
Saturday, July 30, 2016

{Breakfast in the Sunshine}

The TRUTH is that we have bought our lot, while driving around and looking for a spot where we would have SUNSHINE at breakfast time!
Yes, that is a true story and let me show you how it worked out...
And yes, Deborah, we have breakfast while viewing our hummingbirds that come right to the window on the right, you see the red cap of the feeder.
Breakfast in our Kitchen Bay Window area with SUNSHINE!
Most of the time...
Add some fresh flowers and the use of the handmade silver container from Indonesia for our margarine and you feel instantly happy!
We use Vegan Cheese as I am not allowed to eat too much protein, due to my CKD stage 3.
Yep, that's my healthy breakfast with supplements...
One demitasse with coffee and cocoa added and coconut oil.
One cup of soy milk from Trader Joe's as it is with the least amount of sugar.
Dutch BOLLETJE RYE BREAD (ROGGEBROOD) from Vander Veen's in Wyoming, Michigan. 
Are you having breakfast in a sunny spot at your home?

Thanks for your visit!


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Breakfast in the sunshine always is lovely!
    Well, I could do in the sunshine too, but on the patio we first have sun in the afternoon ... in the morning I only get sun in the living room.
    Your breakfast looks really healthy!
    Have a lovely and wonderful weekend,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht einladend und köstlich aus.

    Alles Liebe

  3. Looks delightful Mariette - I would like to try the Almond Butter something that I have not seen here.

  4. What a wonderful place to have breakfast while looking out to the garden and the birds.
    Love your butter dish Mariette. I haven't had rye bread for years, I should look around to see where I can buy some.

  5. I love to have breakfast in the garden in the summer.

    I love "roggebrood", het zure Limburgse en het donkere Friese!! Eet het alleen als ik in Nederland ben. Heb wel net twee ontbijtkoeken soldaat gemaakt, die een vriendin meegebracht had. Heerlijk, iedere ochtend een sneetje, met margarine. Childhood memories!

  6. Yes we have and we didn't even looked for it. But in the morning the sun shines at the front in the kitchen. With the table at the window we have a sunny breakfast indeed. At least as long as the sun will shine of course....

  7. Um belo e delicioso pequeno-almoço.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  8. Sunshine is such a great companion when you have breakfast :-) Your table looks very bright and filled with healthy food! I love almond butter. Yum! And I love vegan cheese. It's quite tasty, isn't it?
    Our deck gets sunshine in the morning and I love eating breakfast there :-) Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend, Mariette!

  9. Sunshine is always the best choice, dear.
    I love have breakfast in the garden during summer: sun, flowers and so on... but the truth is that I spend any moment free in the garden!

  10. Such a healthy breakfast, good for you. Yes. Our kitchen is on the east side of our home.....make that both homes.

  11. What a good, healthy breakfast, and so delightful to eat in a sunny spot. Unfortunately, our breakfast area and dining area are on the west side of the house, so no morning sun, and it can get very hot in the late afternoons. I roll out an automatic awning to keep us protected from the sun. I would definitely do it differently if we were looking for another house.
    I do have our bird feeders right outside our kitchen table window, and enjoy watching them whenever I eat or sit here on my computer. The hummingbirds are delightful to watch, aren't they?
    Good for you for eating healthy, for both you and Pieter. xo Deborah

  12. Hi dear Mariettes!! Que rico desayuno con esos rayos de sol .. Que tengas buen día

  13. Dearest Mariette!
    A Breakfast in the Sunshine! What lovely weather in the breakfast the vegan cheese in the your Kitchen table window.enjoy nice tea both of you!

  14. Was für eine hübsche Dahlie, liebe Mariette! Ich hätte auch gerne Dahlien, aber das ist mit zu viel Aufwand und Platzbedarf in unserem Garten verbunden.
    Meine Mutti hat ein ähnliches gesundheitl. Problem, darf allerdings kein Soja, da sie es nicht vertragt. Wie unterschiedlich das sein kann. Es schaut jedenfalls alles sehr lecker aus.

    Liebe Grüße und noch schöne Sommertage

  15. Uma refeição deliciosa e um pão muito apetitoso.

  16. Oh I don' like almond butter, but I think that is normal for a french no ? lol
    Nice table Mariette.

  17. Dearest Mariette; Your breakfast with sunshine looks GORGEOUS with flowers and healthy food♡♡♡ Oh, if only space in the tiny garden outside :-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
