
Saturday, June 2, 2012

{Cloudy Day versus Sunny Day}

In our garden things look more golden and bright on a Sunny Day, versus a Cloudy Day. But we do need the cloudy days and the rainy days, for keeping our trees, shrubs and plants alive. The last couple of days have yielded some long awaited rains. Not enough yet, as the soil has a very poor water holding capacity but any amount of rain helps. Let's look at the same trees on a cloudy day, followed by a sunny day... We ourselves probably look different too on our sunny days! Sunshine makes us all feel happy and light, putting a spring in our step. Cloudy days and rain do drag us down and make us feel heavy... Or is anyone feeling the opposite?

  • The watering hose is always on standby for when it does not rain. This is such a cloudy day with heavy overcast and the trees do have different colors. The 'Quercus Vigriniana Grand View Gold' to the right is not looking real golden... With our Palm tree it looks quite exotic.

  • The Grand View Gold looks a bit tarnished...

  • Our Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold Yellow Box Elder on a cloudy day, next to the Acer Rubrum or Red Maple.

  • Our Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold Yellow Box Elder on a cloudy day...

  • Again on a cloudy day, but a bit closer with our 3rd bridge in view as well.

  • Our Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold Yellow Box Elder on a SUNNY day!

  • Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold Yellow Box Elder on the left and the Acer Rubrum or Red Maple to the right in full sunshine... Our 3rd bridge across the creek is visible here too.

Below you can see our newest, replaced 1st bridge across the creek.

  • We end with a '24 karat' Golden Live Oak, Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold,  on a SUNNY day...

Quite a difference... 

Related links where this stunning Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold, can be seen:
Wow...I think this deserves a thread! Golden live oak! | GardenWeb discussion...
{Lush Green Garden} |previous post by me
{# 1111 - Our Golden Live Oak 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' changing color} | previous post by me
{Golden Live Oak 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' in Sunshine at its BEST} | previous post by me
{Our Golden Live Oak 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' with Catkins} | Previous post by me
{Our Mrs. G. G. GERBING Azaleas} | previous post by me
{Our Patio Tiles in the Front} | previous post by me
{RARE Icicles in Our Garden} | previous post by me
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post by me
{My Powder Blue Escada Jeans Suit} | previous post by me showing me in front of Grand View Gold
{Our Lovely Lilac Clematis 'Silver Moon'} | previous post by me showing young Grand View Gold
{Our Different Oaks} | previous post by me
{My Silk Quilted Vest Creation and YOUR Opinion Requested...} | previous post by me showing golden oak
{Our Live Oak got a Haircut}| previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Even if it is cloudy or sunny, your garden looks wonderful! What a georgeous place!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    love and hugs,

  2. Even the trees look more happy on a sunny day. Have a great weekend.


  3. Dearest Mariette, Your garden and spacious yard is glorious both on cloudy and sunny days. I especially love the Acer Rubrum/Red Maple. Oh, and I love the little bridge on the left in the bottom photo. Where does it lead to? I'm guessing on a lovely nature walk :D Wish I was there with you. May this weekend be filled with lots of good things for you and Pieter! With love and care, Kerrie xoxo

  4. Ciao il tuo giardino è bellissimo!!
    Io adoro vivere in campagna,ti regala una bella energia!!
    Un bacio dall'Italia!!

  5. Sunshine really does make a difference. But either way, your garden is gorgeous. And I wouldn't mind a nice refreshing rain if I was surrounded by greenery.

    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
    Anthony J. D'Angelo

    Have a great day! Tammy

  6. gorgeous no matter what. :) glad you got some rains!

  7. Because living in Texas brings so many sunny days, I often look forward to those cloudy and rainy days. We can go through most of the summer with no rain...last year it was really bad!

    We had two partial cloudy days after thunderstorms during the night this week that opened up to full sunshine afterwards. I'm praying for another round next week! :)

  8. My dear friend Mariette,
    Either cloudy or sunny your garden is amazing, and you took wonderful pictures. I can sense its tranquility and must be very relaxing to take a walk trough it.
    Send you a big hug, con mucho cariño,
    Laura :0)

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    ob an sonnigen oder wolkigen Tagen - dein Garten ist immer herrlich.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ein interessantes Spiel mit Sonnenlicht und Wolkentagen - aber ich schließe mich all den anderen Kommentarschreiberinnen an: Dein Garten ist bei jedem Wetter schön :o)
    Lieve Groetjes & Happy Weekend
    PS: Bei mir gibt's zur Zeit ein Giveaway - hast du Lust zum Mitmachen?

  11. Liebe Mariette,

    ich stimme allen zu.
    Dir wünsche ich viel Freude und
    grüße dich herzlich


  12. Hallo Mariette,

    ein schöner Vergleich, wobei der Unterschied sehr deutlich zu sehen ist. Ich finde es auch immer sehr interessant, wie sich die Farbwerte, v.a. auch meiner Kamera ändern.

    Ein lieber Gruß von Senna

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Your trees are beautiful any day but the sunshine surely steps it up a notch.
    You are correct in noting that sunshine affects us positively. One of my daughter's has a problem during the winter months. She was prescribed some sort of light therapy that simulates the sunlight.
    Love to you Pieter,

  14. I can't believe you have so many beautiful trees in your Garden dear Mariette! How wonderful it would be to live in such a glorious place. But... I am thinking someone has a lot of lawn to cut. Haha!

    Wishing you a fantastic week!
    xo Catherine


Thanks for your visit and comment.
