
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA 1st North American Mushroom Conference

September 23-25, 1979 the 1st North American Mushroom Conference was held at the San Francisco, CA Fairmont Hotel.
Husband Pieter did give his presentation about 'Shelf Plants' P.J.C. Vedder just click link for his publication.
At the time Pieter was still Principal of the Practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in The Netherlands.
Discussions after Pieter delivered his presentation.
A thank you letter from the American Mushroom Institute:
Dear Pieter:
Thank you very much Pieter, for participating in the program of the 1st North American Mushroom Conference. Your presentation was superb, and it was quite obvious we all benefitted from the experience. It was, indeed, our pleasure and very generous of you to help us make the conference the success that it was.
On behalf of the A.M.I. its Board of Directors, and the Conference Committee, I would like to extend  to you our sincere appreciation. I hope that your visit to the United States was enjoyable. We look forward to working with you again in the future.
Best regards.
Charles J. Ciarrocchi
Conference Chairman
P.S. Enclosed find our check covering travel expenses.

Charles J. Ciarrocchi was a long time mushroom friend, who was the President of Modern Mushroom Farms, Inc. which was founded in 1970. Now it is under Giorgio.
We have been to their farm at Toughkenamon in Pennsylvania.
Pieter was always in his element at such Conferences.
Here he is seen during a coffee break, cup in hand.
To his left is an unknown person, maybe someone could fill that in...
Pieter, Aron Kinrus a longtime Polish-American agronomist, Alex Overstijns who was one of the very first teachers at the practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in Horst, The Netherlands and to the right Paul Rutten a former student of Pieter, who immigrated to North America.
Aron Kinrus, Alex Overstijns, Shyfra Kinrus and Pieter with an unknown person standing behind them.
Husband Pieter to the left, Shyfra Kinrus, unknown person and Alex Overstijns.
Husband Pieter, unknown person, Alex Overstijns, Nick Pora who came from Romania in 1972, with only $ 5.00 in his pocket and build quite a mushroom emporium in Canada, that we managed to visit in person. Aron Kinrus.

Fond memories of happy times spent with mushroom related friends!


  1. Hello Mariette, How lucky for Pieter to participate in this conference in the historic Fairmount Hotel, at the top of the famous Nob Hill. The hotel survived the 1906 earthquake, and luckily was repaired and started its long life. Interestingly, it faces the old Flood house (now the Political Union CLub), one of the really huge houses of old San Francisco, and the only one to survive (again, after extensive repairs) the great earthquake and fire.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, Pieter was very lucky for being able to stay there in 1979. Both of us walked Nob Hill area often from Union Square and in the 80s San Francisco belonged to our favorite cities. Liberal politics have changed the city however...

  2. Dearest MAriette,
    thank you for sharing great memories again!
    Wishing you a happy new week!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It sure was more than a great memory.

  3. LiebeMriette,

    Liebe Mariette,
    das sind schöne Erinnerungen.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke sehr und es ist wunderschön darauf zurück schauen zu können.
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Sono ricordi che resteranno sempre nella mente.
    Buon inizio settimana.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Davvero, questi ricordi resteranno per sempre!
      Un abbraccio,

  5. Such an amazing history and career. Great photos as always. I can't even find half the photos I've taken over the years and certainly cannot remember such details. Really wish I had been more consistent in keeping diaries and journals. I have always been a starter in that regard, but never a keeper-upper or a finisher. :/

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Well, it took a lot of organizing per date and year and then you have access to it again.
      Feeling happy that we both did and I've worked it out for Pieter to relive it now he has the time for doing so.

  6. Great photos and memories from the mushroom conference in San Francisco. Your husband Pieter's presentation must have been one of the highlights. And Mr. Nick Pora's story sounds interesting. How lucky you got to meet him in person!
    Have a wonderful new week, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, this was a wonderful North American Mushroom Conference in still beautiful San Francisco.
      Most people we met during conferences but going to their actual business is special and we sure are glad we did so while this hard working Romanian Nick Pora was still alive!

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, they sure are and worth archiving them!

  8. How wonderful that you have these wonderful memories to look back on. It is apparent that you are very proud of your husband’s accomplishments, and rightly so.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes I am and for a good reason. Not many have accomplished to get their scientific book published in 8 official languages! It took a lot of in-depth knowledge and then the gift of wording it in an understandable way for others to actually carry it out.
      Love for growing and for people...

  9. Hi Mariette,
    I always love to read your vast experience throughout the world. it is amazing.

    1. Dearest Krishna,
      Indeed, husband Pieter has covered quite a large part throughout the world.
      It makes one understand life better!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
