
Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 It is indeed a special subject Mushroom Cultivation or Mushroom Growing with its very own PROFOUND MUSHROOM GROWING TERMINOLOGY!
Since over the years numerous so–called consultants and other mushroom gurus have surfaced, it is interesting to see their use of the English language.
Showing you some BLOOPERS:
Guess this one got created by someonw with cramped fingers while typing...
fung ic lim ate soultions including
Was it that hard to type including fungi climatic solutions?
Yep, if you don't date nor label your photos—those image numbers DO SHOW...
At the beginning of flash one...
A flash light might have been used when creating this photo but correctly we say:
First Break.
Flushing is done for the transition from vegetative to generative development.
See link below post for indepth information and explanation.

Just like the use of blow–down instead of cool–down or flushing.
Pinheading should be pinning
Spraying should be watering as spraying indicates the use of pesticides.

supplement, to boost, (impregnated compost)
synthetics, synthetic compost, artificial manure
Guess with impregnated compost they just mean at the moment of spawning or after that — full–grown compost...
synthetics is used for fibers but not in here
artificial manure? Really?!
Synthetic compost means compost made without horse manure but other natural ingredients.

Head fillers kept rolling off the production lines... 
Mushroom Business is an interesting magazine!
Check out our new head filling machine
All they in fact try to convey is — the head end filling machine!

Interested in mushroom and plactic eating fungus
Interested in mushroom and plastic eating fungus
Do microorganisms really EAT?

Director Fresh food group/Bio Europe
Handel in Biologische en conveniolnele paddestoelen
Handel in Biologische en conventionele paddestoelen or Trade in Organic and Conventional Mushrooms

Trouble shouting and maintenance on Poultry, Pigs controllers, (national)
Guess he meant trouble shooting?! 

Well, if all else fails you can always get this growing assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The problem often is that it is mainly based on 'borrowed' intelligence... and mostly from just scraped content.

One thing I found on my Pieter's obituary as a reaction on his tribute wall.
A so–called teacher/consultant John Peeters, who listed on LinkedIn his education
CCO from 1984 – 1987
When posting on Pieter's Tribute wall, he did not quite remember when he studied and he claims to have received his diploma one year prior...
The biggest lie however is that he received it from Mr. Vedder in person, although he was not his teacher!
What a FAKE person this is! 
While my dear Pieter was Vice President from August 1983 till March of 1989 he NEVER went to The Netherlands for handing out diplomas there.
By the way, the CCO changed from being under Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries into IPC Plant and later C Point.

Related link:


  1. Olá, Mariette, muito interessante essa sua
    postagem sobre cogumelos, um tema que
    você domina e que o Peter é Mestre.
    Obrigado pela bela partilha.
    Uma boa semana, saúde e paz para o casal amigo.
    Grande abraço

  2. Soy profana en la materia y me gusta consumirlo. lo compro en establecimiento, que me ofrecen una buena garantía.
    Un abrazo

  3. The typos are really funny, Mariette. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I found this interesting and a tad funny

  5. Hello Mariette, Just maybe that "trouble shouter--pig controller" is not a typo. There is a skill known as "hog calling". You can see plenty of videos on Youtube.
    Thank you for entertaining us with these!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Guess that is aimed at the wild hogs...
      This company was a local one in my hometown.
      The person later went into the mushroom business, working for GTL Europe.

  6. I watched a Youtube video to know how the head filling machine works. It's very interesting!

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Yes, very interesting but worldwide the use of head filling machine ought to be head–end filling machine...

  7. The typos are amusing !
    Thank you for sharing them!

    Hugs and blessings, Mariette

  8. Cogumelos, os degusto, mas o silvestre eu evito.
    Parece, às vezes, bonito e ao conhecê-lo é um susto
    Por seu venenos não justo, que chega até a matar.
    No Brasil é tão vulgar os cogumelos do mato,
    Porém não sei se de fato é veneno ou é manjar.

    Abraço fraterno. Laerte.

  9. So kanns auch mal gehen, liebe Mariette. Interessant und auch lustig.
    Liebe Grüße nach Georgia von Traudi.💗

  10. It's a very important point. It is really necessary to be very rigorous in the use of specific terminology. Not long ago, I went to buy fertilizer for my plants and almost killed them by using a compound that was guaranteed to be universal, when in fact it is not suitable for all plants. I had to change their substrate to avoid losing them.

  11. Olá, Mariette, gostei muito dessa sua postagem,
    comemos bastante cogumelos, deliciosos. Mas, contudo,
    é sempre ler sobre os cogumelos com gente que realmente,
    conhece, e pelos tantos artigos que você postou, acreditamos no Mestre Pieter!
    O que você disser, é 'vero'.
    Fraterno abraço para vocês.

  12. Trouble 'shouting' made me giggle. Your linguistic skills are amazing. My efforts at learning Spanish and Japanese faltered over the years. ~rolls eyes~ But English language foibles fascinate me. Be well!


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