
Saturday, February 28, 2015

{Shocking, Tragic and Horrible untold story of Kashmiri Hindus}

Some readers were writing comments about husband Pieter's Trip to India and especially Jammu & Kashmir State, hoping that meanwhile life has improved for them.
NO it has not...!
Only some 7-½ years after husband Pieter did go there, tragedy happened to those poor Hindus that lived there for some 5,000 years peacefully.
This is the message towards the end of the video about: Shocking, Tragic and Horrible untold story of Kashmiri Hindus...
The Media in general is yet to cover this and awake the conscious of the world!
Cowardly, most look away from it and pretend it does not exist.
Slaughter of Hindus
Images of Jihad (Kashmir)
Retelling the tragic story of Kashmiri Hindus January 23, 2015
The Kashmiri Pandits: An Ethnic Cleansing the World Forgot | Freedom from Fear
WHEN will the world wake up?!
Related links:
A Rare Video from 1990 on Kashmiri Hindus Forced Exodus
{Part XI Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - Daily Life} | previous post by me
{Part X Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Srinagar, J & K Silk & Wool Rugs - Pashminas} | previous post by me
{Part IX of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K People - Living} | previous post by me
{Part VIII of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K State - Mushroom Village) | previous post by me
{Part VII of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir} | previous post by me
{Part VI of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Shimla, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part V of Trip to India - Chail Himachal Pradesh & Highest Cricket Ground in the World} | previous post by me
{Part IV of Husband Pieter's Trip to India -  Solan, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part III of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Maharaja Amarinder Singh, Patiala Punjab} | previous post by me
{Part II of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part I of Husband Pieter's Trip to India  - Arrival in New Delhi} | previous post by me
{The Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus - Husband Pieter's Trip to India} | previous post by me

Friday, February 27, 2015

{Part XI Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - Daily Life}

Showing you more photos from husband Pieter's Trip to India. This is all taken in the summer capital of Srinagar in Jammu & Kashmir during the end of March.
Maybe most of you have seen a picture of Dal Lake, Srinagar J&K
Srinagar at the muddy Jhelum River...
Watch short 2:07 minute video: Srinagar Kashmir | the city of Bridges | Bird's eye Video
Lots of house boats on the Jhelum River
The snow capped Himalayan Mountains, with below the Lidder River...
Lal Chowk in Srinagar City where you can find lots of taxi cars
Lal Chowk which is a city square in Srinagar.
Srinagar City, Main Street
Like I wrote earlier in one of the chapters, no these men are not pregnant but they do walk with a fire-pot under their clothes, for staying warm!
To the right is Dr. Parimoo, husband Pieter's long time friend from Srinagar J & K.
This man is selling those fire-pots, a clay pot inside the woven basket, filled with charcoal.
Pieter did bring one home but that stayed behind in The Netherlands...
Srinagar, Road to Lal Mandi...
Street life...
Street life of Srinagar, which is the summer capital for the J & K state.
In winter all offices move to Jammu, which is more south.
A Mutton, Barber and Book shop side by side...
Another Mutton seller...
This might be Shalimar Bagh in Srinagar
Near the rose garden of Shalimar Bagh, Srinagar
Men tending the rose garden...
Rose gardener
There is not that much to do, so they did offer Pieter to smoke the water pipe...
Husband Pieter said: 'No thanks, I don't smoke...'
Fresh fruits and vegetables...
In Srinagar they also grow Kashmiri Saffron | World's costliest spice ←click for 0:50 min. video.
Grocery store...
Sewing for customers...
Peanuts or maybe boiled peanuts...
Hope this gave you some impressions about Jammu & Kashmir as it was in March of 1982.

Related links:
{Part X Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Srinagar, J & K Silk & Wool Rugs - Pashminas} | previous post by me
{Part IX of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K People - Living} | previous post by me
{Part VIII of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K State - Mushroom Village) | previous post by me
{Part VII of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir} | previous post by me
{Part VI of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Shimla, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part V of Trip to India - Chail Himachal Pradesh & Highest Cricket Ground in the World} | previous post by me
{Part IV of Husband Pieter's Trip to India -  Solan, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part III of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Maharaja Amarinder Singh, Patiala Punjab} | previous post by me
{Part II of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part I of Husband Pieter's Trip to India  - Arrival in New Delhi} | previous post by me
{The Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus - Husband Pieter's Trip to India} | previous post by me

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

{Part X Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Srinagar, J & K Silk & Wool Rugs - Pashminas}

Showing you some of the beautiful crafts that do come from this part of the world. Right in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir State of India, husband Pieter did observe the making of those famous Silk & Wool Rugs, also the tedious embroidery of Pashminas, woven from the finest cashmere fibre. Pashmina is derived from the Persian Pašmina, meaning made from wool. This wool comes from the Pashmina goats that live at the high altitudes of the Himalayas.
Young boys weaving the very fine silk rugs...
Keep in mind that they almost work in the dark; husband Pieter used his flash!
The older brother in the front, does have the age old pattern in front of him and he is chanting it so his younger brother can follow him.
Eye sight deteriorates quickly and from the finer silk weaving they than have to shift to the coarser wool...
Two brothers working on a silk rug...
Don't know what the blue blob is on the boy's face; must be from the flash light.
A male teacher, as pointed out by Pieter's friend Dr. Parimoo (his hand...) is teaching this group of women how to embroider cashmere wool Pashminas.
On the bridge in Srinagar, J & K State, you can see a very colorful array of crafts, lots of hand knitting and such.
The lady walking to the right is wearing a beautiful Pashmina...
Life sure is colorful but by far not wealthy!
There was a request on June 25, 1983 for a World Bank assisted project for Jammu & Kashmir State in India.
A Telegram from June 27, 1983
But Campbell's Soup Company would not allow such a function...
Sadly, husband Pieter had to let go because we started working for Campbell's Mushroom Division in the USA!
Dachshund Mauzie is seen to the left near the wood edging...
In the mid 80s I have imported lots of handmade craft from Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India with the help of Pieter's friend Dr. Parimoo.
The freight was always a big issue as it was quite expensive and not living in a cosmopolitan area here in central Georgia was also difficult for reaching the proper clientele.
Now with Internet and e-commerce that would have worked better.
Such cashmere Pashminas are so light and oh so warm; pure luxury!
People in Srinagar were really great artists and these Bells from Chinar wood (Platanus orientalis, or oriental plane) and Papier Mâché items are all hand made and hand painted, than lacquered. Also those bangles.
Little bowls with brass inserts...
All came from NEW JAN KHAN & CO - Srinagar, J & K - India (just click the link to their FB Page.
But look how it often arrived at our home...
Cut open by the US customs, looking for drugs inside and thus ruined for sale!
I really did try hard for helping at least some of those poor people!

Related links:
{Part IX of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K People - Living} | previous post by me
{Part VIII of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K State - Mushroom Village) | previous post by me
{Part VII of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir} | previous post by me
{Part VI of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Shimla, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part V of Trip to India - Chail Himachal Pradesh & Highest Cricket Ground in the World} | previous post by me
{Part IV of Husband Pieter's Trip to India -  Solan, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part III of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Maharaja Amarinder Singh, Patiala Punjab} | previous post by me
{Part II of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part I of Husband Pieter's Trip to India  - Arrival in New Delhi} | previous post by me
{The Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus - Husband Pieter's Trip to India} | previous post by me

Monday, February 23, 2015


Il y a dans la vie des êtres qui sont nos parents, non par le Sang mais par le Qœur

Beautifully hand painted antique French frame...

There are in the life of human beings those who are our parents, not by blood but by heart.

Er zijn in het leven van de mens diegenen die onze ouders zijn, niet via bloed maar via het hart.

Es gibt im Leben eines Menschen diejenigen die unsere Eltern sind, nicht via Blut aber durch das Herz


With gratitude for having had a Dear Mom who was both a Parent by Blood and by Heart!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

{Part IX of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K People - Living}

Thank you for following along for reading these chapters about husband Pieter's trip to India, following the Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus. 
Previous chapters can be found below this post. Now we are having a peak at Lal Mandi in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir State how People actually are LIVING.
A dreary day in a very muddy area...
Not easy to exist in this part of the world...
J & K State, short for Jammu & Kashmir is at the very top, bordering Tibet (China), Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Not looking very glamorous... on this day in March!
Woolens are the fabrics, worn by the people for staying warm!
For sure H.R.H. Prince Claus meant to help these people through the Dutch Development Program he initiated...
Struggling hard for making a living and under such harsh conditions...
No need for adding another wing to the University in Delhi about more research on mushroom growing.
These people need some basics!
There is so much unemployment...
Doing dishes at the only village spout...
Still, those women wear a beautiful smile; despite all the hardships...
Grinding their own corn or whatever...
Storing rice, cereals and such...
Yes, these are the homes, they are living in...
A smiling woman on the balcony, peeling something...
A family posing in front of their new home...
Imagine being barefooted in such climate...
A peek inside the home of the most important village man; kind of a mayor...
He has a rug on the floor!
He did invite my husband Pieter for a tea and assuring him that the water had been boiled appropriately...
Not much luxury in such a home as it merely functions as a shelter!
Grandpa was a little upset for taking a picture of the bedroom...
You obviously are not that lucky if you are born in that part of the world!
This is their kitchen; no chimney but just a hole in the wall...
Guess after viewing such LIVING conditions, it makes us all guilty for complaining or ever wanting more with all our luxury!

“One must be poor to know the luxury of giving.” ̶  George Eliot

Related links:
{Part VIII of Trip to India - Lal Mandi Srinagar, J & K State - Mushroom Village) | previous post by me
{Part VII of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir} | previous post by me
{Part VI of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Shimla, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part V of Trip to India - Chail Himachal Pradesh & Highest Cricket Ground in the World} | previous post by me
{Part IV of Husband Pieter's Trip to India -  Solan, Himachal Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part III of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Maharaja Amarinder Singh, Patiala Punjab} | previous post by me
{Part II of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part I of Husband Pieter's Trip to India  - Arrival in New Delhi} | previous post by me
{The Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus - Husband Pieter's Trip to India} | previous post by me