
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Our Miele Vacuum Cleaners

When we came to the USA on August 1983, there of course were no Miele vacuum cleaners available here in Georgia...
BUT, we received a catalog from B. Altman & Company in New York.
Benjamin Altman being the son of Bavarian–Jewish immigrant parents, was born in Manhattan in 1840.
He started a dry–goods retail store that rapidly grew out into New York's most successful department store.
AND they listed a Miele vacuum cleaner—so I ordered it!
UPS did ship it—but as often was the case, when we were not home—they left it at the Campbell Soup mushroom farm, knowing that Pieter had his training facility there.
BUT they just had a new warehouse boy—who didn't know Pieter. So he'd put it somewhere in the back corner.
When the warehouse needed cleaning—the box came out...! 
Here is my Miele Electronic S 234i
Received it on August 1, 1987 after months of calling, writing to B. Altman & Co and once more—to apologize to them!
Sadly, that great company filed for bankruptcy protection in August of 1989.
Photo is taken on Monday, October 17, 2022 and yes we still use it!
For downstairs and for the car as it saves us from having to take it up and down the stairs.
Yep, I sure had to get this Miele ART Rose Vacuum Cleaner... πŸ˜‰
Photo is from Monday, October 17, in our Rose Suite where it resides!
This one also comes with Hepa filtration.
And for upstairs we have our 3rd Miele...
With HEPA AirClean filter
On November 30, 2021 this Curry yellow Miele came to live with us and it is another great helper!
LOVE its color!

Have you had or have a Miele vacuum cleaner?


  1. Wow! I had no idea there are decorated vacs! I've never seen a Miele vac, but it sure looks wonderful and I bet it does a great job!

    1. Dearest Diana,
      Never knew that either but I did fall in love with that Miele Art Rose vacuum cleaner.
      Oh, they are the best and the top one is still working fine—35 years of USE!
      Was lucky for having found the 'sold out' vacuum cleaner bags so we have a stash for years to come 😏

  2. I didn't know there were decorated vacs! I have yet to see one!
    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette πŸ’

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, they do exist and I got one🌹

  3. I like the rose one. How clever the last one has a compartment for keeping the various tools. Vacuum cleaners are so useful. What did we do before they were invented? We liked the ones with cleaner bags.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      The 35–year old Miele vacuum cleaner has the very same compartment! Where the black button is—you push and it flips open.
      Oh, the broom that got used 'ages' ago, only whirled up more dust!

  4. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    That vacuum cleaner is a trooper and if it is still running since 1987, Miele couldn't ask for a better publicity!
    We have a Hoover one and I believe this is the 2nd one we have. It also has EPA filters and now has an IKOSH vacuum clenaer robot to make him company. It's easier on my back! ;)
    I especially love the one with the roses and I believe a freshly vacuumed house, looks instantly more clean and cozy, doesn't it?
    On another note: Mariette, I was reading some of your previous posts and I saw the ones where you and your sister Diny are wearing matching outfits! And of course it is another one of your quality buys, seing that you still have your outfit and it still fits!
    I noticed that you and your sisters are at your parents house and have tea cups with blue windmills. Do you have those in your home? They sure transmit a Nteherlands feel and I bet they bring sweet memories!
    Lots of hugs!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Oh, that Miele is almost an everlasting piece at age 35!
      They sure are hard on one's back—Pieter who often helps me vacuum clean, always has back problems due to using them.
      For me a freshly vacuumed home and then everything mopped is the best feeling there is!
      Even our kitties love it.
      Those matching outfits were fun—because Mom made us wear twin outfits when we were little. Diny is 19 months younger but she has always been heavier than I was.
      Those blue mugs were Mom's and I have no idea where they ended up...
      We only inherited an incomplete set of antique blue transferware from Pieter's Mom.
      Diny did find us some missing pieces to make it complete for a breakfast setting for four or for serving dessert.
      Yes, they definitely bring an instant Dutch feeling to the table and fond memories come with them!
      Pieter & Mariette

    2. I saw your mother-in-law's set and it is beautiful! I'm glad your sister was able to find some of the pieces that where missing.
      Now, all you have to do is find some of those mugs on Ebay and enjoy having a hot chocolate with bombons, while you reminisce!
      Have a blessed weekend, Mariette and Pieter!

    3. Dearest Paula,
      Yes, that blue transferware set is beautiful!
      We already have blue mugs, without ear, that I use for my soy milk and/or hot chocolate! πŸ€—
      Happy weekend to you and Nuno + Areco!

  5. Ups, I forgot to put the link to the post I was talking about. Sorry!

  6. Talk About Vintage - Like WoW - Snowed All Night Last Night And I Couldn't Be Happier About This Winter Wonderland


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Yep, both of us are vintage and that belongs very well to us 😏
      Can't believe you had snow all night—what a difference with our sunshine and 80°F!
      ENJOY it and happy weekend,

  7. I hadn't heard of this brand of vacuum cleaner until today, Mariette. If we ever need another one, I'll certainly look into it.

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      That is strange that you have never heard of this brand... It is so common and even Walmart sells them—that's where we got our newest one from!
      They are absolutely the BEST.

  8. Never heard of this type of vaccuum. Love those roses on the upright! I have a dyson upright and dyson battery one. I will look into the Miele when I get another. I like the idea of a cannister. Easier to clean with. I see after you mentioning the name that Bed Bath Beyond sells Miele. Made in Switzerland, I like that. Hugs, Betsy

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Guess Miele doesn't need to advertise as much as others do since it is the best and that is their way of advertising by mouth. We got our latest one from Walmart. But they are NOT made in Switzerland... Miele is from Germany!

  9. WONDERFUL! I have never seen curry yellow electric appliances.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Thank you and both, our 35 year old and newest are curry yellow.

  10. From Helen in Bend ~~~ Of course you and Pieter would have the classiest vacuum in town!! Love it.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Well, I love Angels and Roses so why not chase dust bunnies in style?! 🌹

  11. Miele is of course one of the best brands and very well known in Greece! We used to have an Electrolux for many years when leaving in the city, but when we built our country house we had the central vaccum system installed and we are very pleased with it.
    Many hugs,

    1. Dearest Marie–Anne,
      Our previous one in the USA was also an Electrolux.
      We never had such a central vacuum system so we don't know.

  12. Mine is not Miele, similar in appearance but in blue.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Of course there are others that function equally well.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
