
Monday, July 22, 2019

Day 8, Bulgarian Danube and Belogradchik Rocks & Fortress

On June 10, our Viking Cruise day 8 of PASSAGE TO EASTERN EUROPE, we went by bus into the countryside to visit Belogradchik Rocks & Fortress.
A very special visit to Bulgaria, roughly the same size as Tennessee and almost half the size of the UK.
Bulgaria is situated in the Balkan area of southeastern Europe. It borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west and Greece and Turkey both to the south.
The eastern border of 234 miles or 377 km is formed by the Black Sea.
Quite a sight for getting up close to Belogradchik Rocks & Fortress!
Even though, both of us did not climb the stairs for health reasons, they warned us for the unsafe railing as it often got removed for filming.
Pieter's heart cannot handle such a steep climb and I'm careful since my double, closed pelvic bone fracture...
But it sure was a marvel to be there!
This is close to 9:00 in the morning as we got off our Viking Lif for boarding the bus to visit Belogradchik.
Starting out from Port Vidin, Bulgaria...
And again a beautiful day!
Only half an hour out from Port Vidin, my attempt to capture this huge Stork's nest from our riding bus.
Storks breed a lot in these countries and you quite often can see their enormous nests.
In about an hour driving we were reaching Belogradchik in the Vidin Province.
Can you see the Rocks at the top left?
In fact a beautiful area and you see some large rocks here in mid picture.
One hour and 15 minutes travel time and here we are getting very close to the Belogradchik Rocks!
The bus made a stop for letting people use some restrooms in the town Belogradchik and that's where I captured this way of transport from the bus...
Bulgaria is the poorest country within the European Union and it was often painfully visible!
LOVED the formation of these dramatic clouds forming against the walls of the Fortress!
Belogradchik Rocks in German: Die Festung von Belogradtschik
The fortress of Belogradchik
Formation of the rock phenomenon "Belogradchik rocks"
A view down into the valley... Lovely countryside!
Click Belogradchik Rocks for a lot of interesting information about its history! 
Click Belogradchik Fortress Kaleto ENG for a short areal video!
Belogradchik Rocks & Fortress info from Viking
Short video from Bus Tour and Walk to Belogradchik, Bulgaria
Short video Viking Lif from Vidin to Russe, Bulgaria...
See you there for next day's program.

Thanks for your visit and comment!


  1. Hello Mariette, That rock fortress creates some very powerful images. I am kind of surprised at seeing so much open country and mountain vistas, although to tell the truth I have few preconceived ideas of Bulgaria. Thanks for this introduction and photos.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, both of us have only been to Hungary before and this trip also has taught us that modern Apps such as the Dutch is most of the time not functioning because there is no signal, as you could learn from the vast open spaces in the country side. It really is like stepping way back into time. Like the guy on top of that rather primitive looking wagen... A world apart from what we're all used to! But they desperately need more tourism and I must say that their service is excellent at stops for coffee and lunch. Wishing that country all the best after the dark period under communist rule.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    what a wonderful area, thank you for great pictures and informations!
    Wishing you and Pieter a wonderful week, we will have very hot days again....
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Indeed, a very unexpected Rock formation here in Bulgaria, more like the ones we have in Arizona here in the USA.
      It was again a lovely experience that day, even if we both were not feeling well...

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank und sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Gerne und viel Sonne zurück zu dir!
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Hi Mariette! The journey has been wonderful!

    1. Dearest Anne,
      Nature wise it was absolutely wonderful!

  5. Toch wel een mooi land zo te zien, maar jullie vonden Bulgarije tegenvallen meen ik ? Ik vraag me ook af, wisten jullie vooraf dat er zoveel 'geklommen' moest worden? En waren er verschillende mogelijkheden voor 'uitstapjes' vanaf de boot?

    1. Beste Marian,
      Wij beiden vinden het nu, achteraf gezien aan de hand van de foto's en meer informatie, mooier als toen we daar liepen. Er was ook een kookdemonstratie in huis ergens maar daar voelden wij beiden niks voor. Je wilt het land zien en niet altijd met etenswaar bezig zijn. Ja, dat klimmen daar wisten we helemaal niks van, stond alleen een klein fotootje waar je dat ook niet kon zien en ook niet in de beschrijving. Voor een 2.5 uur durend uitstapje niet zó geweldig. Wel het landschap daar. We waren weer op tijd terug voor onze lunch en dutje... De volgende dag in Bulgarije was onze slechtste, omdat met name Pieter zo gammel was...
      Elke dag had je keuzes tussen uitstapjes. De inbegrepen uitstapjes die meestal ook 'easy' waren en daar keek ik ook altijd naar, niet te lang lopen of klimmen etc. voor Pieter. Er waren ook wijn proef excursies maar dat vind ik zot om daarvoor binnen te zitten. Je komt om het land te zien en de omgeving!

  6. Wow, what a trip! I think I would have been a little leery about climbing those steps with rails that may be loose. The picture you took of the rocks are just perfect. I bet people have hurt themselves if those rails are loose. These rock formations remind me some of the formations in Mt. Solon in Augusta county Virginia.

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Had overlooked this comment and I have been very busy and on the road.
      BUT it is also special for you to get a reply, written in Damascus, VA...
      Both of us did not climb those steps after the tour guide informed us about the fact that the railing got removed and put back. Scary enough.
      We never have seen Mt. Solon in VA... don't know how they look but I trust you on that.

    2. Thank you for replying from here and especially giving me another place in Virginia Steve and I make sure we see. Damascus I do not remember visiting this town in Washington County, but will now. I have been to Abington in Washington county though.
      Virginia has so many rural and beautiful counties to see and explore.
      I wish you could visit Mt. Solon to see those chimneys.
      You not climbing those steps was a good decision. I know I wouldn't have and taken a chance. You did take a wonderful picture.
      Happy and Safe Travels

  7. I think it must require a lot of cares to preserve this wonderful fortress.

    1. Dearest Roughterrain Crane,
      At least they did an excellent reconstruction and they better now keep it up so tourism will be on the rise for this historical fortress.

  8. Incredible! We will be in Bulgaria in two weeks and I've not yet done my research on what to see and do so definitely am adding this to the list.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Wow, you soon will walk in our footsteps... No doubt you will enjoy this country.
      It has to offer a lot and can still improve tremendously in restoring its old treasures to make them enjoyable for the public.

  9. Wow, such spectacular views! Belogradchik Rocks & Fortress, what a site! I can see it's chosen for film site. So vast and beautiful. I do hope visitors stay safe with rather unsafe railing!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, that sure create some spectacular views.
      Bulgaria has so much to work on and safety rules are not yet at a level we're used to here in the U.S.A.
      Both of us opted for that very reason, not to climb up.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
