
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Miele Dishwasher and Oven Installed with Some Help

 It was now December 18 of 1998 and the Miele dishwasher and oven would be installed.
Pieter did all the prep work for the connections and also closed an enormous hole in the wall that we uncovered behind the previous oven.
One often wonders how those workers handle things—like the Flinstones whacking a hole in the wall?
And thinking we will never find out?!
They are IN by 5:19 PM.
Our dear friend Paul Kellam had two of his guys help Pieter with getting the dishwasher and oven built in.
Yes, Miele is the Cadillac of appliances—pricy but if you talk about quality, longevity and eco friendly, energy saving—Immer Besser (forever better).

Do you have any Miele appliance?

Related links:
{Our Kitchen Improvements} | previous post by me
{More of Our Kitchen} | previous post by me


  1. Good quality products are best in the long run.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Yes, they sure are and we have lots of proof with our 2nd choices!

  2. No, I don't. Unfortunately, as I would love to own top quality, I have always been just able to afford what we can afford. Living within our means. It does seem as if my old appliances have lasted around 20 years before being replaced. Now days, they don't build them as well. My appliances are under 5 or 6 years old. I'm hoping they will last and that they will be the last; probably not.

    My favorite stove was an old Wedgewood gas stove I had in my cute apartment. Best stove I ever and it was old and still in excellent condition in the late 70's. I wanted to purchase one when we were buying a new gas stove but they were too expensive. MY kitchen is a bit retro farmhouse style - it would have been so cute. I also like the old fashioned refrigerators but unfortunately they are not energy efficient and costly to run. WE have a Samsung refrigerator. It does the job.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Well, no doubt compared with our old appliances from 1990 which we replaced end of 1998, nowadays most will have improved. But for having all energy saving things—it pays off with a low monthly electricity bill. We don't have gas, never had—except in the apartment in Shillington, PA.
      Things that look attractive and good might indeed be tricky in their usage of energy...
      Hoping that your appliances will last for many years to come.
      We still have our 1990 refrigerator–freezer, a side–by–side version, in our pantry. You are SO right about nowadays they don't build them as well.

  3. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    That was a big hole in the wall. I think they never thought someone would be getting the oven out of the cabinet, so they didn't bother to cover it... Talk about things well done...
    I'm glad your friend and his workers were able to help Pieter, because that looks like a BIG job!
    Lots of hugs!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Yes, that was a huge hole and indeed, they might have thought that we would never ever get to see it!
      It also proves that while we were away, working and living in Indonesia, they took us a bit for a ride... Sure, such things would not have happened with Pieter being around as he knows better.
      Our dear friend's workers were a great help and with experience—it would have been near impossible to do it just the two of us.

  4. Hi, Mariette!
    I'm answering the comment you wrote in my blog! ;)
    I'm glad you and Pieter are back home safe and sound and that you received my email. And I hope it helped even in just a tiny bit.
    I also love routines in the sense of knowing that if I'm doing something routinely, it means everything is okay. Of course I also like surprises (good ones) and to get out of the daily routine if that means doing something I like, but other than that, cooking everyday meals, cleaning the house, reading and writing books and loving on Nuno and Tareco, makes me happy. Simple life! :)
    I read Katie Isabella's post! She is So funny! I hope you didn't mind too much, about her flirting with Pieter! XD
    Wishing you a great choir practice and sending much love and hugs from Nuno and I to you and Pieter, the kitties and Kwekkie, of course!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Thank you—did not answer your comment after coming home around 20:30 but went almost straight to bed. The choir practice was fun, a lot of laughter and it is a fine group.
      So happy I managed all the driving, shopping and bringing upstairs of the cold items for putting them into the fridge. Then our relaxed tea with mixed unsalted nuts and it was almost time for going to choir practice.
      No, Katie Isabella can flirt with Pieter—she is a sweet girl and her noises are so cute. She came to me as well, for making up for that.
      Such times pass too soon...
      Hugs to you and Nuno from both of us.

    2. Groups of people that believe the same and enjoy the same we do, are always fun and enjoyable to be with! :)
      I'm glad you didn't ,mind sharing Pieter's affection with Katie Isabella!
      Lots of hugs to you both, too!

    3. That is so very true—like minded people are always enjoyable to be together with! 💞

  5. Olá, Mariette, sem dúvida sempre as melhores marcas,
    não será nunca o barato que sai caro, mas teremos o melhor por muitos anos!
    Mas o que estou vendo é que Pieter faz tudo!!! Que enorme "mão"! Aqui quer dizer 'que bom ter
    alguém pertinho, em casa, que sabe das coisas!'
    Estou em obras dentro de casa, amiga, que estresse...
    Como aqui é primavera, estamos adiantando tudo, o clima ajuda muito, mas
    com a pandemia, as casas, apartamentos e tudo o mais...ficou de lado!
    E agora é a hora de colocar tudo certinho.
    Grande abraço pra você e Pieter.

    1. Querida Taís,
      Nossas casas pedem muita limpeza e captação! Mas a esse respeito, tivemos sorte por ter uma pessoa com mãos douradas.
      Com o passar dos anos, o aparelho melhor e caro prova ser o mais barato.
      Pieter & Mariette

    2. rssss, escrevi errado no meio dessa aflição aqui,
      quero dizer que o barato sai caro, sim! rss, e como!!! 😁😊😄
      Abraços, querida!

  6. It's always a good investment when we buy quality items.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      It sure is and we still enjoy them!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
