
Thursday, May 16, 2013

{Curaçao Vacation was also about Going Back in Time}

For my husband Pieter it was the 5th time that he went to the Island of Curaçao in the Caribbean. For daughter Liz it was the 3rd time (in December 1973 and again in 1978 from July 3–24)). Also for me the 3rd time and 1st time for Liz's husband Hans. Husband Pieter gifted them both with a flight from Amsterdam, The Netherlands to Curaçao.
With Google it is great for looking up former places where you have been. When I did scan old slides I did come across this one from December 1973, where Liz is sitting on the terras of the bungalow where she stayed with her Parents. It was than called Arthur Frommer and the crew from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines used it as well. Close to the airport and along Piscadera Bay. When we did rent a car and Liz driving us around the island, we literally did go back in time. It no longer is under the same name, but now it is the Floris Suite Hotel and it is designed by the famous Dutch designer Jan des Bouvrie. We did visit and had a cup of coffee near the pool. Liz could remember by the smell that it was the very same place where she stayed twice before. Indeed, we could hear a plane on the runway nearby and we also did pass on the way over the former Shell Oil Refinery that now belongs to a Venezuelan company since 1985. The very first trip Pieter made to Curaçao was on behalf of the local government. They asked him to do a feasibility study for growing mushrooms on the island of Curaçao. For that he also went by boat to Venezuela where they would have to purchase the straw. Long story short; it was not feasible mainly because of lack on ingredients. Pieter and his family did go back one more time on vacation, together with his best friend Harry and wife Suzette. Harry passed away at the age of 59 and his wife Suzette is suffering from cancer. Just talked to her and shared some fond memories...
Here Liz(zy) is sitting on the patio of the bungalow. The house number looks like 51 when enlarged...
Typical Agave and other tropical Curaçao vegetation.
From the staff we learned that still a few of those bungalows were there... So we did snap these photos and the one on the left has house number 52. So probably the one to the right was the 'old' one with number 51!
It looked like not much had changed! 
On the car parked next to number 52 is written: bluehelicopters and we had no idea you could have such fabulous helicopter tours over the island!
Have you ever gone back in time during a favorite vacation with loved ones?

Related links:
{Comment about Killer Legs - Daring to Pose in my Escada Hot Pants} | previous post with photos taken in Curaçao
{Curaçao Airport on Coronation Day King Willem-Alexander} | previous post by me
Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort Curaçao | Where we were last year and again this year (formerly Hyatt)
{Flora from our Curaçao Vacation} | previous post by me
{Our Curaçao Vacation II} | previous post by me
{Back Home from Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Our Curaçao Vacation} | previous post by me
{Hyatt Regency - Santa Barbara Plantation Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Trupial or Orange Breasted Oriole - National Bird of Curaçao} | previous post by me


  1. really like that lush yard in the first shot. :)

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    looks like a wonderful place....glad you had such a good time there!
    Thank you for your kind comments again! at the momenet I am a bit behind with answering ...sorry!
    Have a wonderful week,
    love and hugs

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    In Liebe


  4. Dear Mariette, it is always so nice to have memories of a lovely vacation and then have the opportunity to go back and retrace steps lost in time! Places where we have been with loved ones now gone are especially dear. So nice that you were able to be with your sweet girl once again and share those lovely memories in a beautiful part of the world! Hugs, xoxo

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    You and pieter has binge live in 1985 it must he wonder full time on your both of history you both did rent a car cars looking all right...Lis driving around the island.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Hugs and love to always!

  6. That is funny to see the house again after such a long time. It looks complete different with the other colour.

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist immer interessant, an frühere Plätze zurückzukehren. Da kommen alte Erinnerungen, ja man fühlt sich in die alte Zeit direkt zurück versetzt. Ich hoffe, ihr hattet dort auch schöne neue Erlebnisse.
    Danke dir herzlich für die FB-Verlinkung von meinem Backrezept.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    meist ist es so, dass man die Orte, die man zum zweiten Mal aufsucht, sich ganz anders darstellen als in unserem Gedächtnis. Man erlebt aber alles viel intensiver.
    Schön, dass ihr so einen schönen Urlaub dort verleben konntet.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht

  9. It looks beautiful place! How nice Liz could remember the place by smell. I hink smell or scent sometimes stays with us as strong memory!
    I want to visit Curaçao some day.

  10. What a awesome lot of photos...............I liked them all

  11. Wat heerlijk toch Mariette, op vakantie in Curacao! En wat leuk dat Liz zich dat nog precies herinnert! Veel plezier nog als jullie er nog zijn nu!
    Lieve groet,

  12. That's looks like a wonderful place to visit, relax and reminisce. Fantastic!
    xo Catherine

  13. What an experience. It's always nice to look back on everything you've experienced.


  14. Dearest Mariette,
    How great to visit Curaçao for vacation and have wonderful time again. Oh, Liz could smell the same scent there♡♡♡ Happy for your wonderful trip.

    ps> I'm grateful for your sweet comment for my post yesterday. It meant a lot to me. I think it was sort of irrelevant for the post(^^;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
