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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Sunday, January 25, 2015

{Part III of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Maharaja Amarinder Singh, Patiala Punjab}

When husband Pieter was traveling to the north of India, for the Dutch Government, following the Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus in 1981, people wanted very much for him to meet with Maharaja Amarinder Singh from Patiala, Punjab. 
One of the most impressive letters my husband Pieter ever received, were these from Maharaja Amarinder Singh...
Look at the Royal Blue with Gold in the Crest!
Sent from Motibagh Palace, Patiala in the State of Punjab, India

Soon after Pieter's English version of Modern Mushroom Growing got published, the Maharaja who was a mushroom grower himself at the time, read about it in the English Mushroom Journal.
So he very much would like to have a copy himself...
Scanning the letter with its Royal Blue & Gold embossed seal, proved not to be easy.
 But, the in detail photos, made outside with the camera at least give you a fair idea about its beauty.
A precious, royal 'mushroom' editorial review...
Motibagh Palace...
One of Pieter's English books was sent to the Motibagh Palace in Patiala.
And now, Pieter was in India, himself and only 2-½ years after this royal correspondence.

Maharaja Amarinder Singh's Father, Maharaja Yadavindra Singh, also happened to have great knowledge of agriculture and horticulture.
He also had been appointed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as Indian Ambassador to the Kingdom of The Netherlands. Unfortunatly he died at the Hague on June, 1974, at the age of 61...
Maharaja Yadavindra Singh the Father of Amarinder ←click it
Maharaja Yadavindra Singh of Patiala ←click it
This was one of Maharaja Amarinder Singh's residences...
BUT, as fate would have it; the Maharaja himself was not available for a personal meeting.
They did however, show Pieter this residence and these are a few of the photos he was able to take...
This is not a good photo but since the occasion was so unique, I still want to show you how such a royal blue room looked like.
Even complete with a blue bathroom...
Maharani Preneet Kaur Wedding Picture ←click it
For a much better glimpse of Patiala - City of Kings, please see this video below:
Hoping you enjoyed this post, about something other than ordinary...
Related links:
{Part II of Husband Pieter's Trip to India - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh} | previous post by me
{Part I of Husband Pieter's Trip to India  - Arrival in New Delhi} | previous post by me
{The Mission of H.R.H. Prince Claus - Husband Pieter's Trip to India} | previous post by me


  1. looks like a unique and beautiful home. i like the letterhead crest, too. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      It all was oh so impressive! The letterhead crest is unbelievable.

  2. It was a lovely place to stay. I hope you enjoyed this time of your life.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Pieter traveled by himself and he did not stay there, only got a special tour...

  3. Very informative. Great to meet such interesting people.
    Hugs, Ada

    1. Dearest Ada,
      Thank you but the sad fact is that they actually never met; he was not available at the date that Pieter was in his area... But such letters are a treasure in itself!

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist eindrucksvoll und ausdrucksvoll zugleich.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, solche Briefe sind sicher sehr eindrucksvoll!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  5. Leuk hoor, een beetje duizend en een nacht die interieurs. Jammer dat er geen ontmoeting plaats vond.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, het lijkt zeker duizend en een nacht, zeker in het filmpje. Helaas kon hij nèt op die dag niet in de buurt zijn... Maar toch evengoed een kostbaarheid om zulke brieven te hebben!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Thank you for sharing such nice memories of your husband's experiences in India.
    As usual, a great post.
    Hope that all is well.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Thank you for your kind comment and it means a lot to Pieter as it has had such a tremendous impact on his life and also on mine as I did end up working in India years later myself.
      Sending you hugs,

  7. una vita molto interessante,, la vostra....complimenti per tutto, vi ammiro moltissimo!!!! Un abbraccio e buon fine settimana Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Ta ringrazio molto per le tue parole gentili. Infatti, una vita molto interessante e mi è piaciuto scrivere queste serie per mio marito come tutti ha significato molto per lui!

  8. Hello Mariette, It's nice to see sometimes how the other half lives! Also, Pieter's mushroom book looks very familiar--I just might have a copy, because I buy many books on agriculture. It's difficult to tell because I have no simple list, and many are put away in Ohio. If I locate it, that would really be a coincidence.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, this entire trip has had a tremendous impact on Pieter's and my life. His book has often been called the Mushroom Bible and you might have a copy of it too. Small world...
      Kindest regards,

  9. This is something very extraordinary indeed!
    Maharaja Amarinder Singh's residence (one of many, of course!) is beautiful. Love the bathroom with blue! What a rare experience your husband Pieter had!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      It sure was and something to treasure. Loved to share this with my readers.
      Sending you hugs,

  10. liebe Mariette,
    ich bin beeindruckt - dein Mann ist weit gereist, vielseitig und eine Persönlichkeit -
    die Bilder sind sehr interessant - gewähren sie uns doch Einblicke in eine glamouröse Welt -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Ja, wenn man so weit gereist ist und reibende Armut, sowie Reichtum gesehen dann ist man reich im Herzen und es hilft um den Alltag anders zu sehen.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  11. Lieve Mariett...
    Jammer dat de ontmoeting niet plaats vond !!!
    toch wel intersant zo reis ...maar ik vind de slaapkamer groot
    en de interieur erg kil ....
    een fijne dag ...
    veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, het zou ook al heel toevallig zijn geweest als zijn schema hierop aansloot. Maar evengoed indrukwekkend om in zijn gebied rondgekeken te hebben. Wat die kamers precies inhouden en of het voor gasten is, weten we niet want er zijn zóveel kamers in zo'n verblijf. Maar inderdaad door de enorme omvang werkt het niet knus.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Your husband pieter was traveling to the noth of India and him to meet with Maharaja Amaninder sigh from patiala most impressine letter ever receved.
    After Pieter english version of modem Mushroom of published The Maharaja grower copy himself.
    only 2/-1/2 years this royal correspondence.and few of take to photo was so unigue a royyal blue!
    I was enjoyed very much in India, your husband Pieter with appreciate more with us!
    Hugs and love both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      It was all in all a very fascinating trip with many contrasts as you will see in the coming chapters.
      Sending you hugs and love from both of us!

  13. It does look like a bloody marvelous place

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      That sure looked Aussie bloody marvelous!

  14. I wish I had one ounce of your organization and remembrance of the past. The letters are fantastic and what an awesome trip Pieter had. My husband has been to Lucknow as you previously posted and I'm sure Punjab. He lived in India and Pakistan in the 1970s and has fond memories of his time there. We would love to go back to India to explore more. Thanks for sharing these lovely mementos. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you but my remembrance is not that great anymore... but with the help of a diary and having heard Pieter tell his stories over and over again, yes I can write it down. Good that your husband has been to Lucknow as well and that he too had fond memories of the 70s era. It is such a beautiful part of the world!
      Hugs and blessings,

  15. Dear Mariette,it was for Pieter an interesting trip in India!
    I really enjoyed your post and the video!
    Have a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Glad you enjoyed the video and my post; together it tells a complete story of the region.
      Pieter had a very interesting trip; full of stark contrasts!

  16. That was indeed something more than ordinary!!! Both the story and the video you shared, dear Mariette! The letterhead crest is so beautiful!!!!!
    I wish you a lovely new week!!!!!
    Many hugs!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and glad I could share this with my readers here.
      Enjoy your new week and sending you hugs and blessings!

  17. What a beautiful place, and such a great memory too :)

    1. Dearest Eva,
      Lots of fond memories and how life can bring you at times to the area from where this royal crested letterhead came.

  18. Dearest Mariette; Oh, Maharaja Amarinder Singh's residence is really beautiful and what an honor your husband had☆☆☆ Even if the Maharaja himself was not available for a personal meeting.
    I'm impressed by the letterhead crest and the loyal blue and of course personal letter itself, very elegant. Happy for your husband having such honorable experience through his expertise.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you and this is sure something to be proud of for my husband. By writing the book he got in contact with so many interesting people all over the world and yes, even royalty.
      Sending you hugs across the ocean from Georgia/USA.

  19. It's so interesting to think that only a short while ago we communicated only by letter, and used typewriters. And thought we were very modern because it was going by air, and not boat! How things have changed. Everything's so instant now.
    But there seemed to be more a politeness in the letters? or perhaps the Indian people are just more polite?

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Indeed, interesting for having a look back in time and we are the generation that still recalls the very beginning of all this!
      Indian people are extremely polite, that's at least our finding after having worked there over a decade. Guess it is more of a natural virtue by Hindu culture.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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