
Monday, November 11, 2019

Dad Sang The First Noel and Thank You Lord at Presbyterian Church

On December 2, 1990, Dad sang two solos at our local Presbyterian Church.
Because of that, Pieter went with him on Friday, November 30, right after they went together to the Rotary Club lunch, to the Dublin Presbyterian Church.
Dad could practice his songs with the organist.
Here, Dad is practicing, in his choir robe that he would have to wear on Sunday.
This was Dad's FIRST performance in public, in the United States!
Husband Pieter took these photos...
Here, Dad is seen to the right, in front of Dublin's Presbyterian Church.
On Sunday, December 2, 1990 Mass went well, including Dad's two solos.
On the right page, about center, is mentioned - Special Music: "The First Noel" Piet Van den Munckhof and Dad also sang "Thank You Lord"
Both went very well and it made us proud.
We were invited at the home of some other friends for dinner.

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Related links:
With Dad to Okefenokee on the Georgia/Florida State Line | previous post by me
Blessing of our New Home with Dad being Present | previous post by me
Visiting Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, Georgia with Dad | previous post by me
Dad Visiting Chappell Grist Mill Dublin Georgia | previous post by me
Dad did tag along on November 11, 1990 for helping us move into our new home | previous post by me
Thank You Lord — Horster Mannenkoor | short video where you clearly hear Dad's 1st tenor voice...


  1. Hello Mariette, Musical talent obviously runs in your family, and all of you obviously make this gift part of your lives. In my family, those on my mother's side are good musicians, but not so much on my father's side. In my case, I inherited my interest in music from my mother, but unfortunately my talent from my father's side.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, the genetic influences no doubt will be present over the ages but it will be hard to figure out more about our ancestors in that regard.
      My Dad's Maternal uncle was quite a musician and Dad sang together in the big male choir with three more brothers, all first tenors.
      There are great nephews that are singing with Zangers van St. Frans in Venray, a great choir (classic) that celebrated its 60 year anniversary last month.
      From Mom's side I don't know of any singers or musicians, even though Mom was a good 1st soprano herself and loved to sing.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    lovely memories! My Mum played the organ in our church for more than 40 years. This year she ended this with 87 years ...
    Have a good week,
    Hugs, Claudia

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Your Mom then was quite an accomplished organist when she did this for 40 years! Congratulate her please, what a great contribution she's made.
      Yes, these memories are now treasures to look back on with joy.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    What lovely sweet memory to have of your father.

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      This is a lovely sweet memory indeed and I'm grateful Pieter captured these photos.
      He was quite loved by people here in the city and that makes one proud.

  4. It must have been very special to see him sing solo in the church! Glad all went well and you must have been really proud :-)

    Have a wonderful day, Mariette!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Well, I sat there with pride, being it his first ever public performance on this side of the ocean.
      He did many on the other side...

  5. Precious memory of your Dad. "The First Noel" how I love that one.
    Have a nice day Mariette

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Yes, lovely songs and indeed they made for precious memories!

  6. That must have been a wonderful and very memorable occasion for all three of you, and what a very special moment for your father. I am sure that he must have enjoyed recounting all about it on his return back home again.

    1. Dearest Rosemary,
      Yes it sure was and for Dad singing a solo for the very first time in the USA, not his last though as he did more in 1993 etc.
      Life is all about memories, they are our treasures for holding on to till the very end.

  7. Wauw, dat moet een hele ervaring voor hem geweest zijn. ( de zoveelste die dit zegt :)) was hij toen niet zenuwachtig? Lijkt me wel, alhoewel hij natuurlijk wel gewend was om voor publiek te zingen.Goed dat Pieter van het oefenen een foto genomen heeft...

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, dat was het zéker. De kerk van onze vrienden waar we logeerden voordat we in eigen huis konden intrekken. Zenuwachtig was Papa niet, hij heeft al zoveel solo's gezongen in de nu 81 jaar als zanger. Maar na de Mis hadden ze een soort receptie en we waren Papa kwijt... Hij was altijd zo onhandig tussen de mensen, als 'eigen-baas' tuinder nooit rekening hoeven te houden met anderen. Dus was hij door een voor ons onbekende deur eruit geglipt en stond bij de auto te wachten op ons! Jeetje. Ja, blij dat Pieter die foto's nam en Papa had ook een hekel aan dat kazuifel wat hij aan moest doen. Haat ik zelf ook! Wil graag zingen maar niks verplicht aan moeten hebben.

  8. Carissima Mariette, un ricordo che resterĂ  sempre nella tua memoria,un bel dolce ricordo di tuo papĂ .
    Buona giornata.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Davvero, resterĂ  per sempre nella mia memoria!
      Un abbraccio,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
