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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

New Green Deal

 Husband Pieter got his New Green Deal...
Pieter's virgin ride on Sunday... on his Fern Metallic (Green) Vale Go! 9D EQ S Electra Bike
Outfitted with 2, 9-liter Pannier bags for shopping.
New Trek Atlanta Cycling jersey in a safe color for getting noticed. Edward Hall from Atlanta Cycling - Vinings was excellent in providing the greatest courtesy!
It was hard for finding a Vale Go! 9D EQ S as there seems to be a high demand.
This bike has a great shock absorber seat, important for Pieter as he's had his tailbone shifted due to his brother's prank for kicking his chair away... 
My Vale Go! 9D EQ in a color Zinc as in March the Fern Green was not available...
Mine is also just matte black instead of a combination with light color on Pieter's new green deal.
Such lush fields due to plenty of rain all spring and summer...
This is where we captured the photos on our 29.53 kilometer or 18.34 mile ride.
Me overlooking the Oconee River. It always looks 'muddy'...
Yes, I'm still a 'chain slave', wearing my 22kt gold chain around my waist since I bought it in Indonesia in 1990. It usually stays on, except for surgery or special things where no metals are allowed. It just is peaking out here on the left...
My happy 92-year old biker with his New Green Deal from Trek Atlanta Cycling
Wearing his 18kt gold chain + cross from Tane, Mexico City.
It got blessed by the German Jesuit Siegfried Binzler in Jakarta, Indonesia whom we worked with for our fight against the Leprosy STIGMA: {Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma}
Swapped it the day before, for the male Trek Verve+ 3.
Courtesy of a dear friend, lending me her Ford Expedition for transporting bike.
Boys of 92+ are not that flexible anymore for swinging the leg over, for mounting their bike!
This solution is so much better, easy on/off and also the wheels are a bit wider and it has more torque due to the S model.

If only the rain will stay away, so we can plan our bike rides and enjoy our blissful relationship on wheels!
Our way of trying to live healthy as Pieter's heart surgeon advised, after doing the quadruple bypass + angioplasty in his neck: {BIG HEART ON THE MEND} post with more info and also below that post...
And yes, prayers do work and we both are grateful to God for each additional day being granted together!

Are you biking?
Are you praying?

Related links:
SO Proud of my NONAGENARIAN | previous post and mentioning Pieter's age as 'NONAGENARIAN'
Our Bike Ride from Whitetop to Damascus - Virginia Creeper Trail | without bike racks we no longer can make trips like that far away...


  1. Hi Mariette,
    Good for you guys! I am impressed.
    Enjoyed your garden video as well.
    Take care,

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you and we try to keep going!
      Replied to your kind comment in the garden video post.

  2. Hello Mariette and Pieter, Congratulations for getting such great new Electra-Bikes. May you have many great adventures on them. I'm not sure from the article whether yours is gray or black. Is the Oconee river high at the moment--it seems to be filling its channel with no shallow banks. Is it very deep?

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Enjoy my Zinc (gray) color electra bike since March 8 and now feel very happy with Pieter's new one. The previous male version was kind of hard for him to get on/off. Guess since yesterday's rain the Oconee river will be rather high. It is a shallow river in general and that's why there is no boating traffic possible, as used to be in the past. Erosion has caused this.
      This is a fairly new bridge crossing the river on the north east side instead of having to drive south into town for crossing it there. Visiting friends used to be once 13 miles and with the bridge only 7 miles.

  3. Mariette, Pieter is 92?!? Seriously?! OMG, he's in fantastic shape for any age. (So are you!) I can't believe it. 92! Amazing! I haven't been on a bike since I was 16; I'd probably fall off. LOL. REALLY nice bikes, perfect for your long road trips, and I especially love the green!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes he is and you will not believe how often while doing international consulting work I had to let people know; it's enough! We worked long days and then they invited us for dinner only for continuing to discuss problems and pick our brains, especially Pieter's! When we had to travel by night train in India, they always had his age wrong, made us chuckle but Pieter laughed and said, you get on the top bed as at my age it is not the best... Did reveal his age here: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2019/05/so-proud-of-my-nonagerian.html
      We would be far better off riding this now with our bikes: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2019/08/our-bike-ride-from-whitetop-to-damascus.html
      You no doubt will manage to ride a bike again, it takes some practice and there you go!

  4. 18 miles of cycling. Very brave and energetic. Well done. I don't bike, but I do pray ... for both of you too.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and for you it probably is rather easy doing things in walking distance but here everything is far away. Going to the post office is five miles and nothing is in walking distance!

  5. Bien equipados que van, para hacer ejercicios. No se ha perdido habilidad, al cabo de los años.


    1. Querida Antónia,
      Mientras sigamos adelante funcionará y el cardiólogo aconseja hacer ejercicio. Esto es perfecto.

  6. I'd like to be able to ride a bike, but I never did, I've even had a bike at home, I've tried a lot but I don't have the balance.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Well, both being Dutch by birth we almost are born on a bike and learned that rather young. So we keep going on!

  7. I would never have guessed that your husband is 92 Mariette, he looks so much younger. I just went back to read your post about his heart attack, what a shock for you both but it looks like he has recovered so well. EBikes are so popular now, a few of my family members enjoy using them also, myself I prefer walking and hiking. Hope you have lots of good weather over the weekend to enjoy your cycling trips ✨

    1. Dearest Grace,
      Yes he is and always has looked a lot younger. Never gained any weight either, still the very same size as always. We surely hope that God will grant us some more time together! Eating well and doing exercise is all we can do and keeping stress at bay.
      We will try to find an opening for biking, even if it has to be a short(er) trip due to the weather.

  8. You both look great and can't believe Pieter is already 92! Enjoy your ebikes, hope you have great weather for lots of rides :)

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Thank you and yes the passport or drivers license is not lying... Pieter's Mom lived to be almost 95 and we sure hope he got her strong genes!
      We sure look forward to many rides to come.

  9. Well Look At Those Two Happy Faces - What A Beautiful Piece Of Machinery There - Love The Flashy Green For Sure And Pleased They Are So Comfortable - Miles And Miles Of Joy Await - Stay Strong And Ride With Pleasure My Friends

    Big Hugs

    1. Dearest Travis,
      We try to stay strong and keep going. This shows you how much mileage you can get out of your years after your recent 'baby' birthday!

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, they are and we enjoy riding them!

  11. The last time I tried to ride a bike, I feel off was like 15yrs ago.

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Wish you had persevered back then. Biking is so good for everyone.

  12. Spiffy outfits!!!! Love how you and Pieter grab life by the tails. A tiny concern about bike shoes that are toe-less .... is that a potential problem? Never want to see either of you with skinned toes.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Thank you and yes, we do really grab life by its tail and try to get as much mileage out of it as we can so we will have NO REGRETS at the end!
      So far we never had a problem with our sandals, they have good grippy soles on these pedals. When the weather cools down, we of course wear other shoes.

    2. Helen, as we biked this morning, Pieter pointed out your comment about biking in sandals. As long as you place your feet correctly on the pedals (not placing your heels on them!), you will be fine.

  13. Dear Mariette - as others have also mentioned, Pieter is remarkable for his age. I seem to recall that you are both blessed with long lived genes - didn't your father also live to be a very good age?
    I was with a friend a few weeks ago who was talking about her father who died when he was 106 years old. Old age in her family is very common. I asked her if her mother also lived to a great age, and she said no. I asked how old she was when she died and she said she was only 90 years old!!!

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      We both try very hard to offset the negativity of our chronic illnesses by eating a healthy diet and living an active life.
      Yes, Dad was almost 98.5 and my Mom had her 7th anniversary on dialysis and lived to be almost 91. Trying hard to follow her.
      Living to be as old as you mention here is okay as long as the mind lives on.

  14. Wunderbare Radtouren, die ihr machen könnt. Ja, das ist herrlich jetzt im Sommer. Viel Spaß wünsche ich Euch beiden weiterhin... es tut so gut sich zu bewegen und es ist so herrlich, wenn der Wind über den Körper streicht :-))) Ich liebe es :-)
    P.s. ich fahre auch sehr gerne mit meinem Fahrrad zum Einkauf, ebenfalls mit zwei Gepäcktaschen.
    Viele Grüsse und eine herzliche Umarmung Viola

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Danke sehr und ja bei euch ist die Distanz ja eben noch besser zum Einkauf mit dem Fahrrad. Hier sind es zehn Kilometer zu einem Laden aber sonst werden es ja fünfzehn oder mehr! Kurz zur Post fahren sind sechzehn Kilometer... Aber wir schaffen es doch noch immer so mit etwas Nachhilfe.
      Liebe Grüße und 'hugs',


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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