
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Silver Bond Pin was awarded to Mrs. Vedder-Peer

Husband Pieter's Mom was the first secretary of the local association and she received a federal award.
This was on Thursday, November 20 in 1986.
Mr. Hermkens of the Federal Board, pinning on the federal silver award for Mrs. Vedder, the first secretary of the local association.
Mrs. Vedder's personal copy that she mailed to the USA...
April 1987... quite a while later!
Queen Juliana with Prince Bernhard on the cover of
Department Horst 'Lambertus-Norbertus'
On Thursday November 20 of 1986, the 25th anniversary of this department got celebrated.
The festivity started with a eucharistic celebration, with the theme of supporting each other. 
During the party meeting, Mr. Hermkens did pin on the gold and silver awards.
On Saturday November 22, a reception took place that enjoyed a lot of interest from all groups and associations of the population of Horst. The mayor then opened the exhibition 'Elderly and their hobbies'.
Festive celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Catholic Association for the Elderly.
This was in the local newspaper and Pieter's Mom mailed it to us, inside her not yet dried up handwritten airmail letter... hence the ink marks.

Did you notice that my 91-year old Mother-in-law was wearing a hair net?
Popular at that time, especially during windy weather, instead of having to use hairspray.
Eco friendly but that is all gone now...
This was exactly three years + 1 day before her death on November 21, 1989 when we were living and working in Italy.
A timely honor...!
Saying our goodbye to Pieter's Mom...
Too bad, she closed her eyes and we had these developed back in the USA, no way of going back and doing it over!
Pieter having said farewell to his Mom on November 7, before departing back to Georgia/USA...
This was our 9th trip back to The Netherlands on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
We went to Regensburg before, for attending the German Mushroom Conference.
Me, after our goodbye. Standing in front of this newly built Elderly Home.
Wearing my favorite boots, also gifted one time by our Italian mushroom friends.
Pieter standing near the entrance/exit with a new gift, his 'The Bridge' fine Italian leather bag.
Our Italian mushroom friends gifted Pieter a nice blue Burberry shirt and this leather bag on November 3, for some advice during our barely three days being in Italy before flying back to Düsseldorf, Germany.
We had also driven in our Fiat Uno rental car, all the way to Regensburg in Germany for the German Mushroom Conference and from there by car to Bordeaux in France, see links below.
There was very little time for being with family but we tried our best.
It is so sad that the entire building is GONE and new apartments have been built on this spot.
Government policies have changed and elderly have to stay at home, or being cared for by their children; called 'informal care'...
Unie Katholieke Bond van Ouderen - Catholic Union of the Elderly existed from 1958-2006
Sector: Charity and social work

Times have changed!

Related links:


  1. Wonderful souvenirs of times gone by. And a well-deserved award no doubt. Thank you, Mariette, for sharing your fond memories.

    May God bless you and your family always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, such memories are the ones we treasure in our heart.
      Feeling very proud of my late Mother-in-law.

  2. Un ricordo bellissimo!Buon pomeriggio.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie e anche bei ricordi dei nostri amici funghi italiani.

  3. How nice to have mementoes from your MIL’s honor.
    Sad that these homes don’t exist. We have many here, but probably like there the nicer ones are not affordable for the masses.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, those are true treasures and are telling a story about a strong Mother.
      Those nursing homes were for everyone but they've done away with them almost completely.
      The ones here in the USA are only private homes. In The Netherlands they would withhold your social security money...

  4. Hello Mariette and Pieter, The more we find out about what kinds of people your parents were, and their talents, hard work, and dedication, the easier it is to understand how you two have devoted your personal and professional lives with such drive and care. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are right about that as we've seen it lived by example on both sides.
      Something to be proud of and no doubt our Parents are smiling down from heaven.

  5. Wonderful memories! In the photo of you, you look like a model!

    1. Dearest Peter,
      Thank you and you're too kind as I only got the long legs but that's about it...😉

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, this is something to cherish and to be proud of!


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