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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

1987 GROWING QUALITY Profound Mushroom Growing Terminology

 Professional video by Campbell Soup showing Pieter J.C. Vedder's design at 0:20.

Make sure to click on CC for subtitles/closed captions!
When viewed on YouTube you also will find the information below video with clickable links.
Except for 3 clickable links that don't work—for whatever reason but you got the exact time!

Just an inside view for the clickable link.
About 10 days after casing, the white mushroom mycelium has grown sufficiently to reach the casing surface. Then the growing rooms are quick chilled or flushed. This promotes the fruiting of the mycelium into what will become the white high–quality Campbell's mushroom.
Flushing drops the air temperature from 75 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit (24°C to 16.6°C) lowers the humidity from 98% to 85% and replaces the carbon dioxide in the rooms with fresh air or oxygen.
About three days later, the mushroom mycelium starts to mass together. These star like masses expand into mushroom pins, which are the swiftly growing young fruit bodies. In a couple of days these pins explode with growth into buttons...

Here are the high quality, bright white, clean, first break Campbell's mushrooms finally ready for picking. Campbell's extraordinary commitment to quality is once again practiced in the harvesting phase of mushroom farming.
Picked by hand by its thoroughly trained full–time staff. Campbell's harvesting standards are impeccably followed. Mushrooms are picked within the guidelines of Campbell's exclusive one–touch pick and pack harvesting system. 
When the selected mushrooms are all picked the beds are watered. 
About seven days later another break of mushrooms appears and is carefully picked.
This process is repeated up to four times, after which the natural nutrients in the compost are depleted. Then the growing rooms are sealed and steam is injected to raise the compost temperature to 160 degrees F or 71°C for 10 hours in order to sterilize the room and its contents.

Okay that at least did explain some of the PROFOUND Mushroom Growing Terminology.
The two most misunderstood words are FLUSHING and BREAK
When viewed on YouTube you see those clickable links (except those 3 that refuse to work) but you know where to find the subjects.
Page 249 of our book about the generative stage with clear images.
Page 250 of our book with more about the change from vegetative stage to the generative phase.
Page 251 of our book with image from Hans Tschierpe about vegetative growth changes into generative growth.
Page 270 and 271 of our book about inducing fructification (generative stage).
Full page 271 of our book...
And again on page 273 of our book about the transition from vegetative to generative development.
Page 275 of our book about flushing to start fructification.
Page 307 of our book again mention of Relative humidity at the time of flushing for fructification.
During the actual production period we talk about break and NOT flush!
Flushing is the above—earlier mentioned change from vegetative growth into generative growth!
This is on page 115 of our book.
And again on page 278 you see the mention of break.

Hoping this did clarify a worldwide erroneous use of flush instead of break.
Sure, we both are fully aware that husband Pieter's 1978 English book has been used by many 'consultants' just by content scraping and/or plagiarism—without ever mentioning the source but we of course recognize our own original content.
The issue is that in 1978 the English translation from Pieter's updated 5th Dutch edition, got done by a lady, that knew the language well, but had no inkling about Profound Mushroom Growing Terminology... 
Hence this erroneous worldwide spread by so many.
That also was way before the computer era, where one could easily correct and replace certain words.
But our book is like the text in Campbell Soup's video—CORRECT!

Thought this to be valuable for numerous mushroom growers worldwide.
On Pieter J.C. Vedder's LinkedIn it had lots of impressions:
Also a former Campbell colleague mentioned that most of it got filmed at Campbell's then Glenn Farm in Michigan.

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | previous post by me about our newest book
P.J.C. Vedder's 1987 Design for NEW COMPOSTING SYSTEM (Phase I) | previous post by me showing Pieter is a real certified teacher—see also the links to various editorial reviews below post—all done by OTHERS not written about oneself as often is the case...😏
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | previous post by me describing Pieter's prestigious Sinden Award with permission from his boss at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to travel to the UK


  1. You've really studied the science on this subject. What dedication.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Guess educating is a sort of 'calling' and you certainly want to help as many others as possible—in getting and doing it right! Also teaching always the HOW and WHY of certain segments.

  2. Replies
    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie e altrettanto per tutti voi!

  3. and to think I always took Campbells cream of mushroom soup for granted. Opened the can and poured it on my pot roast, never really thinking about all that went into growing them. Very interesting.

    The mass shooting we had a couple weeks ago at the Mountain Mushroom company in Half Moon Bay - I instantly wondered if you knew the place.

    1. Dearest Debby,
      Oh, it is quite a science for commercially growing first quality mushrooms at a competitive cost–to–grow!
      Most consumers never realize what kind of work is behind 'every' fresh produce item...
      No, both of us never had any contact with the Mountain Mushroom Company in Half Moon Bay—as far as we know.

  4. Like Debby, I never thought about all that effort that went into growing the mushrooms whenever I open a can of Campbell's and I am a HUGE fan of their mushroom soups.
    Thanks for educating us, dearest Mariette.
    Hugs and blessings!

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      Guess most people have no idea how certain products come about.
      Growing them is really an art and even more so the high quality ones.
      Well, the short video gives great information for any person and the screenshots with text are purely aimed at those working in the mushroom business—to understand the usage of correct and profound mushroom growing terminology.
      Hugs and enjoy your mushroom soup!

  5. It is noticed that you two are among the people who most understand and dominate the subject.

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Guess we were the most dedicated and that over 60 years for Pieter and I myself also for half a century since helping out my best friend's Parents.

  6. Dominas el tema y eso se nota bastante.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Gracias y sí, después de tantas décadas con pasión y amor por las personas para ayudarlas a tener una existencia mejor—ciertamente dominamos el tema.

  7. Wow, interesting. My head is spinning! Love the header photo of you!

    1. Dearest Peter,
      Well, this is aimed at all the mushroom growers world wide...
      The header photo is from my first visit (after my first consulting job) to the city of romance—Venice: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2013/01/my-first-trip-to-city-of-romance-venice.html


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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