
Monday, June 12, 2017

Happy with my Scuba Skirt

We all have had no doubt something that we fell in love with right away, until the price ticket scared us off!
One of Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5th emails showed such a gem.
Of course I tried to wait till it got on sale but then it was SOLD OUT!
Wearing it here, with my sewing creation that I've shown you before.
It goes perfect with this Silk Quilted Vest that I paired with silk Escada blouse.
The Scuba Skirt is in a moss green and so are my Escada shoes.
Here is the J BRAND Kimberly Scuba Skirt that I've posted on Pinterest, just scroll down.
Also the back side with special zipper.
Just like a dream object...
One rainy day I thought, why not Google this J BRAND Kimberly Scuba Skirt?
Low and behold, at I found it; new and half price and in a size S!
Laughing with this cast iron 'OWL', It can hold a votive candle for special light effect.
We got it long before I joined the Choir of the Knight Owls...
Love the length of this skirt so much and the freedom.
I had an A-line Escada skirt but our late Spooky boy did claw it while carrying him on my hip to the mail box. I got two holes from his hind legs where he dug in!
At that time he was still an indoor only cat and he got excited about some dog...
But finally, I found this replacement!
Blending in with nature...
This is taken on April 2.
Pleats in the back too and for the zipper you have to check out my Pinterest as it is not visible here.
Yes, we still had azaleas here!
Not much of a show this year, due to the late frost.
Spooky boy did approve of my skirt! They love to linger in our Gazebo.
So does Barty boy, our eldest 13-year old.
And above all, the photographer, husband Pieter who is holding here our HUGE Clematis Lanuginosa Candida blooms.

Thank you for your visit!

Previous post:


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht gut aus.

    Sonnige Grüße

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    eine wirklich gelungene Kombination.
    Die Augen des Katers sind faszinierend.
    Die Clematis blüht wunderschön.
    Einen sonnigen Tag wünscht dir

  3. Dear Mariette, You are such and elegant lady - love the skirt - its perfect on you! Love the pictures by the tree - in the nature - you look so lovely and happy. Makes me happy to look at. Way to go inspiring lady:-) Enjoy life - it's all in the little things and moments like that. Thanks for spreading happiness. Lots of love to you

  4. Always elegant Mariette. Lovely skirt and I like the quilted vest too.
    Beautiful cats.

  5. Your clematis is so beautiful


  6. Dejar Mariette
    You're a teenager!
    You look absolutely lovely with your skirt.

  7. Dearest MAriette,
    a lovely skirt, and you look wonderful :O)
    Love this big Clematis! Such a beautiful one!
    Happy weekend to you and Pieter,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  8. I love your new skirt, dear Mariette! So perfect and classic, and it looks so good with your pretty vest and blouse. The perfect skirt to show off your pretty legs, too! Love seeing your beautiful flowers and say hello to dear Pieter and your sweet kitty-cats. Sending hugs xo Karen

  9. Bezaubernd liebe Mariette. :-)

    Herzliche Grüsse

  10. Your skirt looks very soft and comfortable! Glad you could get it :-) It goes very well with your blouse. You look very pretty, Mariette!
    Lovely to see your fur babies and those huge flowers are gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  11. Dearest Mariette!
    Your lovely skirt and show us pretty Legs.All way to you had beautiful flowers that is all times.
    Dear Pieter and lovely Cats.
    Have a nice weekend. today we has beautiful day and few more days!

  12. Class all the way with the pretty vest and skirt. Such a pretty blouse. If I had legs like you do , I know I would be wearing shorter skirts than I do now. You look wonderful!
    Gorgeous Clematis, never have I seen blooms on one that large.

  13. You match nature and your house. :) I used to wear skirts all the time when I was a working girl in the 80s and 90s. Now, not at all. My husband wishes I'd wear a dress sometimes. Just not comfortable in them at all anymore.

  14. So happy for you that you got the skirt...and you have put together a darling outfit!

  15. I'm a broken record: a lot of beauty ... you, the cat, the outdoors, the flowers! Good to finally see the photographer too. He has a spectacular eye!

  16. Mariette pięknie wygladasz w tej spódnicy. Zazdroszczę figury.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.


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