
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Niagara Falls with Sister Diny

 Since my sister Diny would be staying with us for a full month, together with her significant other, we had planned a trip to the Niagara Falls in Canada.
What a sight from our room 2329 at the Marriott
Niagara Falls with Rainbow... on September 20, 2007
A different view and as you can see, we were very lucky with the weather!
Yes, via Internet I'd managed to get us a room with the Niagara Falls view on their TOP floor 23!
Lunch at the restaurant of Marriott
overlooking the Falls
Joop, me and sister Diny
Wearing my favorite silk jacket from Escada...
Feeling happy for having reached our destination...
What a perfect day!
Diny with Pieter
It was quite a trip for both of us!
From Dublin, Georgia via Augusta, Charlotte North Caroline where we ate lunch at a Bob Evans, Dobson North Caroline to gas up, via the Blue Ridge Parkway at Fancy Gap North Carolina. We went to Hyatt Place in Roanoke Virginia  for our first night.
Next day, Pieter drives first and then we let Diny drive into Gettysburg, Pennsylvania—a historic moment for Joop. By 18:00 we leave the museum and shops at Gettysburg after an ice cream and beer for Joop at a terrace. A long ride of 310 km for me in heavy traffic to Morristown in New Jersey where we spent the night at the Hyatt Summerfield Suites. 
Next day we went to the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlet.
Then Pieter drives the first stretch towards the Niagara Falls and at Whitney Point, New York he gassed up and I do the rest.
Next day we stayed at the Hyatt Summerfield Suites in East Norristown, Pennsylvania for two nights.
We did go to the Campbell's Headquarters in New Jersey and stocked up on our favorite Godiva dark chocolate with raspberries. 
Over the Ben Franklin Bridge, I drove them to Shillington, Pennsylvania where we used to live and we visited antique stores in Adamstown.
Next day we went to Hyatt Summerfield Suites in Charlotte, North Carolina after a stop at Replacements Ltd. 
Home next day... For our Infiniti FX35 we accumulated 4,896 km with 520 liters gas at $ 416
From my hometown of Horst, The Netherlands that would be the equivalent of traveling to Kiev in the Ukraine.
Or from Horst, Netherlands all the way south to Madrid in Spain.
We sure did go the extra mile!
But we found this in our guest book for an entire month of hosting them...
While visiting my Uncle Louis in Broken Hill, NSW/Australia he discussed the vastness of their country and ours.
He too had to pick up relatives from the airport—the big one long distance, not their local airport where I flew in from Melbourne on a weekend while working there.
My aunt Nelly with her husband came to Australia for two months and Uncle Louis toured 6,000 km with them...
That sure did top off our mileage but he wanted to share that, as there is so much difference between these continents.

Related links:
6th NAMC and Niagara Falls | previous post by me


  1. Wow what stunning photos those first couple are, all in all a bloody nice post

  2. That was a fabulous trip, Mariette, with stunning views. Wonderful memories for you. ❤️

  3. Those photos are grand, Mariette! What great memories you made.

  4. Avete fatto un viaggio meraviglioso,complimenti!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Such a sweet memories of happy times with your sister.
    Sisters are very special in our lives. Sometimes I still miss mine.
    Have a good week............Suzi

  6. Having returned recently from a family reunion, close to twenty amazing people, I concur that time with sister is indeed special. Both of mine were there. I also came home from flying cross country with Covid. Son Carl as well. Our cases were not severe, more like a really bad head cold, upper chest congestion. Both testing Negative and feeling much better today. Hope my message finds you better, Mariette.

  7. You and your silk jacket look smashing in the above pictures!
    The views from a hotel 's room windows, overlooking the city and its attractions, are very important and the matter should always be checked when booking the hotel.

  8. Hello Mariette, Those rainbows seem to symbolize the specialness of this visit. Speaking of which, it seems odd the rainbows are very prevalent in Cleveland, but rare in Taiwan, even though alternating rain and sun are common here.

  9. For those born in small countries, like Portugal or Holland, these are huge distances. Niagara Falls is one of the places I would like to visit.

  10. Hej Mariette, Mooie foto's en herinneringen van het bezoek van Diny. Het was een hele reis voor jullie. Lieve groet Willy

  11. Niagara Falls is beautiful. It's even more special with the rainbow. Just checking in with my dear blog friend and wanted to say hello. Hugs, Mariette. : )


  12. wow! Amerika ist soooo riesig und fast unvorstellbar und die von Euch gefahrenen Kilometer gehen ja in Europa über mehrere Länder, wirklich beeindruckend!
    Alles Liebe für Euch, liebe Mariette und lieber Pieter. Ich wünsche Euch viel Kraft und Zuversicht. Seid herzlich gegrüßt von Traudi.💗🥰

  13. Hello! What beautiful photos of an amazing trip! Thank you for sharing. Have a cozy evening!

  14. Olá, Mariette, que belas fotos, essa "Cataratas do Niágara" há muitos anos que vejo e me delicio, mesmo vendo documentários sobre ela. É fantástica! Gostei muito de ver vocês nas fotos.
    Espero que você fica bem, fique forte novamente. Você já está interagindo com os blogs amigos
    e isso diz que você melhorou bastante.
    Deixo um forte abraço ao querido casal.

  15. Wow, it looks like the rainbow comes out of the basin.

  16. That first images is spectacular! Hope you are doing well!

  17. What a wonderful trip, Mariette!
    The views are spectacular!

    Hugs and blessings, my dear friend

  18. Some lovely pictures from a amazing trip!
    Love from Titti

  19. Happy Halloween. Stay warm and healthy.

  20. Wat een heerlijke foto's. Prachtig joh.

  21. Great place. It would be nice to visit sometime.

  22. Dag Mariette,

    Dat zijn dierbare foto's.
    Mooi hoor!

    Lieve groeten,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
