed het met veel liefde omdat zij dé reden was van onze 64ste trip naar Nederland. Zó'n bezoek is veel waardevoller dan het naar een begrafenis of crematie gaan...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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