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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, April 12, 2012

{Our Curaçao Vacation II}

Our Curaçao dream vacation at the then Hyatt Regency and now: Santa Barbara Plantation ←(click it) in the Caribbean, gave us great joy for the 8 nights spent. Curaçao is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. Let me show you today something more from the island Curaçao, from the day that we went to the capital city of Willemstad. Bon Bini (Welcome) to Punda, the fascinating and picturesque oldest part of Willemstad, with its tall Old-Dutch style warehouses along the Handelskade, is often called the 'Amsterdam of the tropics'. 
The Penha Building ←(click it) on Heerenstraat 1, Punda, is a typical baroque architecture with its characteristic 18th century gables.
In particular, the Breedestraat is worth mentioning. In common with New Amsterdam, now New York, the so-called 'breede straat' (Broadway) originally formed the boundary between the fort, built in 1635, and the town behind it. See this informative video about the Caribbean paradise island Curaçao ←click it.
Pieter, left, is on the Queen Emma Bridge that connects Otrobanda and Punda over the St. Anna Bay. This characteristic bridge is the only floating pontoon bridge in the world! We were lucky enough for seeing it open up and videotaped it. Impressive. During that time, pedestrians can use the ferry till the large sea vessels have passed by and the bridge closes again.
Pieter on the Queen Emma pontoon bridge facing now the Otrobanda city part.
This gives you a good idea of the pontoon bridge with Otrobanda in the back.
Now we're on the other side and looking from Otrobanda towards Punda, which is the oldest part of Willemstad.
What a colorful buildings...
View more to the right at Punda with the Governor's Palace ←click it.
Governor's Palace again.
Full view of the Governor's Palace.
Behind Pieter you see the tall Juliana bridge where sea vessels can pass through, to the deep water harbor where also the Shell Oil Refinery is located.
Looking at Otrobanda...
No, it's not the taxi... you will not travel on a cannon ball to the moon like Jules Verne...!
That's me in front of a special  19th century architectural building at the Molenplein z/n Otrobanda ←click it.
Again, the same 19th century building at Molenplein z/n Otrobanda.
The police station at Molenplein z/n Otrobanda. 
Hendrikplein z/n De Tempel in Punda. I loved this building with its warm oker yellow and cream color!
A statue of a lady holding a ROSE!
To the left you can see part of the Governor's Palace.
I don't know its meaning, wish some local from Curaçao would fill me in here...
Time for having a cappuccino with some Dutch apple tart. It was not too sweet and with cinnamon, a healthy spice.
Hope you enjoyed this impression of Curaçao!
We will be back, for me a third time and for Pieter a fifth time. 
Pieter's daughter Liz went with him twice before and it would be great if she and Hans could join us...
So many fond memories.

Related articles
{Back Home from Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Hyatt Regency - Santa Barbara Plantation Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Trupial or Orange Breasted Oriole - National Bird of Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Our Curaçao Vacation} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    what a great Sightseeing tour from Curacao! thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures with us! it looks like a great and wonderful place! I love the style of those old houses!
    Have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs,

  2. What a beautiful city is Curacao! It certainly has a dutch look. It's so pretty. Thanks for sharing and also thanks for commenting on my blog.

  3. Oh...I love all your fabulous pictures. I sooo hope to go there one day! Beautiful...the sites and you and Pieter! xoRebecca

  4. Hej Lieve Mariëtte, prachtige tour. Ik zit er erg van te genieten. Al die Nederlands uitziende huizen en dan in die felle vrolijke kleuren. Dank je, fijne dag

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    für diese Schönheit fehlen mir die

    Sonnige Grüße

  6. Wat is het daar mooi !!! en zo Nederlands....hihihih!!...liefs van mij....xxx...

  7. Wat leuk het nederlandse tintje eraan, ook leuk voor jullie! Maar het klimaat is wel lekkerder! Leuk hoor zo'n trip.

    Lieve groetjes Janny

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    wie schön du uns diese Reise nahegebracht hast. Mir gefallen die zartfarbenen Häuser mit weißen Fenstern sehr gut. Alles sieht frisch und sauber aus und trotzdem tropisch. Der Apfelkuchen sieht toll aus.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  9. The buildings are beautiful and they are all painted in lovely colors.


  10. Dear Mariette,
    Your photos are lovely.I am sure that you had rest those days .Thank you for sharing with us .
    Have a nice day

  11. Dear Mariette- what a lovely place Curacao is. I would never have imagined it to look like that. Such distinctive architecture with its lovely colours and Dutch style gables.

  12. Fantasticas vacaciones Mariette,las casitas de colores geniales la tarta se ve muy sabrosa ,mis felicitaciones.Besitos

  13. How fun all the Dutch names. It looks like you have had a wonderful time, Mariette!

    Have a lovely midweek too, we have rain rain rain and all tones of Grey ^.~

  14. What a great story. Very interesting. So lovely photos!
    I appreciate it very much.
    Hugs // Kajsa

  15. Your photographs and narrative are so very wonderful! I believe you should put out a brochure for Curacao. Fantastic!

  16. Hello Mariette! My first visit, will visit you again. Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts (fabulous pics!). Congrats for your work. If you wish to follow back that would be great I'm at http://nelsonsouzza.blogspot.com
    Thanks for sharing!

  17. Wow!
    Vilken trevlig resa.
    Lovely photos, lovely vacation!!

  18. Wow what a beautiful place!! I love these colorful buildings!! I've always wanted to go to Curacao but now I definitely have to go!
    This Dutch apple tart looks so delicious. Thank you for sharing the photos - I enjoyed a lot :-)

  19. Dear Mariette,
    Looks like a lovely time had on your vacation. What a beautiful city and I love the colorful buildings. You and Pieter look wonderful enjoying the sights. Yummy treat at the end.
    Your pics and writings are always special.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  20. Dear Mariette,

    Curacao looks like a beautiful place to take a vacation and many thanks for showing us your photos.
    I love all the beautiful colours of the buildings, very picturesque place and was great to see you and Pieter there.

    Happy day

  21. Hello Mariette, So nice to meet you! Your photos of the rainbow of buildings and the floating bridge make me want to visit asap.

    I hope your new glasses will be an excellent solution for your needs. Thank goodness for new technologies (most of them.)

    I think the path is only forward and enjoying the rich history and the sidetrips makes it all worth the effort.

    Thanks for visiting and have a great week!


  22. Es gibt solche interessante Orte auf der Welt, man mag es gar nicht glauben....

    LG Alexia

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy new year for me and thanks for all my comments.
    Make me wish I were there with you.
    we have been friends for a long time now.
    hope fully be with you ..

  24. Wat een leuke vakantie! Ben er nog nooit geweest, staat wel op ons lijstje. Groetjes, Inge

  25. Dearest Mariette,
    Curacao looks like a dream land, really beautiful♬♬♬
    Happy for your wonderful time and enjoyed the tour with your picture!

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  26. What a beautiful " Rainbow Row " of buildings.

    Your pictures are beautiful.



  27. Dearest Mariette,

    Wow Amazing place to visit, beautiful absolutely


  28. Mariette che bello!Adoro queste casa tutte colorate!Baci,Rosetta

  29. Hi Mariette, pleasing pictures of your trip observations. I drew attention to the color of the houses or buildings, here in my Island PR so there are several sectors, including a town with its houses of the people so colorful. The church also bears a resemblance to the traditional churches here. Spanish architecture. I hope to return to this beautiful place! Greetings, Rose M.

  30. Lovely photo's Mariette! Never been to Curacao before, but heard a lot about it. A friend of mine was born there.

    The pastel coloured houses look wonderful.

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  31. wat een prachtig reis is dat geweest en wat zitten de gebouwen goed in de verf!
    hart. groeten mieke

  32. Dear Mariette, It seems to have been a lovely holiday, some parts reminds me of an area in Copenhagen. With the colored houses in a row along the quay. Lovely photos!!! Wishing you a great day!


  33. How wonderful of you to share these gorgeous photos. looks like paradise. Truly great memories to look back on... Wishing you a fabulous day! xo C. (HHL)

  34. Absolutely beautiful! And since it is the little Amsterdam, I'm sure you felt right at home. :) Love the colors of the building. Especially that teal colored police building. Who knew police headquarters could be so beautiful. HA! Best wishes to you, Tammy

  35. what a lovely colorful and historical place....


  36. Liebe Mariette ,das war bestimmt ein traumhafter Urlaub .Danke für die tollen Bilder .Amsterdam kenne ich und diese Bilder haben wirklich viel Ähnlichkeit .Ich wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende Lg Ina

  37. Thank you for taking me to places I would never get to see!!


  38. Dear Mariette,
    you seem to have had a fantastic holydays! What a marvellous place! Love the colonial style!
    Happy Sunday!

  39. Thanks for sharing the pics! I always daydream of vacation in Europe.


  40. Que edificios tan bellos!! Un viaje preciosos!!
    Mil gracias por tu comentarios!
    Muchos besos!

    Los Mundos de Nika Vintage.

  41. Adorei tuas fotos, é uma linda ilha. Tem lugares que não conheci.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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