
Monday, August 1, 2016

{Our Mailbox Got Hit Again}

 In the 26 years that we have lived in this home, our mailbox has taken quite some beatings. 
We are actually having our 4th mailbox at present!
If some cars back up from the neighbor's driveway across the street, it has happened that they slam into our mailbox...
We already had replaced the previous mailbox with a more sturdy one... 
There is a 4 x 4 inch post inside and it's poured into solid concrete.
But as you can tell, it did burst open from the impact!
This time a utility truck hit it from the side.
The 4 x 4 inch is visible inside...
Husband Pieter is standing there, taking this photo.
It actually happened on Pieter's Birthday!
Yep, it got all cracked up.
Charter Communications was the one that caused this.
But they graciously have acknowledged the damage and I was lucky for finding the exact replacement on line at MailMaster Post Mounted Mailbox with Rain Overhang by Step2
The grass looks awful because of the heat...
But here is the replacement standing strong once more!
Seen with our Vinyl Picket Fence in the back...

Thanks for your visit.


  1. Dear Mariette,

    So nice that you were able to get a replacement just like the last one.
    Happy birthday to Pieter and hope you had a lovely day
    Sending hugs

  2. You are lucky you found exactly the same one. Looks great again.

  3. Dat is een leuke brievenbus, jammer dat hij steeds gemolesteerd wordt. Doet de postbode het rode "vlaggetje" omhoog als hij er post in doet?

    1. Dearest Marianne,
      No, the mailman does not raise the red flag after inserting incoming mail.
      It is the other way around. If we have any outgoing mail, we insert it inside the mailbox and raise the red flag.
      The mailman takes it out, lowers the red flag and inserts the incoming mail for that day.
      Very handy and a great service too.

  4. Oh no, that's not a nice birthday surprise! But I'm glad you could find the same one and replace it :-)
    I once slammed into neighbor's mail box. It was dark, icy but most of all, I'm terrible at backing car! I got a replacement immediately.
    Happy Sunday, Mariette. Have a lovely day!

  5. Dearest Mariette.

    That truck must have been moving to have done that kind of damage! At least they acknowledged the accident. How happy you must have been to quickly replace it!

    We don't even keep a mailbox anymore. The local wits think it is great fun to go around wacking boxes with bats, or even stealing them. It seems to have gotten a little better since there are more houses around, or people may be growing up!

    We are very dry here too. We had about a half inch of rain a few days ago. Toes crossed for more today!

    Happy August! What happened to July?...........*s*

  6. Glad the culprit acknowledged the accident and you managed to get a replacement mailbox.
    Happy belated birthday to Pieter.
    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday Mariette.

  7. Hmm are you sure there is not target painted on the front.

  8. Dearest Mariette!
    Your Husband birthday time and good time in replacement the mail box great service the mail box in coming the ways!
    We had raining for most of July month!
    Have a nice day!

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    what a shame ... the Postbox is so funny, glad, you got the same one again to replace :O)
    Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Pieter!
    Have a lovely new week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  10. Dearest Mariette; Oh, it must be a kind of heartbreaking thing happened; especially on your husband's birthday! I'm really glad to hear that the person acknowledged it and you could find the new one.
    I LOVE the sweet looking postbox♡♡♡ 
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Oh, the hazards of being a mail box, dear Mariette! So happy that your perpetrator has acknowledged his mistake and made restitution. Your little box is so cute :) Happy Belated Birthday to dear Pieter! There is always something to repair, even on his birthday. A good man! Hugs xo Karen

  12. Das ist ja ärgerlich, liebe Mariette. Die Straße sollte wohl breit genug sein. ;-)
    Lustig in jedem Fall solch ein Briefkasten. Habe ich bei uns noch nie gesehen! Auch das mit der Fahne kennen wir bei uns nicht.

    Bei uns kann man aber zu einem Paket-Kasten fahren, um dort seine Pakete aufzugeben, dazu braucht man keinen Postschalter mehr. Briefe wurden schon immer auch in einen Briefkasten, den die Post aufgestellt hat, geworfen.

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch noch nachträglich an Deinen Pieter! Alles Liebe und Gute! Ich habe es diesesmal nicht mitbekommen, bei uns sind auch gerade Geburtstage zu feiern.

    Liebe Grüße auch hier


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