
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Editorial Review by British Mushroom Journal: P.J.C. Vedder as an Eminent Mushroom Expert, and a Gifted Teacher is Greatly Valued and Admired Internationally

British Mushroom Journal
Good-bye P.J.C. Vedder
As you may have seen in the last number of Champignoncultuur, P.J.C. Vedder retired on 1st August as Director of the Centre for Instruction in Mushroom Production. He will take up a job in the United States afterwards.
In the past years, Vedder has made a considerable contribution to the development of Dutch mushroom production. As an eminent mushroom expert, and a gifted teacher, he expanded the CCO to an institution which is greatly valued and admired, not only at national level, but also internationally. The governing body regard his departure as a great loss to Dutch mushroom production.
This got published in the September 1983 issue from The Mushroom Journal click link for Pdf from International Society of Mushroom Science (ISMS)

Another valued editorial quote which I used for our new publication: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link. Amazon is listing full information! Others might omit it...

Related links:
Editorial Review by Dr. Murray O'Neil: You Are Both Beautiful Natural Teachers  | previous post by me
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada | previous post by me about Technology Transfer Seminar mentioning Dr. Murray O'Neil
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | editorial written by Campbell colleague upon Pieter's resignation and departure to Italy...


  1. Congratulations to your husband and yourself for being internationally recognised in your field of expertise. Thank you for your dedication to your work.

    God bless.

  2. Hello Mariette, The Mushroom Journal article makes clear the extent of Pieter's activities and contacts all over the work and with many projects. We could say that he had a finger in every pie, but a more apt way to put it was that Pieter served as the human mycelium of the mushroom industry.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You really phrase it in an absolute correct way! He was for the entire world and the British always have honored him for that, as shown in their Sinden Award and that indeed has the mycelium artwork all around. It is in our new book...
      Thanks for your always great comments and your writing skills.

  3. Mr Vedder will be missed Mariette,looking back I enjoyed his comment that above all it is 'people who grow mushrooms' 😊

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Well, leaving Europe at that time was sad for many who really lost his frequent interaction. But we both continued attending most conferences world wide and got to see and interact with them.
      To round off all his experience and knowledge about the industry, our book is a perfect tool for many.

  4. No doubt your husband Pieter was missed terribly. But his footsteps, the knowledge and skills shared there live on. He deserve all the admiration and honor he has received!

    Have a great day, Mariette xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, he got missed but as you said, his knowledge and skills got shared here in the USA and Canada for Campbell Soup's mushroom companies.
      Thank you!

  5. Veo la buena actividad de entradas en el blog. Yo hace algún tiempo que no conecto desde el ordenador, una avería me ha impedido estar activa en él. Ahora por fín, me lo han entregado arreglado y ya puedo utilizarlo.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Feliz por ti que tienes tu computadora funcionando de nuevo. Mi MacBook también tuvo algunas tareas de reparación y esas son cosas que nos perdemos. Mis ojos son demasiado viejos para ver en mi iPhone...
      ¡Gracias por visitarnos!

  6. It is always kind of hear such an authority is leaving...sometimes that person is irreplaceable...Like Mr. Vedder.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you for your meaningful comment here.
      Due to him being irreplaceable, it feels good for having bundled his intellect in a comprehensive new book, for others to learn from.

  7. I am so sorry you are still continuing to have delays with your book. Since my husband is a book author, I can understand the process to some degree. It alwasy seems to take longer than expected and when it is finally sent to the publisher it is always like we have given birth to another child. Hopefully, you can get your issues resolved. Kelleyn

    1. Dearest Kelleyn,
      Well, I've uploaded the files for the Hardback and the Paperback but still waiting for the eBook file... Due to the tables, it got delayed but her promise to have it done by Monday of Tuesday, is not kept. In England it is over with Tuesday.
      Sure you know from Frank's experience what it takes to write any scientific book. This is not a novel but very accurate writing. Weaving history, theory and practical experience together in an understandable language. We however did opt for Indie Publishing. Sure looking forward to giving birth to that final book format!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
