
Friday, March 5, 2021

Pieter Co-Speaker at ISMS in Amsterdam-Wageningen 1965


Husband Pieter at the ISMS Congress in Amsterdam - Wageningen/The Netherlands
I.S.M.S. for: The International Society for Mushroom Science.
Authors: P.J. Bels, G.J.A. Van Soest and P.J.C. Vedder
The Congress was in 1965 but the procedures got published in 1967
Pieter at the Symposium in Wageningen (part of the ISMS) and to his left is Jan van Asseldonk and to his right is G.J.A. Van Soest who also was the co-speaker with Pieter.
Here is husband Pieter seen with his pipe, and to his right is one of his teachers, A. Oversteyns.
In 1963 Pieter did start the Practical Training Center for Mushroom Growing and he was the teacher and principal, together with some other teachers.
The entire group of international participants of the ISMS congress in front of the Laboratory of Entomology, Phytopathology and Virology in Wageningen, where the Scientific Symposium was held on June 28 and 29.
Center, almost at the top stood husband Pieter, one of his teachers A. Oversteyns and also long time friend J. Kuhn from Switzerland, a very successful mushroom grower.
Jörg Kuhn was a speaker at the ISMS in Paris 1956, published in 1957
Jörg Kuhn also was a speaker in Copenhagen, 1959
Again at the ISMS in Amsterdam, 1965 published in 1967 Jörg Kuhn was co-speaker.
In our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting we did mention JÖRG KUHN in Some Mushroom Growers Wisdom
Again we mentioned him on page 219 in the chapter COMPOST PREPARATION under Phase II in tunnels;
Some people are just somewhat ahead and are trying out certain ideas a little too early; the rest of the industry is just nog ready for it. Already in the early 1960s, I had seen aerated composting in a kind of bunker in Northern France (ANDRÉ SARAZIN). At the same time, growers like H.F. VON MINNIGERODE in Germany and KUHN in Switzerland, were experimenting with aeration under some pressure of the compost piles. STOLLER in the United States published the outline of doing Phase II in bulk in a kind of tunnel already in 1964.
It was too early; as mentioned before, the industry wasn't ready for it at that time. It was the Italian trio, GIORDANI, DERKS and FRANCESCUTTI who, around 1971, made the tunnel work. Later on, the Dutch and French did quite a bit of fine tuning.

Stay tuned for more about Switzerland, due to this very special long time friendship!
That's also the reason, Pieter learned skiing...

Related posts:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | our book in which we mentioned those friends above


  1. The memories you share here never cease to amaze me, Mariette. Wow! What lifelong accomplishments Pieter has had in his lifetime, as have you. Like I've said before, if my father were still living, he would have loved to meet the both of you.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Those are great memories and certainly some for being very proud of.
      That's why we live our lives, to do the very best we can and at old age, reflect on those moments...
      Your Father no doubt is aware of all that is going on and guess that souls can be happy by the mention of their name!

  2. Beautiful memories of achievements and friendships. Well done to both of you. Good reason to be proud and happy.

    God bless you both.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, those are beautiful memories and whenever it yields friendships, it is valuable.
      Great for looking back on in later life...

  3. Hello Mariette and Pieter, I liked the principle of the ISMS: "No retrenchments whatever are made affecting quality." More of agriculture needs to adopt this principle. Usually size and shipping quality are the main criteria. I realize that the average consumer saves money because of mass agriculture, but it seems that for so many growers that produce quality is placed dead last on their list of desirables. This is in direct contrast to your and Pieter's work, in which every detail, down to the correct angle of the cutting blade, is geared to improve quality.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      We don't think the ISMS has its own principles as the international speakers can have complete different views, so at the end it is a bundling of different speeches. We always listened carefully and implemented what we think is in line with our quality principles.

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well, not really 'interesting' for some readers but it will lead into better posts!

  5. Hallo Mariette, leuk om zo met je mee te kijken naar dit congres in Wageningen. Fijn weekend, lieve groet Willy

    1. Beste Willy,
      Het is ter inleiding en uitleg over een speciale vriendschap... Een stuk geschiedenis en memoirs van Pieter.

  6. it's amazing that you have these photos from so long ago - how nice you can look back on the conferences and the time your husband was a co-speaker! :)

    Hope you're having a good weekend :) It's a relaxing and quiet one here.

    Away From The Blue

    1. Dearest Mica,
      Of course photos from such important events get saved! Then I digitalized it all so now it is easy to access them for writing the stories.

  7. Gosh what a young handsome man in 1965 Pieter was! ...and very distinguished looking with that pipe!

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and yes, love those photos very much!

  8. Se ve muy joven en esta foto. Ya en ese tiempo ya se veía la buena trayectoria que iba a recorrer.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, incluso cuando era joven, mi Pieter siempre ha estado muy decidido y fue sólo para los mejores. Hizo todo lo posible para explicar a los demás cómo producir calidad.

  9. Super pictures of your handsome husband and his long time friend Mariette ✨

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Thank you and those pictures are treasures and fond for looking back onto.

  10. Such amazing memories of Pieter's long, specialized career. You made a great team, traveled to some exciting locations - and you Mariette obviously did a fantastic job making sure all was documented in words and pictures. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your handsome Pieter's story with us. Of course it's been said there's always a strong woman behind every successful man!!!!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Yes, those are the beginnings of his specialized career.
      For the past 37 years I've indeed tried hard to document Pieter's achievements!
      Digitalizing all the older ones...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
