
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Lalitha Mahal and Maharaja Palace Mysore 2 minute video

After completing our consulting period for Pond's India Ltd, we joined one of their staffers...

Just showing you the magnificent architecture you find in India.
A 2-minute video of Lalitha Mahal and Maharaja Palace in Mysore, Karnataka
We have toured the palace twice, also on March 3, 1990.
Wearing my The Bridge saddle bag from Australia...

Related link to previous posts by me:

My 5th Consulting Trip to India & Visit of Taj Mahal

Lalitha Mahal and Maharaja Palace Mysore

Chamundeshwari Temple and Chamundi Hills in Mysore India

Sister Diny's Rabbit LOVED my Saddlebag from The Bridge Italy 


  1. Hello Mariette, What time of day did you take this? There seem to be almost no people around. Sometimes the problem with tourism is that places are so crowded that it can destroy the experience. Here, even the locals are scarce.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      This was in the later morning and close to noon I would guess as we'd travelled that Saturday on August 6, 1994 by 7:30 from our hotel with one of the staff members from Pond's India Ltd. from Ooty to Mysore.
      The Lalitha Mahal Palace they were still painting...
      For using the video camera this was indeed a perfect day; for whatever reason!

  2. That must have been such an interesting tour!

    Thanks for your update. I'm glad your internet was restored and that you both are doing well, or as well as possible with health issues.

    My own Christmas Day was spent on the phone, email, text, Skype and Zoom. I was exhausted by the end of the day! However, "Santa" did bring me the return of my roof leak problems, ongoing for 16 months and left unaddressed by the property management company. (I own a townhouse condominium and pay condo fees, but the property management company truly is awful--incompetent and negligent.) Now the leaking is getting worse, so I've written yet another detailed email to the property manager and company president, with pics, and I will contact my insurance company today (or the next available business day) to apprise them of the situation. It's beyond ridiculous that I've been struggling for l6 months to have this addressed properly. It might come to engaging a lawyer and filing a complaint with the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario. I will if that's the only way to have this resolved, but honestly, it shouldn't have to come to this. Crazy.

    Other than that, so far all is well, fingers crossed!

    Here's to a happier, far more hopeful 2021. :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      So sorry about your roof leaking problems and above all, the unwillingness by the property management company! WHY are there always some in this world that ruin the life of others?! If everyone would be just a little bit more helpful toward others, the world would change instantly.
      Glad you did have your viral contact with loved ones on Christmas day. Sure it takes a lot of concentration and wears you out; emotionally that is...
      Happy New Year to you!

  3. Beautiful palace and architecture.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Those two palaces belong in the Thousand and One Night category...

  4. Hi Mariette. Great video and the architecture is very interesting!
    I wish I could visit India some day :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      India has so much color and beauty, unlike any other country.

  5. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      It is exceptional architecture!

  6. You certainly did travel around in your life, Mariette. It must have been very exciting. Did you find it easy to settle to a new way of life, new foods and new friends wherever you go?

    God bless always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      This was not travel persé but after finishing our consulting period for Pond's India Ltd. It was an added bonus for us to view this a 2nd time.
      We always loved the local food; wherever we were working.
      As for settling and making new friends and such, we only lived and worked one year in Italy and about three years in Indonesia and loved it!

  7. Beata te che hai viaggiato tanto.Buona fine e inizio anno.

    1. Carissima Olga,
      Sì, da e per lavoro come consulenti internazionali abbiamo fatto circa 1.500.000 miglia. Questo è stato un vantaggio alla fine del nostro lavoro, unendosi a un membro dello staff nel suo viaggio. Non eravamo turisti!

  8. Thanks for posting this video ... my former son-in-law remarried a lovely lady from India. I have learned so much about the country and customs and food from her. Roopal is her name, her family still live in India.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      We both have worked in India as consultants for nine years and always loved the food and the endless variety of architecture. Even with our very limited time for doing any sight seeing, some staff members took us under their wings and we treasure that.
      Some of our good friends are from India, all in the medical field and it has been very special for interacting and even celebrating several Indian weddings. Wish more Americans could have that opportunity! You can feel blessed knowing some more.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
