
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wearing Mom's Wedding Dress to Church

 One of the treasures I did bring home from Limburg was Mom's wedding dress!
October 15, I wore it to Mass after I had it dry cleaned at Presstine Cleaners in Atlanta.
The dress was made out of a nice rayon georgette and I wear my black patent Escada sandals.
The dress originally came with train.
Mom's bridal bouquet looks like she was holding white stock or Matthiola Incana—also very fragrant!
In Dutch white stock is witte violieren...
Dad with a hat in his hand and gloves...
The day of the beginning of a Blissful Relationship—blessed by Dad's maternal Uncle—Heeroom.
Mom and Dad more up close.
Mom sure had lovely hair here and wearing her golden cross on a short necklace.
Those were the days of hats and Mom has worn many hats, especially when going to Church.
Her dress with train got later altered to a shorter version.
Can't recall if she wore it to certain events...
Dad had no camera of his own in the early years!
Photo taken after Mass by a friend.
Pieter wearing his silk Burberry suit that I also did bring back from Limburg...
The side seams of the top were let out by my sister, some 3 inches (7.5 cm). The dress is too wide for me now. 
At home one more WeFie in bright daylight...
Pieter wearing his Escada silk elephant tie.
This photo is from March 8, 1968 when I wore the dress with boots in Horst, Limburg...
Funny, I was 17, and above I am 71... just reversed numbers.
But I'm the only of 3 daughters that still can wear Mom's small sized dress!

Guess Mom was smiling down from heaven to see her wedding dress go to Church once more...
Not in white
It used to be unthinkable to buy a dress for one day. That only happened at court. 
Well into the twentieth century many brides married in black.
Even Pieter's late wife Thea did...
In front of the Church—also with hat and gloves in hand...
Don't understand where she left her gorgeous bridal bouquet.
Pieter with the bridal bouquet, full of orchids...
In 1983, when it was the rage to wear such black jackets—Pieter's 19 year old adopted daughter Liz, begged for the jacket of his wedding suit and Pieter gave in...
A handsome groom that stayed with Thea for 27 years—living like brother and sister...
BUT thanks to that, he wrote the mushroom bible and helped thousands to make a better living!
Everything has a reason in life and we both are grateful that God made us meet 53 years ago and we are happily married for a long time.

Related link:
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me with Mom in her bridal gown
Both of us LOVE Elephants | previous post by me with Pieter's Escada elephant tie
FAMILY Treasures from Chef of Smulhuis in Brunssum/The Netherlands | previous post with Pieter's Mom also wearing a black bridal gown
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post with Mom & Dad on their wedding day photos with Heeroom


  1. Olá, Mariette e Pieter,
    um casal muito elegante, gostei
    de ver essas fotos.
    Um ótimo domingo ao distinto casal.
    Grande abraço.

    1. Querido Pedro,
      Obrigado por sua visita e comentário aqui.
      Desejando a você e ao seu um lindo domingo.
      Pieter e Mariette

  2. Those are wonderful pictures and memories. How lovely that you have your mom's bridal dress and are able to wear it so many years later. I don't think I've ever heard that women married in black long ago. There's so much of the past that we don't know anything about. I've always thought big weddings are a big waste of money -- especially when you consider the divorce rate. My first wedding was simple and what we could afford. Friends and family chipped in with homemade food and drinks for the reception. My second wedding was in front of the justice of the peace with 3 witnesses on hand (two of my co-workers in New Orleans at the time and my mom).

    Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world, even when I don't post for ages.
    Take care.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      You at least have a practical view about it and both of us had a rather simple wedding as well!
      As for Mom & Dad, you must consider that this was post WWII and there was NO wealth.
      They had to wait 7 years before they even could marry and had enough money for buying their bedroom...
      But it lasted because of the many hardships—life was not easy.

  3. Hi Mariette. Wonderful memories, and a beautiful dress.

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Thank you and it is quite a treasure indeed.

  4. Wat bijzonder zeg…mooie foto van jullie twee….ik zie jou en velen niet meer in mijn bloglovin lijst ….dus nu maar ouderwets met de blogger lijst lezen…fijne zondag liefs van mij en Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

    1. Beste Ria,
      Ja, dat is heel bijzonder.
      Jij hebt me erop geattendeerd nu en als ik op de widget click in mijn sideline werkt het niet zie ik. Zou niet weten waarom niet...

  5. I loved seeing the old wedding photos, Mariette, everyone dressed up. It's interesting to see black worn for a wedding dress, though I understand from documentaries that it was Queen Victoria who started the white dress trend with her own wedding. So wearing white is fairly recent in terms of human history!

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Old wedding photos reveal so much about the hardships of post WWII times or other.
      Only the younger aunts got married in white but before that it was only the royalty.
      So many wars have ended lots of dreams for young people with wedding plans...

  6. You and Pieter look very elegant and happy together. May God bless you both for a very long time. Happiness always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      We not only look happy—we are happy and indeed may God keep us alive a bit longer...

  7. Olá, Mariette, fotos lindas de momentos maravilhosos!
    Nunca tinha visto uma noiva de preto, muito curioso,
    mas gostei de ver isso tão diferente!
    Como é bom ver fotos antigas de nossa família... de
    vez em quando abro meus álbuns, neles gente que nunca vi, passados
    por meus pais.
    Uma ótima semana para você e Pieter.

    1. Querida Taís,
      Naquela época mais casado em um vestido preto e não se esqueça; esses foram os anos pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial!
      Anos difíceis para nossos pais... e boas lembranças agora.
      Pieter & Mariette

    2. Não entendi o que eu escrevi, talvez seja "gente que nunca vi nos álbuns de meus pais!"
      Talvez seja isso, rssss.
      Abraços, querida!

  8. I never knew about a bridal dress not being white, Mariette, and I so enjoyed reading about its evolution. Yes, indeed, your parents were such a lovely couple as are Pieter and you. May God give you many more blessed years together!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      Guess different countries even have had a different evolution into what it is now.
      Not easy for couples that had postponed their wedding day due to the war and even post WWII years were very hard.
      Now only a memory... Indeed, may God grant us some more time together!

  9. Wat een leuk stel zijn jullie!
    En wat heb je mooi lang haar.
    Liefdevolle foto's.

    Lieve groetjes,

    1. Beste Hilly,
      Dank je voor je woorden!
      Mooie herinneringen die over tijd kostbaarder worden...

  10. Wonderful photos of your parents and you and Pieter. You two have certainly had an interesting life, as have we I guess! As they say, "life is what you make of it", and weathering the storms and the ups and downs are all part of it. We also hope to share more years together, God willing!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dearest Mary,
      Yes, we could write many books about our life.
      So true that you have to make your own life—daring to do things different and going for it.
      It makes for happy reminiscing in your later years.
      And for any time added; that is in God's hands!

  11. Such gorgeous photos and lovely memories!
    I never knew that black was worn for a wedding dress. How interesting!

    Both Pieter and you are such beautiful people.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Yes, it was quite common during the post WWII era.
      Thank you for your kind words!

  12. Hi, Mariette and Pieter!
    You two look elegant as usual and that black dress looks so beautifl, Mariette! Your mother looked so pretty in it and so do you. :)
    I didn't know about the history of black wedding dresses, because one always associates bridal dresses to the colour white, but it has a point.
    And Pieter and your father also look very distinguished in their wedding suits, of course!
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Dearest Paula,
      Thank you and it is a historic piece now—almost 74 years old...
      It has a very special meaning and sentimental value.
      Grooms at that era looked rather dashing.
      In 1983 when it had become the rage for teenagers to wear such a black jacket, Pieter gave the jacket from his wedding suit to his daughter Liz...
      Don't know where Dad's wedding suit ended up?

    2. It is really and historic piece. And full of love and sentiment!
      I hope it did not end in another person's wardrobe...
      Lots of hugs!

    3. Yes Paula, those are pieces full of love and sentiment but we both have no idea where it ended up, neither where the trousers ended up.

  13. Meine Mutter hatte auch noch in schwarz geheiratet.
    Wunderschöne Fotos, die du zeigst. Herzlichen Dank. Es ist großartig, dass du das Hochzeitskleid
    deiner Mutter noch hast und es selbst tragen kannst. Die Seidenkrawatte von Pieter gefällt mir sehr. Ihr seid ein wunderbares Paar. Glück bedeutet Vertrauen und gemeinsames Wirken.
    Der Hut deiner Mutter ist ist so schön, in meiner Jugend habe ich oft Hüte getragen... später nicht mehr... aber jetzt habe ich wieder begonnen Hüte zu kaufen oder einfache Hüte selbst zu nähen, das macht viel Spaß.
    Herzliche Umarmung zu Euch.

    1. Liebe Viola,
      Ja natürlich es gab ja viele Frauen damals die in schwarz geheiratet haben!
      Danke für deine Wörter und ja Glück und Vertrauen sind unzertrennbar.
      Als kleines Mädchen habe ich immer auf die Zehenspitzen mit die Nase auf's Glass der Fensterscheibe vom Hutgeschäft reingeschaut—ich war total verliebt in Hüte!
      Es waren drei Damen die von Hand gefertigt haben.
      Liebe Grüße,

  14. Memories are always important. And I think it's still beautiful to wear the mother's dress

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Yes, such memories are priceless—any time!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
