
Thursday, October 5, 2023

6th NAMC and Niagara Falls

 For the 6th North American Mushroom Conference we both traveled on July 15 of 1986 to Pennstate, Pennsylvania where we had the reception at Elks Country Club.
Always great to see many international mushroom friends.
We had lectures at Penn State next two days.
On July 17 we got up at 6:15 AM and after breakfast Pieter's colleague dropped us off at the 1st charterbus stop and we rode by bus towards the Niagara Falls 
Baljit Nanda, Pieter and myself
After lunch near Buffalo, New York, chatting with mushroom friends.
Klaus Grabbe from Germany, me and Pieter
We laughed about the size of that sundae!
We arrived by bus around 17:15 and did walk around
View from our room...
Beautiful gardens below...
Quite a view...
It was already getting dark...
But nevertheless an awesome experience for being there!
Quite a sight
Different angle
Pieter with his Pennstate Unitversity sweater
Sure the climate is perfect for a lush garden!
We enjoyed a nice dinner with view of the Niagara Falls.
Several people from my home town of Horst, The Netherlands were attending the Conference as well.
By 22:00 we went to our room.
Pieter is center photo in plaid shirt and I'm opposite him.
 Next day we left by 10:00 for Vineland Research & Innovation Centre where we got to see their horticulture and fruitgrowing under glass such as kiwis and peaches after wine and beer in their garden with a good barbecue.
Lots of wedding couples came to take pictures in their beautiful garden. Situated 100 m from Lake Ontaria, a peninsula with mild climate.
From there we went by bus to Toronto to our Hilton Harbor Castle and after unpacking we walked into the city.
On Sunday July 20, we got up at 10:00 and went on foot to St. Michaels Cathedral for the 12:00 Mass.
St. Michael's R.C. Cathedral opened in 1848
No iPhone back than with GPS info...
We further enjoyed the Conference where Pieter was speaker and panelist.
Had hoped to receive his lecture from Geoff Price but nope...
Did partially post about it: {Toronto Canada Then and Now} ←click link.


  1. It was lovely to be able to combine touristy things with the conference, Mariette. I've been to Niagara Falls only once, decades ago, and barely remember it.

    Continued thoughts and prayers to you. ❤️

  2. What a lovely trip you both had, Mariette! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  3. That was quite an adventure seeing Niagara Falls. St. Michaels Cathedral is beautiful. What a tall Church that is, and so old, being build in the 1800's. I would love to attend Mass there, as St. Michael is a beloved Saint to me. The barbecue you had sounds delicious. You look wonderful in these pictures, Mariette. I hope your health is getting better with each day.


  4. Buen testimonio dan estas fotos, que tendrás guardadas celosamente en tu albúm de fotos.
    Feliz fin de semana. Un abrazo

  5. Hello Mariette, You and Pieter have been to so many world-class sites, but even so I am sure you must have been impressed with Niagara. It is one truly awesome sight that doesn't seem to be so far away (especially from Ohio!). You two have worked hard, but have also attained the privileges that go with it.

  6. Oh my goodness, a bucket list place for me. How lovely to see my two favorite people there enjoying themselves and learning so much. XX

  7. Oh I would love to visit Niagara Falls but I doubt it will happen, I liked these photos what a lovely memory

  8. You and Pieter are such a beautiful couple - then and now. Beautiful memories

  9. Liebe Mariette, was für ein aufregendes Erlebnis muss ein Besuch der Niagarafälle sein. Ich sehe sie nur immer im TV. Wie schön doch die Erinnerungen sind und Du hast sie alle aufbewahrt, danke fürs Teilhaben.
    Viele liebe Grüße nach Georgia von Traudi.💗

    P.S habe die Kommentarfunktion wieder eingeschaltet, ist doch besser für die Seele 🥰💗

  10. I must visit the Niagara Falls when I visit my daughter in Canada next time!! So beautiful!
    Love from Titti

  11. So beautiful. Sending love your way. Regine

  12. You have amazing photos to share. I believe mine are all on long thrown away slides. We were there in 1984 and the flowers were simply beautiful. I wonder how much more it is commercialized the are has become. Thank you for sharing and hope you are doing well. Lynn and Precious

  13. Beautiful pictures. I was there in '74. We took the "Maid of the Mist" and had so much fun. I remember the restaurant that revolved as we had dinner. The tour of the Niagara Falls power station. Your post has brought back many fond memories. Hugs, Betsy.

  14. Hello, dear Mariette! How are you doing? I always enjoy looking at pictures of the Niagara falls as they remind me of my visit back in 1988, when I was in Toronto for an international conference, staying at the Westing Harbour Castle hotel.
    I am not very active in blogging lately, but very happilly in full preparations for our son's wedding coming on 4th November, even though both my husband and I were confined the last 10 days as we had the covid (for the first time in 4 years|!). we feel lucky we had it a month before the wedding!!!
    Many hugs to you!!!

  15. It's beautiful and you two definitely have good memories of the falls. I have a friend who lived in Canada near the Falls and says it is wonderful. Very cold but beautiful.

  16. You, Peter, and your mushrooms friends, places, and events, made for a wonderful post and pictures!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
