
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Indian Summer and Biking

 Living in subtropical Georgia has lots of benefits.
Our Indian Summer is so lovely...
Rather exotic looking Yucca lily in bloom on October 24, as we biked.
Had to zoom in as I was a bit reluctant with my sandal feet to get into the ditch...
Copperheads are being born live in the fall and I sure don't want to step onto one!
On a lovely sunny October 15, on the bridge across the Oconee River.
That's me posing next to Pieter's New Green Deal...
We went back to the bridge for the first time since Pieter got a flat tire there!
That was quite something... I swapped bike with him so he could ride home on mine and come back with the car, backseat flat for transporting his bike. It JUST fit...
I've managed to push it for about 4 km and it was hard to do in the heat, full sun and uphill!
Next we had to go to Atlanta Cycling for getting a new back tire; they happened to have just the LAST one, at their other location.
So we keep our fingers crossed that things go well!
Oh, on one of the longer rides, Pieter had an empty battery... he thought he had more than wat it was.
So I swapped with him again and pedaled that heavy sucker home for some 20 km... Those hills are killing you!
There still are lots of yellow wildflowers alongside the road.
Golden Rod with a happy Bumble Bee feasting on its pollen.
Pieter in his TREK Atlanta Cycling top.
We love the quiet back roads since we do not have bike lanes here, like in The Netherlands.
WISH we had them!
Lovely wildflowers... 
Huge field where peanuts already have been harvested!
Here they were still harvesting the peanuts.
Georgia is a BIG peanut exporter!
Photo is from October 17, and these Confederate Rose shrubs (Hibiscus mutabilis) are blooming everywhere!
We used to have one in our wood garden but of course, the competition with tree roots is fierce.
These goat kids were loose once we biked past this meadow.
Now the owner has secured the fencing a lot better, attached mesh wire in front of the planks so they no longer can escape!
There were five more of those goats in front of an old school bus.
Hate to see old cars or equipment sitting somewhere; why not recycle?!
October 22, blue sky and at this lake there always is lots of water fowl.
If there would be a bench, one could observe different birds.
October 22, it was 28℃ or 82℉
Guess on a Saturday we ought to clean out this barn...
Horses are a far better sight!
Pieter captured me when I went closer for capturing that Yucca lily.
Did not want to go into the ditch bare footed... think about snakes from my previous post (see link below).
Love to wear these cotton terry shorts from Escada, with a cotton t-shirt from Indonesia.
Wish this photo would work LIVE as you could see those birds flying away in a big cloud...
Smart cooperation, the cows stir up insects and they're right there!
Pieter counted 50 cows but they have such vast meadows here, compared to The Netherlands!
Another farm where they usually keep horses but this time they had several Llamas.
Haha, this one tried its very best to smile at the camera!
On LIVE it does...
Hope you enjoyed this little view of rural Georgia.

Related link:
New Green Deal | previous post
Copperhead Snake | previous post


  1. Derest Mariette,
    thank you for lovely pictures from your Biking Tour!
    HAve a great rest of the week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      This way you can at least see how our rural areas look like.

  2. Beautiful photos, thanx Mariette. You're so lucky to be in the warmth. It is quite cold over here. Enjoy the good weather.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and with the warmth, that is over now we're in November!

  3. grazie per queste magnifiche visioni!

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sei il benvenuto, è stato un piacere.

  4. I loved this tour of South Georgia, Mariette! So peaceful and full of life.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Not South Georgia, we live in the Heart of Georgia and it would be quite a stretch to bike in or to South Georgia...
      It is peaceful in the rural areas.

  5. Thank you for letting me join you on this wonderful bike ride ~~~

    1. Dearest Helen,
      It sure is a nice breath of fresh air; in many ways!

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, it is and we both enjoy it each and every time.

  7. Hello Mariette, This was quite a bucolic post. Indian Summer is such a treasure when it happens--an extra gift. Perhaps when I was in Cleveland even more so, since the winters usually were so icy and bitter. I am sorry that you had to do all that extra bicycle pushing--you got more exercise than you bargained for!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Indian Summer indeed is an extra gift, like a second summer but even better!
      Having to push this type of bike is indeed an overdose on exercise.
      Today it was 79℉ and we just got back from Atlanta, making our shopping rounds for stocking up. It was supposed to rain... Glad it didn't!

  8. Así lucen tan buena figura. la bicicleta es un buen modo de hacer ejercicio.

    Me gusta las fotografías que has hecho en tu recorrido.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y, de hecho, andar en bicicleta es un gran ejercicio, especialmente para las piernas. ¡A los dos nos encanta!
      Esto dio a mis lectores una buena idea de cómo se ve la Georgia rural.

  9. Olá querida amiga, como estás?
    Estou vendo que vocês estão muito bem e passeando por belos lugares.
    Meu marido também é ciclista. Me convidou , mas ainda não me deu o principal, a bicicleta. hahaha
    Deve ser maravilhoso andar e apreciar esses belos campo. Também não gosto dever esses carros jogados no campo. Uma pena. Bjos minha querida fique com Deus!!!

    1. Querida Anajá,
      Obrigado, nós fazemos bem e mantemos nosso exercício, o que ajuda a estabilizar nossas condições crônicas de saúde.
      Áreas rurais são tão agradáveis e também a natureza é agradável. Lixo é ruim ver isso na paisagem... Mas o que podemos fazer?

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Guess being Dutch by birth is a big advantage as everyone bikes back home!

  11. You are right, dear Marietta, I shouldn't do anything when I'm tired - except sleep. Good Night and thank you.
    Big hug for you.
    p.s. das bezieht sich auf meinen Beitrag... zu deinem komme ich morgen... ist auf alle Fälle ganz meines Sonne, Natur, Fahrrad... Schlaf gut, wenn es denn dunkel ist bei dir :-) Viola

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Danke sehr aber hier ist es noch früh am Nachmittag, bei euch ist es Abend...
      Ja, ihr liebt das Radfahren auch so sehr; dass wußte ich.
      Liebe Grüße,

  12. Georgia looks fantastic. Lots of greenery and lots of nature. And both are in shape. Happily.

    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, Georgia is a lovely state and we have real mountains in the north and we're only 2 hours away from the beach.
      We always have been in shape but this is even better for our condition.

  13. I Smiled From Ear To Ear While Reading This Post - Beautiful Photos As Well - Those Flats Can Be A Real Inconvenience For Sure But Thankfully You Had A Partner In Crime - Stay Adventurous


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Thank you, quite different from biking alongside the Colorado River and having mountain views!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
