
Saturday, May 9, 2020

213 Countries Visited - Welcome Sint Maarten and my Pinterest + Yucca Lily

On April 15, my humble blog got visited by the 113th country - Sint Maarten
According to the World Factbook, Sint Maarten is situated in Central America.
It has been Dutch but in a 2000 referendum, the citizens of Sint Maarten voted to become a self-governing country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
During this LOCKDOWN, it is obvious that a lot of people are reading more...
Not that I'm very active on my Pinterest but there are a LOT of viewers every month.
Another rise...
Our Variegated Yucca Lily is blooming again!
A dreary, cloudy day...
Last time it bloomed in the rain, see link below.
Our big Magnolias are also blooming...
Such exotic beauties!
Glad husband Pieter captured these photos on May 8.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related link:
212 Countries Visited - Welcome American Samoa + UPDATE Fairmont Château Lake Louise | previous post by me
Variegated Yucca Lily Blooming | previous post by me


  1. Hello Mariette, Your garden seems a tropical paradise. In Ohio I was happy with fruit tree blossoms, but you have an infinite variety. Still, the fruit trees are pretty good--I forgot, do you have any peach trees in your yard in Georgia?

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, at times it looks rather lush and a bit tropical indeed.
      We used to have all fruit varieties but they're all gone... too hot and without the use of any pesticide, not possible to harvest any peaches, plums, pluots, apricots or whatever we've tried.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlichen Dank fü deinen schönen Post.

    Liebe Grüße


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und toll das wir es so teilen können!
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Oh Mariette! Those blooms are so beautiful!!! In my garden I have a variety of Bromelieads which I never have seen flower yet. Hope I can in the coming months that I am taking care of them more extensively than before :) Congratulations on your Sint Maarten visit! Their flag is quite like a sibling to ours :)

    1. Dearest Steven,
      Thank you and you have your orchids which we cannot keep outside during the three colder months of winter.
      Miss my Indonesian patio, full of orchids on the outside wall.
      Sint Maarten has a special flag.

  4. Yucca must be a very adaptable plant -- I always think of it as a resident of the desert, but your yard is very green and not at all dry. Have a happy Mother's Day!

    be well... mae at

    1. Dearest Mae,
      Well, especially this spring we have had the wettest spring I can recall. We had to run our wet vac three times downstairs... Haha, this dessert pant didn't seem to mind, as it is rewarding us big time with its blossoms after three years of not showing any.
      Wonders of nature...

  5. Hi Mariette! Awesome flowers. I have never seen this flower.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Guess in your region it is way too cold for it.
      It surprised us with another stalk of flowers after three years.
      Some people already told us that it blooms only once, guess that is not true...

  6. Congratulations on the new country! And the number of views on your Pinterest page is amazing!
    Those yucca lilies are so gorgeous. Really unique and exotic look! Weather has been rather weird lately. Glad they bloomed so beautifully :-)

    Have a wonderful new week, Mariette xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you, guess a lot of people nowadays are into reading and such...
      We were pleasantly surprised with the budding out and finally full blooming of our yucca lilies again!

  7. Congratulation! I still have 157 countries and 220 different flags in my blog.
    Beautiful flowers! so welcome. Have a nice week.

    1. Dearest Endah,
      Isn't it amazing how many countries and even more flags there are on this 'tiny' planet?
      It is a joy that we can open up to one another and visit across the borders!
      Yes, these yucca lilies are special, so exotic looking too.

  8. Wow how impressive..your readership! Love the bloom. My neighbor has a magnolia and I am enjoying the blooms.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Well, don't know if it is that impressive but rewarding it sure is!
      That Yucca lily is an exotic looking gem and we enjoy it.
      Yes, no closeup of our magnolia blooms but they sure are gorgeous too.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    ist sind große Pflanzen mit imposanten Blüte und wunderschön. Danke an Pieter für die Aufnahmen. Bei uns im Garten will die Yucca nicht wachsen, das ist aber auch schon ein paar Jährchen her, ich sollte es vielleicht doch noch mal mit ihr probieren...dank Klimawandel...die Erde im Garten wird immer trockener... Ich las Sint Maarten und dachte, o das hört sich an wie Sünner Marten... das ist Martinisingen zu Ehren Martin Luther , da laufen die Kinder hier in Ostfriesland mit Kipp-Kapp-Kögel, Sünner Martens Vögel... singend durch die Straßen...
    Ich hab geguuuuuuugelt- Sint Maarten ist eine wunderschöne Insel, hach Karibik... o dazu fällt mir noch was ein... bin begeisterte Krimi-Seherin der Serie "Death in Paradise", die hat auf der fiktiven Karibik-Insel Saint Marie gespielt, fand aber auf Guadeloupe statt... naja ähnliche Namen halt ;-)))
    Liebe Abendgrüße zu Euch von Traudi.♥

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, manche Pflanzen sollte man oft die Zeit geben aber ja, uns fehlt ja die Geduld dazu!
      Sint Maarten da waren wir schon öfters in Ferien aber es trifft dort auch oft die Verwüstung vom Hurrikan. Deswegen fanden wir Curaçao wo es nie so zu geht, eine bessere Wahl. Auch schon seid 2013 nicht mehr gewesen. Teuer und eine lange Reise doch noch.
      Solche Serien werden ja oft in solche Gegenden aufgenommen; sieht auch romantisch und toll aus.
      Sünner Marten kennen wir überhaupt nicht... Komisch hört es sich an.
      Ganz liebe Grüße von uns nach dem Radfahren und nun mal Tee mit Nüsse ohne Salz.

  10. I have Yuccas flowering in my garden too but their leaves are green, and not as attractive as your variegated ones.
    Is your Magnolia a grandiflora - I think that particular tree with its large cream waxy flowers and lovely scent is one of the most pleasing of them all.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      We always have searched for any golden leaves or variegated versions of plants and shrubs, even trees.
      Not easy but when you spot them it is great to bring them home.
      Yes, our Magnolias are both grandiflora versions. The one in the first photo is a French variety, very rare and double blooming and fragrant. The other one is just a Southern Magnolia but still beautiful with its large flowers. Our Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno'.

  11. Hi Mariette!
    So beautiful this plant...
    I am trying to build my garden, but it is so dificult.
    Hugs from Brazil

    1. Dearest Brazilian visitor,
      Oh, having finally a garden the way we all like it to look is a lot of hard work and a lot of sweat!
      Those things don't come easy.
      Wishing you good luck.

  12. I've seen some very, very tall stalks on yuccas here but no blooms as of yet.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Guess it may take years for blooms to appear.
      Hope they will some day...

  13. Diese Lilie finde ich auch sehr schön! Schade, dass man nicht alles in seinem Garten beherbergen kann.

    Einen Flag-Counter hatte ich auch auf meinem Blog, doch seit der neuen Datenschutzverordnung dürfen wir diese Counter nicht mehr verwenden. Vieles ist hier in Deutschland anders geworden. ;-( Wer Google Analytis verwenden will, muß erst einen Formular von Google Ireland ausfüllen lassen, alles viel Aufwand!

    Liebe Grüße nochmals und endgültig Gute Nacht
    (während bei Dir ja eine andere Tageszeit herrscht, ich schaue grade mal auf mein Handy. Es müsste wohl noch nicht ganz 21 Uhr bei Euch sein?
    Bei mir ist es heute zu spät geworden.

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, das ist sehr spät für eure Seite... aber vielen Dank für's reinstolpern hier!
      Schade das soviel bei euch viel Aufwand aufruft.
      Ganz liebe Grüße,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
