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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dad did tag along on November 11, 1990 for helping us move into our new home

On Saturday evening, November 3 of 1990, we flew from Jakarta, Indonesia on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight 838 to Amsterdam, The Netherlands via Singapore and Delhi. Our month off from consulting work and our life in Indonesia.
This time it was very special, as we would move into our new HOME.
Dad had offered to tag along, for helping us!
So when we were in Amsterdam at Schiphol airport on November 4, we got the tickets for Dad at fl 1.739.00 cash, before Dad and our sister-in-law Bets met us at the airport.
Seeing our friend on his birthday that very day...
On Tuesday, November 6, we got up at 4:00 and by 5:30 we started our drive towards the Brenner Pass to Italy... From The Netherlands, through Germany, Austria into Italy with Dad's Ford Fiesta.
We even did meet on Thursday, November 8, Pieter's dear friend Harry Hollander at the very same hotel we were staying, with his wife and business associates!
Friday, November 9, we drive in 13 hours (taking turns!) back to The Netherlands...
What a schedule we lived by then!
Photo taken by Uncle Bo Whaley for his 3-weekly column about our return to Dublin, Georgia.
My brother Harry in his new Citroen BX had brought us to the airport on November 11, without Mom... she could not join us, as Harry had his little 3-year old son Johnny with him. Mom was sad!
Via Bergen op Zoom and Vlissingen, Harry's 'scenic' route to Schiphol airport we arrived there.
Flying once more on a KLM Royal Airlines Boeing 747 and we got all seated together in economy class. This was Dad's 2nd flight to Atlanta, USA, from The Netherlands.
We arrived in Dublin, Georgia by 9:00 PM and first we all went to see our NEW HOME!
Then we went to dear friends Somai (born in Thailand) and Bob where we would stay for 5 nights, till we unpacked ALL 110 boxes and transferred our container load of furniture.
Billy Brown had our goods transported on his truck and with the help of three extremely strong black guys it got delivered.
We ALL worked hard.
Photo by Uncle Bo Whaley...
Uncle Bo Whaley's 1st column... Monday, December 3, 1990
Uncle Bo Whaley's 2nd column, Wednesday, December 5, 1990
Uncle Bo Whaley's 3rd column, Friday, December 7, 1990

After 22 nights at our NEW HOME we all flew on Friday evening, December 7 of 1990, back across the Atlantic, Dad back home to The Netherlands and we continued to Jakarta, Indonesia, back to work...

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  1. Lovely memories, Mariette, thank you for sharing!
    Wishing you a good week,
    Hugs, Claudia

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      It sure is a blessing for husband Pieter to be alive for reading this...
      Back then we had no time to ever look at pictures or to really relax.

  2. Hello Mariette, I am sure that everyone in Dublin was glad to have you back, especially after reading those columns detailing how much you appreciated Georgia, after having lived in so many interesting and glamorous places.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are right in that we have lived in many places, we really could compare!
      Living in Pennsylvania was climate wise not the best... neither was Italy on the foothills of the Dolomites.
      The wind could blow straight through you in winter time. But we enjoyed it all!
      Coming back to Dublin was like coming HOME and we never liked it but LOVED it.
      Three years later we did become an American Citizen.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank für deinen interessanten Post.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, interessant war es schon um zum dritten Mal den grossen Ozean mit unseren Hausrat zu überqueren.
      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Piękne wspomnienia Mariette. Wzięło mnie na wspomnienia i oglądam zdjęcia z kilku dekad. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Drodzy Małgorzata,
      Całe nasze życie będzie jeden koniec dnia w tylko pamięci. Celem jest, aby wypełnić go w czasie produktywnych lat naszego życia. Dla mojego męża z braku serca, są to cenne wspomnienia, aby ponownie na nowo... Pisanie naszej biografii w sposób! Miłe wspomnienia mojego taty.

  5. Ongelofelijk ja, dat je dat toen 'gewoon' zo deed. Dat moet ook echt geen prettig gevoel geweest zijn, dat je na ruim 3 weken weer weg moest van je fijne nieuwe huis. En ook toen je je vader op ging halen, eerst nog Zulke afstanden in Duitsland rijden... En Harrij, die heeft/had wel een hele rare richting om naar Schiphol te rijden...kon dat toen misschien niet anders?
    Als je dat nu allemaal zo terug ziet, denk je toch....wauw, dat we dat toen gewoon zo deden... En maar door, en maar door..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, dat zouden we nu echt niet meer kunnen. Pieter was hier ook al 61 dus zeker niet meer zó piep om nog eens helemaal opnieuw te beginnen met het ontginnen van een landgoed. Nog nooit iemand gewoond; voor Nederlandse begrippen ondenkbaar. Ja, we reden ook nog even op en neer naar Italië, waar we tot januari van 1990 nog werkten... Wij beiden zijn nooit te beroerd geweest om wat dan ook aan te pakken en gewoon te doen.
      Ja, Harry was 'bus-chauffeur' en wist het wel! Kwam wel verkeerd uit, hij had zich grandioos verreden ja.
      Maar we vertrokken altijd wel op tijd dus kwam alles goed, toch wel wat extra stress.

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Anne,
      Yes, it sure was and we at least have always been very active during our life.

  7. De krantenartikelen zijn ook leuk om te lezen...:)

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, leuk om nog te hebben en na te kunnen lezen...

  8. Great memories. I wanted to read the articles, but I couldn't make them bigger to read.

    1. Dearest Krishna,
      If you click on them then they do enlarge and with your + button you can further enlarge your screen if you want to.
      Yes, they are precious memories of the home we still reside at!

  9. Un altro bel viaggio, mi piace l'ultima fotografia...molto romantica.
    Buona giornata.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Sì, anche anni dopo essere stata la sposa, è ancora romantico. Anche il nostro amico scrittore ha insistito su di esso... Sono contento che l'abbia fatto!

  10. What an exciting life you have lead....Mine can’t compare to yours, although I have lived in the Netherlands and Pennsylvania!
    As we grow older, these memories become even more precious! Have a wonderful weekend, Janey

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, you and I did live in two parts of the world that were similar... We lived a hectic life, that's for sure and always in a foreign language. Such memories make a great cushion for old age!

  11. I love those black and white photos. And it's so special that Uncle Bo Whaley wrote about it on his column. You were back to travelling after 22 nights -- you really had a busy schedule! His article spell your name "Mariet". Is it a difference between Dutch and English? Just curious.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Once in a while, black and white photos are a nice change! These columns are treasures to keep.
      It was hard to leave the home behind and travel back to our work in Asia... but we did it!
      You are right about the Dutch spelling and since 'most' Americans mutilated my name so badly when pronouncing it, changed it to Mariette which is no problem at all. Mariette by the way is the French version but very common here as well, just like the Spanish Marietta.

    2. Should have added that it came out mostly like: 'Muwrit...'

    3. Thank you for explaining, Mariette!

  12. Replies
    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      Grazie e buona domenica a te!
      Un abbraccio,

  13. Great memories and warm hearts will keep you healthy. I am glad to know you love persimmons. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Dearest RTC.,
      Yes, great memories are working better than any medicine...
      Warm hearts we both know and that has carried us through lots of valleys in life.
      We both sure do LOVE persimmons, the Japanese that is. Not the local ones here, they are too soft and don't keep as well in the fruit bowl. For looks, taste and flavor our Japanese Diospyros Kaki persimmon was by far the BEST ever.

  14. I enlarged the articles to read. I like the picture of you being carried over the threshold.
    Such wonderful memories to have and record. I have read the book Mrs. Whaley's Charleston garden. I wonder if Bo Whaley is kin to her. Loved the book by the way.

    1. Dearest Betsy,
      Thank you and yes, those are treasures in writing!
      Uncle Bo Whaley insisted that Pieter carry me over the threshold and it turned out into a good photo.
      Wish I still could ask him if Mr.s Whaley's Charleston garden was kin to him... Uncle Bo passed away in 2006 and I wish I could talk with him again, he was such a good writer and he could read people so well!

  15. Wie aufregend! Und das ist ja Euer jetziges Haus, wie es aussieht!
    Witzig, genauso viele Kisten hatten auch wir bei unserem letzten Umzug. Ich habe dafür gesorgt, dass es beim nächsten Umzug deutlich weniger werden. Immerhin waren noch die Sachen unseres Sohnes mit dabei. Aber viele Bücher habe ich schon aussortiert und fortgegeben. Es wird einfach zu viel, je älter man wird. Man faßt die Sachen doch nie im Leben mehr an, sie stehen nur herum, machen Arbeit mit der Verwaltung und Putzen.

    Es war also anfangs Weiß, Euer Haus?
    Schöne Andenken, die Zeitungsartikel.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, es ist unser jetziges Haus, nur die Farbe ist anders... Es waren nicht 110 Kisten, sondern große Schachteln mit Büchern und anderen Dingen. Wir hatten einen großen seewürdigen 40-Fuß-Container mit Möbeln und diese 110 Schachteln und einen weiteren Container mit unseren Autos. Es gab also viel zu verschlingen. Alles war hier ab Februar fast im Lager. Nach der Rückreise von Italien auf dem Landweg über den Brenner nach Rotterdam und dann nach Charlotte, NC.
      Du hast Recht das vieles nicht benutzt wird aber jeden Umzug haben wir deswegen schon viel entsorgt!
      Wenn ich es jetzt mal wieder geschafft habe um auch noch alle Videobänder digital zu machen dann habe ich wieder eine riesige Menge entsorgt!
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  16. Che bello questo ricordo... La tua nuova casa! Quanti lavori hai fatto in tutti questi anni alla tua bella casa, ora ha un'anima.
    Ti abbraccio cara amica viaggiatrice, Lorena


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MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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