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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

{Our Curaçao Vacation}

Yesterday, Marlies from the blog: Rosenrot in Germany, did ask me about our experience with Curaçao.
So let's reply to that question!
Behind Pieter, on the above picture that I took, you can see the very different, vibrant architecture of Willemstad.
Curaçao is one of the four countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, together with Aruba and Sint Maarten.
It is situated in the Caribbean.
The Capital Willemstad Ranked Among The Best UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Here you see  the harbor entrance and the Handelskade.
 My husband Pieter did go to Curaçao twice before he went with me. His daughter Liz did get to go with him on both trips.
Those two trips were for the Dutch Government, to do a feasibility study about growing mushrooms on the island.
The reflection in the water by night.
We did take the tour to the West Point of the island, also the Boca Tabla Cave and we did visit the Plantation House Jan Kock. That gives you a good idea about this special island. 
We did stay at a hotel near Piscadera Bay with its very clear waters. 
Curaçao is a paradise for those that love to snorkel and scuba dive!
Pristine white sand beaches! This is Piscadera Bay.
As said, very clear waters!
That's what I spotted... The Iguana, one of the many reptiles that live in the Caribbean in general.
This is a 'suikerdiefje Curaçao' a very tame bird that comes to steal sugar!
Of course such kind of thistles grow there too.
We flew from Atlanta to Miami and met with dear friend Natacha and her family, before going on to Willemstad, Curaçao.
Meeting with such a dear friend is an added bonus!
Besides, we would be flying over her birth country, the  Dominican Republic, on our way to Curaçao so we might as well visit with her!
Those who are lucky to fly from  Europe to Curaçao might get a super deal on Vliegtarieven.nl!
Hope you will enjoy this island as much as we have; we can highly recommend it to anyone.

Our silent movie from August 1988:

Our vacation #06:
August 8, 1988 at 7:00AM we got up, ate breakfast and packed. The suitcase with the boat etc., (kettle and small electric cooking plate) was already done. At 10:45 am we drove to Atlanta. The flight was at 2:15 PM and 4 PM in Miami. There were Carlos, Natacha, Carlitos, Christopher and Joshua Contreras. A happy reunion after more than 2½ years!!! Caught up for about one hour on this Friday afternoon. At 5:40 PM we left for Aruba and after two hours and 40 minutes we landed. Then 19 minutes to Curaçao by taxi to Avilla Beach. A cold shower and to bed...
We had this flight free for 50,000 frequent flyer miles from Eastern Airlines! 
August 13,  slept badly with all the noise of air conditioning. We packed up and paid $91.- and left again... for Holiday Beach. More spacious room with balcony (no blank wall as a view!) on the 4th floor overlooking Willemstad + sea. Nice big pool and nice beach. With van to the city and with ferry to the other side. The pontoon bridge was closed due to ship. 
At McDonald's we ate something and looked at shops. Also did some shopping and returned by 2:00 PM. Been to the pool and in the sun until 5:00 PM. Made us some soup and ate in the room.
 August 14,  at 11:30 AM to the beach with our boat. Blissful on the water with a breeze.
 After eating our sandwiches we went back. Dressed and waiting in vain for the 4:00 PM van... Nothing on Sunday! On foot into the city. Wanted to go to 7:00 PM Mass but there was nothing today... 
Drank our welcome drink in the bar. Then tried to sleep! The second night there was music outside until 4:00 AM!!! We slept with the balcony open, so as not to hear the noise of the air conditioning. 
August 15, at 9:30 AM again breakfast on the balcony and then back to the pool at 11:30. Lunch at the pool at 1:00 PM and then we swam in the pool and left the hot sun for what it is. We tan quickly anyway.
A shower and changed. Then I did some shopping in Vreugdenhil, which is nearby. Everything here is extremely expensive! Walked to Church a second time in vain. Today there would be masses because of the Feast of Mary. We ate on our balcony, wrote cards and our diary. 
August 16, again around 9:30 AM breakfast. It was raining. With the shuttle to Las Palmas where Pieter used to stay. Drank coffee inside and waited until it was dry. Then walked to the Piscadera Bay. Photos taken on the pier. At 3:00 PM back with the shuttle and still we went by boat out on the sea. Got inside by 6:00 PM and read; Gone With The Wind.
August 17, at 9:30 AM we boarded the bus for an island tour. All the way to West-Point, to Klipp Beach and lunch at Jantje Christiaans, an open restaurant—no windows. Then to Boca Tabla. To the country house of Jan Kock (1650). Back at the hotel by 5:00 PM. Just went to the pool.
August 18, around 9:00 AM breakfast. Filmed from the pontoon bridge etc. Pieter went to the Rotary lunch and I read something at the hotel. Pieter came back with the manager of Holiday Beach (Narif). We had to move from him to the beautiful side, overlooking garden and pool. Repacked at 2:00 PM, put on a bikini and went to the beach. We went to the floating market to buy fruit and one last time to Vreugdenhil. When we got to the room they had a fruit bowl and wine with glasses delivered from the manager...
August 19,  breakfast and we dressed for going to jeweler Gandelman to buy ring + earrings with sapphire and diamond. First went to the bank for cash—because of a discount. Then for the last time by boat out to sea. Swam in the pool. Changed and went to Manager's Hour at the pool where a steel band played. We had a nice dinner and then went to the room. Our last night...
August 20, we got woken up at 5:30 AM stating that the flight was late. Around 10:00 AM by taxi to the airport instead of at 8:00 AM and the plane left at 2:45 PM! Read and Pieter wrote a letter to his Mother. In Miami we also waited another 2 hours... At 1:00 AM we were home via Kroger in Macon to do some shopping. Still looked through the mail and went to bed at 2:30 AM.

 We had a nice holiday!!!


  1. Liebste Mariette,
    oooooh was für ein wundervoller Ort - vielen Dank, für all die zauberhaften Impressionen.....wie schön wäre es, jetzt an so einem herrlichen Strand entlang zu spazieren!!!! Und du siehst sooooooooo schön aus, so richtig nach Sommer, Sonne und Meer!!!! Eine herrliche neue Woche und allerliebste Grüße,

    bis bald, herzlichst Jade

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    was für wundervolle Fotos!!!
    Sie strahlen absolute Ruhe, Wärme, Glück und Zufriedenheit aus.
    Genau das Richtige für so einen tristen Tag wie heute.
    GGLG Tanja

  3. Prachtig hoor Curacao! Was er zelf nog niet hoor ,maar dit ziet er prachtig uit!
    Groetjes en n fijne week!

  4. Welch ein Zufall...vergangene Woche war bei uns im TV ein Bericht über Curaçao....was für ein himmlisches Stückechen Erde!
    Danke für Deinen Bericht und den wunderbaren Fotos!!
    Liebe Grüße
    die sich nun noch mehr nach Sonne sehnt :-)

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    danke für deinen Kommentar. ja, ich hatte ganz vergessen, dass du zuckerfrei leben musst, deine Figur dankt es dir aber auch. Würde mir auch nicht schaden. :-)
    Ich habe aber sogar ein zuckerfreies Plätzchenrezept. Das werde ich mal raussuchen und vielleicht nächste Woche reinstellen. Obwohl ich schon weiß, man kann auch ohne Plätzchen Weihnachten feiern.
    Von Curacao hatte ich bislang gar keine Ansicht gesehen. So bin ich erstaunt, wie holländisch es aussieht. Es erinnert mich an deine Porzellanhäuschen. Das war bestimmt ein wunderbarer Aufenthalt für euch, besonders schön ist es immer, wenn man Menschen dort kennt und nicht nur Tourist ist, sondern wirklich Gast.
    Danke für die schönen Bilder.

    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  6. It looks so lovely there Mariette. Never been there but still on my wish-list (have friends living there, so should be a good reason!).

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, do I understand well that you're from the south of the Netherlands too?? What a coincidence!

    Take care & I wish you a great week!!
    Bisous from Versailles,

  7. Liebe Mariette, welch wunderbare Impressionen dieser Insel...
    Ich hatte gar keine Vorstellung davon...
    GGLG Astrid

  8. Hi Mariette, that nice photos about your visits to the Caribbean has many islands or countries that are a true paradise! I love the architecture of many of these islands, its people and their food. Greetings Rose marie


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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