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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Lecture by Pieter and Stay at UNESCO site Regensburg during German Mushroom Conference

Our 9th trip to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, we rented a Fiat Uno for using within Europe.
On Thursday, October 23, 1986 we both drove in our rental car from The Netherlands to Regensburg in Germany.
Around 650 km at that time or 404 miles.
This is the famous St. Peter Cathedral in Gothic architecture.
We stayed at the Hotel Kaiserhof am Dom in Regensburg/Germany just click link.
Parking was a bit tricky on this medieval Plaza around the Cathedral!
After a walk together through the city center we went to sleep under the down duvet.
On Friday, October 24, Pieter did present his lecture and this is one of the very rare occasions that he got paid for doing so! He received D.M. 1,000.00.
In the afternoon I joined the ladies on a bus tour to Kehlheim...
We visited the beautiful Asamkirche des Klosters Weltenburg, or Asam Church of Weltenburg Abbey. Just click through on link above and select English...
The painting on the ceiling in 1745 by Franz Asam (son of Cosmas Damian Asam, late Baroque painter and architect) represents the Last Judgment.
Next we went by boat through the Danube Gorge Nature Reserve and it was spectacular with all its fall colors! Enjoy a spectacular English spoken video: Benediktinerabtei Weltenburt (Germany) Vacation Travel Video Guide by clicking through.
Danube Gorge Nature Reserve click through to read more.
Kelheim - Weltenburg with the Abbey bottom left and the Danube Gorge above in center left... Center top and right is Regensburg with St. Peter Cathedral and Stone Bridge.
Wish my Pieter could have been with me...
We enjoyed a good German dinner at Bischofshof Braustuben (click through), together with Ferdinand Dohme and his family from Oldendorf, Germany and Hans Tschierpe from Wetzikon, Switzerland.
On Saturday, October 25, while Pieter still had some business and an afternoon excursion to the Graf (Count) Ballestrem, Pilzkulturen GmbH & Co KG (Mushroom plant) in Trisching about 45 minutes to the north of Regensburg, I had another City Walk with the Ladies at 9:00.
Had to get a picture of this fun Daxl Schuh (Dachshund Shoe) store front.
My cute black & tan Mauzie girl was no longer with us, since August 29 of 1985... MISSED her so much and still miss her.
We visited the medieval City Hall from the 2nd half of the 16th Century - Click here: Places to see in (Regensburg - Germany) Altes Rathaus and enjoy.
My entire life I will never forget this GRUESOME ROOM:
 The original preserved Fragstatt (Questioning Place) from the Middle Ages inside the Old Town Hall.
'Die im original erhaltene Fragstatt aus dem Mittelalter im Alten Rathaus...'
We got to see lots of Patrician Homes, from the wealthy upperclass back then.
Also the home where German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ones lived.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Regensburg - Bavaria/Germany - GOETHE lived here on September 4, 1786, in the former Gasthaus zum weissen Lamm just click through.
The plaque that is seen in above photo...
We ended that Saturday with a Party Night for all the Conference Participants.
Those were two wonderful days, spent in such a fabulous historic city.
Gruß aus Regensburg/Donau
Greetings from Regensburg on the Danube
Top left clockwise:
Steinerne Brücke u. Dom = Stone Bridge and Cathedral
Dom St. Peter = St. Peter Cathedral
Bruckmandl = the legendary builder of the stone bridge looking at the Regensburg Cathedral
Im Donaustrudel = the Danube rapid with strong vortex formation below caused by the pillars of stone bridge!
Partie an der Donau = Game on the Danube
Alter Kornmarkt = Old Corn Market
 Top left: Dom St. Peter = St. Peter Cathedral
Radl (Rettich) Markt = Radish (daikon) Market
Neupfarrplatz und Gold Turm = A Square and former Jewish Quarter with Gold Towers for the affluent, the more important, the higher the tower.
Ostentor = Inspiring Gothic Gate
bottom are repeat places from the above explained...
Regensburg die alte Donaustadt
Regensburg the old Danube City

Hope you enjoyed this special city on the Danube as much as I did for those two short days!

Stay tuned for where our cute Fiat Uno rental car brought us next...

Related posts:
{Happy New Year - 2012} | previous post showing Pieter's antique book from Goethe
{Architecture is Frozen Music ~Goethe} | previous post
{Color Psychology and Blogger I Admire} | previous post about Goethe's writing


  1. Hello Beautiful! I hope my comment finds you and Pieter healthy and taking all the necessary precautions in these uncertain times. Because so Carl lost his spleen during a colon surgery in 2018, he is at greater risk. His doctor recommended he not work st the front of the supermarket for a few weeks. Needless to say he doesn’t like being cooped up. But it’s for his own good and he/we will get thru this. Stay healthy,
    Love Helen

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, we both are doing well and let's hope that this crazy time will soon end!
      Every winter is a big risk for all those that have health issues and for the infants and elderly...
      My Grandma used to see, let's get through this winter and live another year! She was a wise woman.
      For Carl it indeed is tricky and he better heeds his doctor's advice. Nobody likes being cooped up.
      May spring unfolding work as a positive distraction for all of us.

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    dein schöner Post erfreut mein Herz.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, so kannst du noch etwas sehen und lesen von dein eigenes Land!
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Hello Mariette, I would so love to see the scenic wonders of the Danube and all the old architecture of that area, which looks well preserved. The famous waltz would be going through my head the entire time!

    With your rich life together, you and Pieter have much to do, discuss, and reminisce about in these days of enforced isolation.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Indeed the Danube harbors lots of scenic wonders all throughout.
      Regensburg area is really spectacular to visit and see.
      Wish Pieter had been on that tour with me but nevertheless we have lots to reminisce about always.

  4. What beautiful pictures! I love the pastel colors on the old buildings. Danube Gorge Nature Reserve is spectacular indeed! I would love to go on a boat tour there.
    Oh I know you miss your Mauzie. We never stop missing our fur babies.
    Have a wonderful day, Mariette. Stay safe and well xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Regensburg area was like a dream indeed and the architecture was lovely!
      Only wish that Pieter could have been on that Danube section with me...
      And of course Mauzie was very vividly remembered when I saw that Dachshund; they never are forgotten.
      Thank you and you four stay safe as well!

  5. Dearest Agnes,
    Don't know where you see Dubai...?

  6. What an amazing visit and tour, even if it was short! Well, except for the horrific torture chamber (I presume that's what it was). Ugh. Looking at photos, even from the past, is the only safe way to travel for the foreseeable future (and the only way permitted, too, with borders closing and everything shutting down).

    I hope you're both staying healthy and well. Be safe and take care!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Yes it was amazing, except for being confronted with the reality of that torture chamber...
      Those past time travels were from a time that indeed travel was a pleasurable and safe event; not so anymore, for many reasons.
      We pray for good health for all, we only can wait and see...

  7. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, they are truly stunning medieval buildings!

  8. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you, it was quite memorable!

  9. Wonderful that you were able to see so much in those two days. Great pictures. Hope you are Pieter are doing well.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, that was a fruitful two-day stay and thus creating memories forever.
      So far we are both well and may God protect all of us!

  10. Miaritta piękną wycieczkę mieliście. Życzę zdrówka w tym ciężkim czasie korony wirus. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Najdroższa Małgorzata P.
      Tak, to była wspaniała wycieczka.
      Życzę Tobie i Twojemu również najlepszemu w tych trudnych czasach.

  11. Very pretty pictures. Thank you for sharing...

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and it sure was a lovely time...

  12. Such gorgeous places, Mariette! My exchange partner Katja's mother, Ute, took me during the weekdays to places up and down the Rhein while Katja, her older sister Dagmar, and younger brother Jan were in school. I had the best time in Germany!! Coming from California then (1981), everything was SO GREEN while back home in summer the grasses were brown and dried out.

    Thank you for sharing your travels with us,
    Barb :)

    1. Dearest Barb,
      Happy that this brings back some fond German travel memories for you!
      Indeed, over here the grass in summer can turn brown and for sure in winter time, so dreary looking.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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