
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Limburg 4Days Marches — Fun Fair and Dinner with Friends

You might recall me pointing out that Limburg in the South is a Burgundian province...
And yes, it very much IS!
They know how to celebrate.
So join me for a FUN day in Limburg...
Ellie prepared us a yummy Mushroom Soup for early lunch, so we would have something in our stomach...
By the way, it was through Ellie that I FIRST got introduced to mushrooms as her Dad had three small mushroom houses and I helped them with harvesting, if needed.
At least Ellie is mentioned by me in the preface of our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting
Highlighted: I changed, mainly due to my best friend's influence. Her Dad had a small mushroom farm and sometimes I helped them out.
After our soup, we drove to Venray where the 4Days Marches would end.
Elvira and Bob's two boys had walked the 10 km and 5 km; each according to their age.
Well, we 70+ girls found us a chair on a terras in front of a Turkish restaurant where we ordered a hot tea.
Yes, wearing hats today with my Escada outfit...
Both of us with hats...
Ellie and I were in a happy mood with all the music from the marching bands.
Bob, as well as Elvira, had volunteered to walk along with the little ones for these successive 4Days Marches.
The weather was perfect!
The eldest one, kind of collapsing after completing his 10 km!
His younger brother also called it QUITS for his 5 km and both are now more interested in the sweet treat from Grandma Ellie...
Wearing proudly their medal for completion!
Just like to share some culture from our Province: THE HISTORY OF FUNFAIR: 5 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW←click link
The fair was born in the Catholic Church? An annual fair was organized during a consecration. There was then talk about 'the Church Mass'. 
The first Dutch fair was in 1023...
Fairs have been created to commemorate the foundation of a Church. The first mass, usually provided by the bishop, was then commemorated, this is where the word fair comes from. 
Well, the town where Elvira and Bob live, there was the ANNUAL FUN FAIR...
At the same time it also was going on in the town where son Tristan and Sonja live...
Off we went, walking to the action—which was not far away!
The eldest son wanted to try this attraction.
ALL kids were so happy as for two years due to COVID, there was NO FUN FAIR...
Of course a Cotton Candy had to be tried... turned out to be way too large!
We smashed it into two plastic cups that got taped together by a friendly waiter, for taking home.
We met with other friends around 18:00 at Horst World Kitchen
We actually did not take any photos, and I forgot also my first plate.
This was my second, when I went back for some more sushi to be eaten with chopsticks, as this was healthy for me; no salt added.
Two days later we went to the Fun Fair in Ellie's present home town of Sevenum, where their son also resides.
Absolutely gorgeous weather!
The square near the Saint Fabian and Sebastian's Church is always used for setting up the fun fair.
Also tall linden trees provided shade.
Linden blossoms
Linden blossoms got used during WWII as a substitute for tobacco...
Many lessons to be taught to the children...
Cousins getting along very well!
Soft nougat block that I always loved, and so did Mom, brought her always one back from a Fun Fair I'd been to.
OLS monument met De Zes van Zaerum
OLS = Oud Limburgs Schuttersfeest
OLS monument with The Six of Sevenum
OLS stands for Old Limburgs' Archers' Guild (all from medieval times!)
Weej zeen os in Zaerum
Ter herinnering aan het OLS 2019
We see us in Sevenum
In memory of the OLS 2019
OLS 2019 Sevenum←click link
To get an idea about these medieval festivities from Limburg in Belgium and The Netherlands, click this link for video: OLS 2019 Defilé van Oud Limburgs Schutters Feest 2019***
Oh, Elvira had to get into this Fun Fair attraction with her eldest...
It is so high into the air!

Hope you learned a little bit about the rich culture of Limburg and why things are being celebrated still today.

Stay tuned for more...

Related links:


  1. What a lovely holiday. It is such a long time since I had nougat and cotton candy. I remember at a church fair I got a machine and made and sold cotton candy to raise funds for the church.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      It was indeed very lovely to see all that one more time!
      Glad it did bring back fond memories for you as well.

  2. Están todos muy en forma, de tanto caminar. La pamela viene muy bien ahora en verano. en córdoba ya pega fuerte el sol.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, hay mucho caminar por parte de los niños y también de los padres. Solíamos caminar mucho y bajando a la escuela y siempre, dos veces al día.

  3. Ja wij wonen in een mooie gemeente waar van alles te doen is ,voor groot en klein.😉🙋🥳⚽

    1. Lieve Ellie,
      Dat is zeker en met mooi weer erbij is het compleet!

  4. Lovely to read and look at photos of your trip,-)

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and it was a succession of happy moments!

  5. It all looks like so much fun. Good weather and cousins that get along is always a plus. I did not know the origins of the Fair. Interesting.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Oh, the good weather was probably the biggest 'ingredient' for making it fun!
      Cousins being as close as siblings is a big added bonus.
      Glad you learned something more about the origins of the Fair; hailing from the Old World.

  6. Looks like a lovely day and lots of fun.

    Loving all your beautiful photos and happy memories as always, Mariette.

    ((hugs and blessings))

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      It sure was a lovely day and the photos will keep those memories forever!

  7. Wat ziet dat er allemaal gezellig uit zeg! Mooi die herinneringen! De hoeden zijn zo leuk!

    1. Beste Aritha,
      Dank je en het zijn inderdaad mooie herinneringen die gekoesterd worden!

  8. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful, special day! I wish you could as easily share the food, so we could sample. LOL. Good luck with the mess of blocked pipes! I feel for you; it's going to take 2 - 3 weeks before everything is sorted out here, and it's going to be probably the better part of a week before I get the toilet installed. There's nothing like trekking to the basement 3 or 4 times in the night....LOL.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Oh those Fun Fair visits were very special.
      Sampling food virtually is rather hard...😉 Wish we could!
      Oh indeed nice surprises but Pieter got already a replacement ring for fixing it. Once cleaned up you soon forget the mess and the restriction for using your kitchen sink...
      For you, there soon will be light at the end of the tunnel.
      When we were staying with my Parents, their home only had one toilet and we had to track downstairs for reaching it. We luckily have three now and also two more sinks; one in the laundry room and one in the Rose Suite—no complaints.

  9. Thank you for sharing this with me! Very marvelous history! I love it

    1. Dearest Reader,
      You're quite welcome!
      The love for history and religion is something that I never will let go.

  10. These are very happy images. You can see that you had a wonderful stay.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Thank you and it sure was very meaningful!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
