
Monday, January 4, 2021

New Delhi Sight Seeing and Bahai Lotus Temple

 Bonus of sight seeing, courtesy of Pond's India Ltd...

On our final day in Delhi, we had a meeting with the General Manager of Pond's India at the Taj Palace Hotel, on August 9, 1994. Then we got picked up by the wife of one of their staff members, whom we met several times over the years. She was pleased for finally meeting us in person, as her husband always had brought home the little gifts we gave him upon meeting with us. 
Very pleasant to chat with her!
Pieter shows on the video, the lobby of the Taj Palace Hotel in New Delhi, also outside with the Indian man in official dress. 
Next we walk onto the compound towards the Bahai Lotus Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
If viewing this short video on YouTube and on your PC, you can follow the clickable markings below the video.
Musician with Cobra we captured.
Next we walk towards India Gate, another UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The weather was not clear, a heavily pregnant sky and almost fog did not let us capture the President's Palace with left and right the Parliament buildings.
By 20:30 we got dropped off at the airport and we were supposed to fly back via Amsterdam to Atlanta shortly after midnight. But we had some engine problems with one out of four... So that meant parking on an apron and it took that long that they started serving the hot meal. 
Around 8:00 in the morning, next day! we had to go back to the terminal and all business class passengers had to step aside. We were lucky for having gotten an upgrade on our KLM Royal Dutch Airlines' Royal Wing card, so we were chosen.
That meant we were being carried by Air Canada to London, from there to Amsterdam, one night at the Barbizon Palace Hotel and next day to Atlanta, Georgia/USA...
Travel at times can be fun!

Related link to previous post by me:

My 5th Consulting Trip to India & Visit of Taj Mahal | More info about this trip

Taj Mahal short Video

Red Fort of Agra short Video

Lalitha Mahal and Maharaja Palace Mysore  2 minute video

Sister Diny's Rabbit LOVED my Saddlebag from The Bridge Italy 


  1. Hello Mariette, Last month, so many people were discussing appropriate gifts for various people, but business gifts can be even more of a problem. They have to be impressive and of obvious quality, but at the same time not too expensive, and they cannot break any gift-giving rules. Luckily you have much experience with cultures and also with interesting objects.

    I am glad you were treated to an upgrade. In all my years of flying, which have included a number of delays and other situations, I have never been given an upgrade.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, knowing foreign cultures for being able to gift something of value to them is a must. If done correctly, it is a sure step closer towards each other. Mutual respect is of the utmost importance. We also received over the years some unique treasures from places where we both worked!
      Oh, that upgrade saved us this time, otherwise we would not have gotten out of Delhi... We benefitted so much from our Dutch Royal Wing Card and of course, they did the utmost for two passengers that flew more than 1,500,000 miles with them or their partners.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. Your world experience is so out of my realm, far beyond my life experience and opportunity. It's amazing to see and read your adventures! :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Well, it was at the time great for traveling as international mushroom consultants but by far not an easy job. We were not going on vacation but were called to work out problems and improve businesses. This was a wonderful bonus towards the end, of taking us sight seeing to as many as four UNESCO sites. We treasure the short video sections.
      But as you read, flying back home was not that easy...

  3. I remember India Gate but we did not go to the Bahai Lotus Temple when we were there. It's great you have video from your trip. I think I mentioned before we have video from many years ago that I've no idea how to access or transfer to another form of media for easy viewing. Maybe one day I can figure it out.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Too bad you did not get to see this Bahai Lotus Temple as it is quite some architectural gem!
      As for our videos, only a year ago I managed to digitalize them all. You no doubt can do the very same:
      So glad I've tackled this and now we both enjoy looking back almost a quarter of a century. We never had access to them either...

  4. These old videos are wonderful to watch.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, they are treasures now and tell a far more complete story than just written words. We value them, it was quite a mega task but now it's done they bring joy to both of us.

  5. What wonderful experiences you have had in your travels around the world. You could write a book about it. Different places, different foods and cultures.

    God bless you always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, those are treasured memories from our work period as consultants. It is also the most educative experience and we loved the Indian food!

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Glad you did, this way you can virtually travel.

  7. Another adventure!! Love reading about them ~ and yes, Mother passed away the day after Mother’s Day. She was already in the process of slipping away, it was a hard day.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and yes, an adventure it was this work-trip, especially the return flight(s)...
      Your Mother was so fortunate for having you at her sight; literally holding her in your arms... LOVE at its purest.

  8. Sei fortunata ad avere viaggiato tanto con il tuo Peter.Oggi in Italia si festeggia la Befana,buona serata.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Non si trattava di viaggiare, ma di andare avanti e indietro al nostro lavoro di consulenti internazionali. Da non confondere con un viaggio di vacanza. Pieter ed io abbiamo la fortuna di essere trattati in questo modo, verso la fine dell'ennesimo periodo di lavoro.

  9. I had two such adventures but they were within states here in this Country. I disliked those times immensely as I had a strict timetable.

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      Oh, one never knew what we could run into...


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