
Monday, August 31, 2020

7th North American Mushroom Conference Pieter J.C. Vedder CO₂ and Temperature Management

After showing you the Review Quotation: Pieter J.C. Vedder; One of the Best Teachers in Mushroom Growing in the World (just click on link), I'd love to share my husband Pieter's lecture with you. This was given at the very same Conference, on the previous day. Listen to video below.
Dr. Pieter Vedder CO and Temperature Management
Husband Pieter was the speaker on the 1st day and he also was one of the first ones to perform.
He got introduced by Michael L. Pia...
Especially for those that only read Pieter J.C. Vedder's Publications but never heard his voice...
Just click to watch video.

Don't forget to click on 'CC' for seeing English caption...

For actually seeing Pieter, watch him by clicking here: Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms  & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada as he introduces me.
The newest addition is available in English with worldwide print on demand publishing.
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting just click link. Amazon is listing full information! Others might omit it...

Related links:
7th North American Mushroom Conference at The Roosevelt in New Orleans | previous post by me
The Roosevelt New Orleans with View of Mississippi and French Quarter + New Orleans Cooking School | previous post by me
FOUND the GUMBO and JAMBALAYA Recipe from New Orleans School of Cooking | previous post by me
Our Long Awaited Mississippi River Cruise | previous post by me
{After Christmas Sales: Humility - Tolerance - Patience - Integrity - Compassion} | previous post by me
We DID go back to New Orleans! | previous post by me


  1. How wonderful to see and hear you both speak on your expert subject Mariette. I have to say you have opened my eyes to the complexities of growing the perfect mushrooms. Something we don't think about when we buy them from the market 💜

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Thank you for your comment and yes, it takes quite a lot of knowledge and fine tuning for producing solid first quality mushrooms.

  2. Hello Mariette and Pieter, It was fascinating to hear Pieter's lecture. It truly resonated with me, because in exploring nature, I have seen the immense changes brought about by micro-climates. This can be a tiny change in slope, proximity to a ledge, or slightly different nutrients in the soil. Yet the natural species growing in each sub-area will be vastly different, and there will also be major differences in health and quality between individual specimens of the same species. In nature, the differences in biodiversity signal the boundaries of micro-climates, so it makes perfect sense in agriculture that one must supply the ideal micro-climate in order to obtain perfect crops.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are at least a keen observer and understand a lot about agriculture by doing so. You also make the right conclusions about the outcome of a perfect or inferior crop. Just like the human body has its optimum ranges in temperature and also food wise for its best function. Climate of course also affects humans. Understanding what all is happening to make things grow, will make for a far better grower.

  3. It is so wonderful and fascinating to be such an expert devoted to one's subject. Thank you.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, my Pieter has been very devoted to his work, he was quite passionate about it and he loved people. Still does but not being that active anymore...

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Regine,
      This might be helpful still to numerous people out there.

  5. Debes de estar muy orgullosa de él.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      ¡Apuesto a que estoy orgulloso de mi Pieter!

  6. Pieter is a very professional speaker. I am impressed how he speaks slowly, and clearly about a subject he obviously knows so much about.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, he on purpose speaks a tad slower and very clear. He also knows how to captivate the listener with a good story in an understandable way. So many academic speakers just want to 'show off' how learned they are, by using all kinds of difficult words.
      Pieter's former prof taught them that it is not important what YOU know, but more important to pass on your knowledge in a clear and understandable way.
      In Vancouver after the International Society for Mushroom Science Congress, during the break time, Pieter got flooded by participants that wanted to let him know that he was the first speaker they UNDERSTOOD... Made me very happy and proud of him and he deserved those compliments!

  7. Hi Mariette. Thank you for sharing the video of your husband Pieter’s lecture. It was great to hear his voice and I can understand why he has been so appreciated by many. His explanation is very clear and he makes it very interesting. I loved how he made a point with the parrot story :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you and this lecture might be beneficial to several people that need it. The parrot story sheds a more clear light on what he tried to emphasize.

  8. Hello, tudo bem?
    Adorei escutar a voz de seu marido, calmo e entendi muitas palavras, vou voltar estudar o inglês.
    Aqui em nossas terras tem bastante cogumelos. Eu nunca comi. Meu pai assustava, dizia que era veneno. Até hoje não como. Outro dia teve uns estudantes aqui e pediram licença para pegar os cogumelos. Tem várias especies e são comestíveis. os estudantes, prometeram fazer uma refeição com os cogumelos e nos convidar para o banquete.
    Bjos, felicidades.

    1. Querida Anajá,
      Obrigado por ouvir e todos esses posts que fiz por pessoas que nunca ouviram, nem conheceram meu marido pessoalmente. Coloque o endereço do meu blog em nosso livro recém-publicado. Duas postagens atrás eu mostrei. Uma mega tarefa concluída e fizemos autopublicação. Seu país, por sinal, é a maior publicação dentro da América do Sul! Mas nosso livro é apenas sobre o crescimento comercial de cogumelos. Não sobre colecionar na natureza. Isso sempre será arriscado, pois há muitos sósias que você nunca pode ter certeza sobre...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
