
Saturday, June 23, 2018

From Hong Kong to Sydney, Australia

On August 27 of 1993, we left Hong Kong at 21:00 on Qantas Airlines and in 8 hours and 15 minutes we arrived in Sydney with a time difference of 2 hours.
We landed at 8:30 and went by shuttle to the Hilton Sydney on 488 George Street. 
We walked to the beautiful Queen Victoria Building on 455 George Street and explored some of its 200 shops.
That yielded a cute WOMBAT and a koala...
Yes, Womby still lives with us!
QVB as the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney is called. Just click the link to learn more about this gem!
Refreshing to walk from the Hilton Sydney to the QVB, it was raining but it was not too cold.
This cute Australian Koala resides on the window ledge in our guest bedroom.
The night flight on Qantas for those 7,300 km went well.
Dinner - Sleeping - Breakfast was the sequence here...
Already in April, husband Pieter got listed as a speaker for the AMGA/ISMS
On Sunday, August 29, the lectures started in the Sydney Convention Centre - Darling Harbour
Sadly I learned that this building has been demolished after 25 years and is no longer...
Click: Darling Harbour Live Temporary SMB 
Compost Workshop and Seminar - Sydney
We traveled by MONORAIL
Well, from blogger friend Sami, from the blog: COLOURFULWORLD in a reply comment to me, I learned that the MONORAIL is no more.
So it got taken out on June 30, 2013...
We rode it again on Monday August 30 as the lectures started at 8:30 and Pieter's turn was at 9:00.
By 17:00 we walked back to the hotel and had dinner at 19:15 with Chris and Bob Dumbreck, Marion Lawson and John Rodwell from California at the Royal Automobile Club of Australia.
Elegant dining and very British!
After dinner, we all did walk up to the Opera House for a fantastic view.
On Tuesday, August 31, we went by bus at 6:00 already to the markets; FLOWERS & VEGGIES with plenty of fresh MUSHROOMS as well.
After breakfast, coming back by bus to the Hilton hotel, we were crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 
In front of us a German couple had fallen asleep... suddenly she woke up, nudging her husband and scolding him for NOT video taping the spectacular view! Priceless.

In the evening we had a standing reception at 20:00 in the Convention Centre.
On Wednesday September 1, we started again at 8:00 and Pieter did a summary of this workshop and seminar and that went very well; great applaus from the audience.
On Thursday September 2, we had one last day of lectures. 
Rounded off with a formal Banquet at the Convention Center.
Pieter got to wear his Burberry tuxedo for the 2nd time within ONE week!

We had a relaxed morning and flew from Sydney to Melbourne where cousin Liz picked us up at the airport by 14:55... stay tuned!

Thanks for your visit and comment.
Related links:
Trips to Australia | previous post by me
{My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms} | previous post by me


  1. Dear Mariette,

    I enjoyed seeing your Sydney photos and isn't the Queen Victoria shopping building amazing. Daughter and I spent a weekend in Sydney and enjoyed shopping there.
    It must have been interesting travelling around attending lectures.
    Hope you are having a great weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      We sure enjoyed QVB and it was so close to our Hilton hotel.
      Traveling around attending lectures means hard work!
      Pieter gave professional lectures and that means a lot of preparation with slides, writing and also being prepared for the final summary and taking questions from the audience. Even for me it means hard work as I've always typed all of his work... This was not a vacation but we still managed to enjoy it!

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    lasse ich dir liebe Grüße hier.


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke und ich hoffe du erholst dich schon und bist okay!
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Hello Mariette, You traveled and experienced so much of the world on business for you and Pieter. While I did make the big jump to Taiwan, I wish I had started earlier and had more interesting memories and souvenirs.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, we always enjoyed traveling, regardless of the pressure for having to perform at a conference or else. It gave us a chance to look over our borders and also for really interacting with the people, even working with them! Quite different from just being a tourist and only tip-toeing through the most attractive sights.
      You indeed made a big and daring jump to Taiwan and thus got to explore a different language, culture and many unique treasures. We did never really hunt for souvenirs but only kept some meaningful artwork as personal momentum.

  4. Your post is so interesting. After seeing the menu for the flight makes me want to book a trip. Thanks for taking us along.....

    1. Dearest Emily,
      Thank you but mind you that traveling has changed a lot in the past decades!
      Our memories are still from the good times on airlines with highest courtesy and service. This was in 1993.
      In that regard the entire society has slid down... Dress code and all!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    great pictures and memories from Australia!
    Wishing you a wodnerful new week!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Those certainly are great memories for a life long to tank on!

  6. Dear Mariette, apart from no more Monorail, that Convention Centre no longer exists either. It was demolished in 2013 and now the Darling Harbour area has been totally revamped and is full of futuristic buildings, restaurants, art, etc.
    The Queen Victoria building is still fabulous, love going there for a browse around the shops.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, that's what I learned while searching for it and I have mentioned it above that after 25 years it got demolished... Guess the entire Darling Harbour has changed a LOT!
      We really loved that QVB and even better the short walking distance for going there.

  7. Replies
    1. Querido Francisco Manuel,
      Exceto que o trilho muito monorail foi demolido e não é mais...

  8. Awww the stuffed wombat is so cute! It's too bad the monorail is no longer there. I imagine the area must have changed a lot by now.
    Your husband Pieter looks very dapper in the tuxedo!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your kind comments and indeed, that cute Womby had to fly back home with us and he still resides with us! We sure loved riding that monorail, so convenient but they changed the entire Darling Harbour... Those are the problems of the First World!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
